티스토리 뷰


플러그인 사이트: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/luckperms.28140/
플러그인 wiki: https://luckperms.net/wiki/Home
플러그인 명령어: https://luckperms.net/wiki/Command-Usage
플러그인 펄미션 노드 권한: https://luckperms.net/wiki/Permissions

Command Usage

명령 사용법은 유효하지 않은 인수가 제공될 때마다 console/chat 인쇄됩니다. /lp 입력하기만 하면 사용자가 사용할 있는 모든 명령이 나열됩니다.

명령을 입력할 반환되는 유일한 것이 플러그인 버전인 경우 명령을 사용할 있는 권한이 없습니다. 먼저 서버 콘솔을 사용하여 LuckPerms 명령에 대한 액세스 권한을 부여해야 합니다.


플랫폼의 별칭 목록은 다음과 같습니다. 명령은 정확히 동일한 방식으로 작동하므로 원하는 것을 사용할 있습니다.

Bukkit / Sponge / Fabric / Forge / Nukkit BungeeCord Velocity
/lp /lpb /lpv
/luckperms /luckpermsbungee /luckpermsvelocity
/permissions (deprecated)    
/perms (deprecated)    
/perm (deprecated)    

Important: 명령 별칭은 BungeeCord Velocity에서 다릅니다. 이렇게 하면 명령이 실행되는 위치를 선택할 있습니다. 별칭이 동일하면 명령이 항상 프록시에 의해 처리되므로 백엔드 서버에서 LuckPerms 제어할 없습니다!

Bukkit/Spigot 사용하는 경우 기본적으로 OP 있는 모든 사용자는 LuckPerms 명령에 액세스할 있습니다. 구성에서 이를 변경할 있습니다.



Arguments Key:

  • <required> - you must specify this argument when running the command
  • [optional] - you do not need to specify this argument. a default will be used if not given.

If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes. " "

The alias used below (/lp) can be exchanged for any of the ones listed in the aliases section above.

General commands

럭펌 기능을 작동하는 사용되는 일반 명령어입니다.

유저 명령어

특정 사용자를 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령입니다.

Formed of /lp user <user> ... - where <user> is the username or uuid of the user being queried / modified.

그룹 명령어

특정 그룹을 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령어입니다.

- 여기서 <group> 쿼리/수정 중인 그룹의 이름입니다.

권한 명령어

특정 사용자 또는 그룹의 사용 권한 데이터를 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령어입니다.

/lp 사용자<사용자> 권한으로 구성됩니다. 또는 /lp group <group> 권한 ...

<group> permission ...

상위 명령어

특정 사용자 또는 그룹의 상속 속성(부모) 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령입니다.

/lp 사용자<사용자> 부모 구성됩니다. 또는 /lp 그룹 <그룹> 부모 ...

메타 명령어

특정 사용자 또는 그룹의 메타데이터를 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령입니다.

Formed of either /lp user <user> meta ... or /lp group <group> meta ...

트랙 명령어

특정 트랙을 보거나 수정하는 사용되는 명령어

Formed of /lp track <track> ... - where <track> is the name of the track being queried / modified.

Log commands

작업 로그를 보는 사용되는 명령어

General Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "



Permission: n/a
Base LuckPerms command. Will print a list of the LuckPerms commands a user has permission to use, with brief information about what each command does, and what arguments it accepts.

/lp sync

Permission: luckperms.sync
Performs a refresh of all currently loaded data. If any changes have been made to the data in the storage, this command will update the copy on the server to include those changes.

/lp info

Permission: luckperms.info
Lists some information/data about LuckPerms, including debugging output, statistics, settings, and important values from the configuration.

/lp editor [타입] [필터]

Permission: luckperms.editor

  • [type] - the types to include in the editor session. can be "all", "users", "online" or "groups"
  • [filter] - if the session includes users (e.g. type = "all", "users" or "online"), it will exclude those whose nodes don't start with the provided filter. Groups are unaffected by this filter

Opens a web interface to edit permissions data. After changes are saved, a command will be given that you need to run for the changes to take effect.

/lp verbose <on|record|off|upload> [필터]

Permission: luckperms.verbose

  • <on|record|off|upload> - whether to enable/disable logging, or to upload the logged output
  • [filter] - the filter to sort the output

Controls the LuckPerms verbose logging system. This allows you to listen for all permission checks against players on the server. Whenever a permission is checked by a plugin, the check is passed onto the verbose handler.

If your filters match the permission check, you will be notified.

on will enable the system, and will send you an alert in chat when the filter is matched. record will do the same, however you will not be notified of checks in the chat. off will simply disable the checking, and upload will upload the first results to the web viewer, and provide you with a link.

Filters match the start of permissions or the user being checked. You can use & (and) and | (or) symbols, and ! to negate a match. Parenthesis ( ) are also supported.

For 예제:

  • Luck & (essentials | worldedit) - matches any checks made against my user starting with "essentials" or "worldedit"
  • !Luck & !anticheat - matches any checks not against my user and not starting with "anticheat"
  • anticheat & !anticheat.check - matches any checks starting with "anticheat" but not starting with "anticheat.check"

More information can be found here

/lp tree [범위] [플레이어]

Permission: luckperms.tree

  • [scope] - the root of the tree (specify . to include all permissions)
  • [player] - the name of an online player to check against

Generates a tree view of permissions registered to the server. The tree is built using data exposed to the server by plugins, and expanded over time as plugins check for permissions.

All arguments are optional. The default selection is . (just a dot, which means all).

Scope allows you to only generate a part of the tree. For example, a scope of luckperms.user will only return the branch of the tree starting with "luckperms.user".

/lp search [비교] <권한>

Permission: luckperms.search

  • [comparison] - the relation between the search and the results
Comparison Meaning Function
== "Equal to" Default comparator - returns permissions equal to the <permission> searched.
!= "Not Equal to" Returns permissions not equal to the <permission> searched.
~~ "Similar to" Returns permissions 'similar' to the <permission> searched. (SQL Style)
!~ "Not Similar to Returns permissions 'not similar' to the <permission> searched. (SQL Style)
  • <permission> - the permission to search for

Searches all users/groups for a specific permission, and returns a paginated list of all found entries.

/lp networksync

Permission: luckperms.sync
Refreshes all cached data with the storage provider, and then uses the plugins Messaging Service (if configured) to "ping" all other connected servers and request that they sync too.

/lp import <file|code --upload> [--replace]

Permission: luckperms.import

  • <file> - the file to import from
  • <code> --upload - the code to web-import from
  • [--replace] - if included, will overwrite and replace the existing permissions with the import. If not, they will merge.

Imports data into LuckPerms from a file or from the web. If a file, it must be a JSON GZIP type file, exported from Luckperms v5. If from the web, the code must be generated when exporting with the --upload flag. The file is expected to be in the plugin directory. When importing a file, the extension .json.gz should be included in the name of the import file. When importing a file or web-export, the --replace flag may be added to the end of the command to overwrite and replace the existing permissions setup. If the --replace flag is not included, the existing permissions setup will be merged with the imported one.

/lp export <file|--upload>

Permission: luckperms.export

  • <file> - the file to export to
  • <--upload> - if added, will export to the web and provide a code for web-based imports.
  • [--without-users] - if added, will export only all the group data. The export will not include any user data.
  • [--without-groups] - if added, will export only all the user data. The export will not include any group data.

Exports data from LuckPerms into a file or into web-based datastorage. This file can either be used as a backup, or used to move data between LuckPerms installations. The web-based export will expire and should not be used as a backup. The file and the web-based export can be re-imported using the import command. The generated file will be in the plugin directory.

/lp reloadconfig

Permission: luckperms.reloadconfig
Reloads some values from the configuration file. Not all entries are reloaded by this command, and some require a full server reboot to take effect. (storage settings, for example)

/lp bulkupdate <data type> <action> [action field] [action value] [constraints...]

PermissionConsole Only

  • <data type> - the type of data being changed. (can be allusers or groups)
  • <action> - the action to perform on the data. (can be update or delete)
  • [action field] - the field to act upon. only required for update actions. (can be permissionserver or world)
  • [action value] - the value to replace with. only required for update actions
  • [constraints] - the constraints required for the update

Allows you to perform a bulk modification to all permission data. A detailed guide on how to use this command can be found here.

/lp translations

Permission: luckperms.translations
Shows information about loaded translations, and allows installation of community provided translation bundles.

/lp creategroup <이름> [무게] [표시이름]

Permission: luckperms.creategroup

  • <name> - the name of the group
  • [weight] - the weight of the group
  • [displayname] - the displayname of the group

Creates a new group.

/lp deletegroup <이름>

Permission: luckperms.deletegroup

  • <name> - the name of the group

Permanently deletes a group.

/lp listgroups

Permission: luckperms.listgroups
Displays a list of all current groups.

/lp createtrack <이름>

Permission: luckperms.createtrack

  • <name> - the name of the track

Creates a new track.

/lp deletetrack <이름>

Permission: luckperms.deletetrack

  • <name> - the name of the track

Permanently deletes a track.

/lp listtracks

Permission: luckperms.listtracks
Displays a list of all current tracks.

User Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp user <유저> info

Permission: luckperms.user.info
Displays information about a user, including their username, primary group, parents, and current contexts.

/lp user <유저> editor

Permission: luckperms.user.editor
Opens a web interface to edit permissions for the specified group. After changes are saved, a command will be given that you need to run for the changes to take effect.

/lp user <유저> promote <트랙> [context...] [flags...]

Permission: luckperms.user.promote

  • <track> - the track to promote along
  • [context...] - the contexts to promote in Flags:
  • [--dont-add-to-first] - the command will fail to run if the user doesn't have parent groups on said track
  • [-s] - silent, don't print the user progress on the track

This command will promote a user along a track. Firstly, the command will check to see if the user is on the track specified in the given contexts. If the user is not on the track, they will be added to the first group on the track unless a flag is used. If they are on the track in more than one place, the command will fail. In all other cases, the user will be promoted up the track, and will be removed from the existing group. If the track action affects their primary group, that will be updated too.

/lp user <유저> demote <트랙> [context...] [flags...]

Permission: luckperms.user.demote

  • <track> - the track to demote along
  • [context...] - the contexts to demote in Flags:
  • [--dont-remove-from-first] - the command will fail to run if the user is on the first position on the track
  • [-s] - silent, don't print the user progress on the track

This command will demote a user along a track. Firstly, the command will check to see if the user is on the track specified in the given contexts. If the user is not on the track, or on the track in more than one place, the command will fail. If not, the user will be demoted down the track, and will be removed from the existing group. If the track action affects their primary group, that will be updated too.

/lp user <유저> showtracks

Permission: luckperms.user.showtracks
Displays a list of all of the tracks a user is currently on.

/lp user <유저> clear [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.clear

  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Clears the user's permissions, parent groups and meta.

/lp user <유저> clone <user>

Permission: luckperms.user.clone

  • <user> - the name of the other user

Clones the users data onto another user.


Group Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp group <그룹> info

Permission: luckperms.group.info
Displays information about a group.

/lp group <그룹> editor

Permission: luckperms.group.editor
Opens a web interface to edit permissions for the specified group. After changes are saved, a command will be given that you need to run for the changes to take effect.

/lp group <그룹> listmembers [페이지]

Permission: luckperms.group.listmembers

  • [page] - the page to view

Gets a list of the other users/groups which inherit directly from this group.

/lp group <그룹> setweight <무게>

Permission: luckperms.group.setweight

  • <weight> - the weight to set

Sets the groups weight value, which determines the order in which groups will be considered when accumulating a users permissions. Higher value = higher weight.

/lp group <그룹> setdisplayname <이름>

Permission: luckperms.group.setdisplayname

  • <name> - the name to set
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the display name in

Sets the groups display name. This can effectively be used as an "alias" for the group.

/lp group <그룹> showtracks

Permission: luckperms.group.showtracks
Displays a list of all of the tracks a group is currently on.

/lp group <그룹> clear [context]

Permission: luckperms.group.clear

  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Clears the group's permissions, parent groups and meta.

/lp group <그룹> rename <새로운 이름>

Permission: luckperms.group.rename

  • <new name> - the new name for the group

Changes a group's name. Note that any members of this group will not know about the change, and will still point to the old group name. If you wish to update this, you'll need to use the bulk change feature to update the existing entries.

/lp group <그룹> clone <새로운 이름>

Permission: luckperms.group.clone

  • <new name> - the name of the clone

Makes an exact copy of the group under a different name.


Permission Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission info [페이지] [정렬 모드]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.info or luckperms.group.permission.info

  • [page] - the page number to view
  • [sorting mode] - how the results will be sorted

Displays a list of the permission nodes a user/group has.

The "sorting mode" argument allows you to specify how the list will be sorted. You can pick between 4 different options.

Sorting mode Description
priority the results will be sorted according to the platform's inheritance rules
!priority/reverse it will sort it by priority and then reverse the list
abc/alphabetically the list will be sorted alphabetically (A - Z)
!abc/!alphabetically will sort the list alphabetically and then reverse it (Z - A)

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission set <노드> [true|false] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.set or luckperms.group.permission.set

  • <node> - the permission node to set
  • [true|false] - the value to set the permission to (defaults to true)
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the permission in

Sets (or gives) a permission for a user/group with "true", granting the permission. Providing a value of "false" will negate the permission. Not adding any context will set the permission in context "global".

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission unset <노드> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.unset or luckperms.group.permission.unset

  • <node> - the permission node to unset
  • [context...] - the contexts to unset the permission in

Unsets (or removes) a permission for a user/group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission settemp <노드> <true|false> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.settemp or luckperms.group.permission.settemp

  • <node> - the permission node to set
  • <true|false> - the value to set the permission to
  • <duration> - the duration until the permission will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the permission in

Sets a permission temporarily for a user/group. Providing a value of "false" will negate the permission. Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "1mo3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 1 month, 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time, while "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission unsettemp <노드> [기간] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.unsettemp or luckperms.group.permission.unsettemp

  • <node> - the permission node to unset
  • [duration] - the duration to subtract from the temporary permission, can be omitted to remove entirely
  • [context...] - the contexts to unset the permission in

Unsets a temporary permission for a user/group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission check <노드>

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.check or luckperms.group.permission.check

  • <node> - the permission node to check

사용자/그룹에 특정 권한이 있는지 확인하여 확인 결과에 영향을 요인에 대한 유용한 정보를 제공합니다.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> permission clear [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.permission.clear or luckperms.group.permission.clear

  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Removes all permissions from the user or group.


Parent Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent info [페이지] [정렬 모드]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.info or luckperms.group.parent.info

  • [page] - the page number to view
  • [sorting mode] - how the results will be sorted

Displays a list of a user/group's parent groups. (groups they inherit from)

The "sorting mode" argument allows you to specify how the list will be sorted. You can pick between 4 different options.

Sorting mode Description
priority The list will be sorted according to the platform's inheritance rules
!priority/reverse The list will be sorted by priority and then reversed
abc/alphabetically The list will be sorted alphabetically (A - Z)
!abc/!alphabetically The list will be sorted alphabetically and then reversed (Z - A)

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent set <그룹> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.set or luckperms.group.parent.set

  • <group> - the group to set
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the group in

Sets a user/group's parent. Unlike the "parent add" command, this command will clear all existing groups set at the given context. The add command will simply "add" the group to the existing ones a user/group has. If the command is executed with no context arguments, this command will also update a user's primary group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent add <그룹> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.add or luckperms.group.parent.add

  • <group> - the group to add
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the group in

Adds a parent to a user/group. Unlike the "parent set" command, this command will just accumulate the given parent with the ones the user/group already has. No existing parents will be removed from the user, and a user's primary group will be unaffected.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent remove <그룹> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.remove or luckperms.group.parent.remove

  • <group> - the group to remove
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the group in

Removes a parent from the user/group.
If the removed group was the users primary group, will they be set back to default as primary.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent settrack <트랙> <인덱스|그룹> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.settrack or luckperms.group.parent.settrack

  • <track> - the track to set on
  • <index|group> - the group to set to, or an index number relating to the position of the group on the given track
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the group in

Sets a users/groups position on a given track. This behaves in the same way as the set command, except it only clears existing groups which are on the specified track. Other parent groups are not affected.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent addtemp <그룹> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.addtemp or luckperms.group.parent.addtemp

  • <group> - the group to add
  • <duration> - the duration until the group will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the group in

Adds a parent to a user/group temporarily. Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "1mo3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 1 month, 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time, while "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent removetemp <그룹> [기간] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.removetemp or luckperms.group.parent.removetemp

  • <group> - the group to remove
  • [duration] - the duration to subtract from the temporary group membership, can be omitted to remove entirely
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the group in

Removes a temporary parent from the user/group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent clear [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.clear or luckperms.group.parent.clear

  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Removes all parents the user or group has.
This will add them back to the 
default group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> parent cleartrack <트랙> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.cleartrack or luckperms.group.parent.cleartrack

  • <track> - the track to remove on
  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Removes all parents from the user/group on a given track.

/lp user <유저> parent switchprimarygroup <그룹>

Permission: luckperms.user.parent.switchprimarygroup

  • <group> - the group to switch to

This command is only available for users - as groups do not have "primary" groups.

This command allows you to change a user's primary group. If they are not already a member of the specified group, they will be added to it. This should not be used as a replacement to the "parent set" command. Their existing primary group will not be removed as a parent. (a user can have multiple parent groups)

If primary-group-calculation is set to something other than "stored" in the LuckPerms config, you should use the parent add or parent set commands instead of this.


Meta Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta info

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.info or luckperms.group.meta.info
Displays a list of a user/group's inherited meta (options), prefixes and suffixes.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta set <key> <> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.set or luckperms.group.meta.set

  • <key> - the key to set
  • <value> - the value to set the key to
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the meta in

Sets a meta key value pair for a user/group. These values can be read and modified by other plugins using Vault or the Sponge Permissions API.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta unset <key> <> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.unset or luckperms.group.meta.unset

  • <key> - the key to unset
  • [context...] - the contexts to unset the meta in

Unsets a meta key value pair for a user/group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta settemp <key> <> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.settemp or luckperms.group.meta.settemp

  • <key> - the key to set
  • <value> - the value to set the key to
  • <duration> - the duration until the meta will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the meta in

Sets a temporary meta key value pair for a user/group. Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time. "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.
LuckPerms uses a format for the relative time similar to the 
SimpleDateFormat used in java. I.e. 1M would be one month while 1m would be one minute.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta unsettemp <key> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.unsettemp or luckperms.group.meta.unsettemp

  • <key> - the key to unset
  • [context...] - the contexts to unset the meta in

Unsets a temporary meta key value pair for a user/group.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta addprefix <우선순위> <접두사> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.addprefix or luckperms.group.meta.addprefix

  • <priority> - the priority to add the prefix at
  • <prefix> - the actual prefix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the prefix in

Adds a prefix to a user/group. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta addsuffix <우선순위> <접미사> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.addsuffix or luckperms.group.meta.addsuffix

  • <priority> - the priority to add the suffix at
  • <suffix> - the actual suffix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the suffix in

Adds a suffix to a user/group. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta setprefix [우선순위] <접두사> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.setprefix or luckperms.group.meta.setprefix

  • [priority] - the priority to set the prefix at
  • <prefix> - the actual prefix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the prefix in

Sets a prefix for a user/group. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces. This is different from the addprefix command in that existing prefixes set in the same context are removed when the new prefix is added. Another difference is that the priority argument is optional in the setprefix command - LuckPerms will determine an appropriate value for the priority when the command is ran.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta setsuffix [우선순위] <접미사> [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.setsuffix or luckperms.group.meta.setsuffix

  • [priority] - the priority to set the suffix at
  • <suffix> - the actual suffix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the suffix in

Sets a suffix for a user/group. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces. This is different from the addsuffix command in that existing suffixes set in the same context are removed when the new suffix is added. Another difference is that the priority argument is optional in the setsuffix command - LuckPerms will determine an appropriate value for the priority when the command is ran.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta removeprefix <우선순위> [접두사] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.removeprefix or luckperms.group.meta.removeprefix

  • <priority> - the priority to remove the prefix at
  • [prefix] - the actual prefix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the prefix in

Removes a prefix from a user/group. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta removesuffix <우선순위> [접미사] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.removesuffix or luckperms.group.meta.removesuffix

  • <priority> - the priority to remove the suffix at
  • [suffix] - the actual suffix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the suffix in

Removes a suffix from a user/group. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta addtempprefix <우선순위> <접두사> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.addtempprefix or luckperms.group.meta.addtempprefix

  • <priority> - the priority to add the prefix at
  • <prefix> - the actual prefix string
  • <duration> - the duration until the prefix will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the prefix in

Adds a prefix to a user/group temporarily. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces. Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time. "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.
LuckPerms uses a format for the relative time similar to the 
SimpleDateFormat used in java. I.e. 1M would be one month while 1m would be one minute.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta addtempsuffix <우선순위> <접미사> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.addtempsuffix or luckperms.group.meta.addtempsuffix

  • <priority> - the priority to add the suffix at
  • <suffix> - the actual suffix string
  • <duration> - the duration until the suffix will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to add the suffix in

Adds a suffix to a user/group temporarily. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces. Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time. "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.
LuckPerms uses a format for the relative time similar to the 
SimpleDateFormat used in java. I.e. 1M would be one month while 1m would be one minute.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta settempprefix [우선순위] <접두사> <기간> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.settempprefix or luckperms.group.meta.settempprefix

  • [priority] - the priority to set the prefix at
  • <prefix> - the actual prefix string
  • <duration> - the duration until the prefix will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the prefix in

Sets a prefix to a user/group temporarily. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces. This is different from the addtempprefix command in that existing prefixes set in the same context are removed when the new prefix is added. Another difference is that the priority argument is optional in the settempprefix command - LuckPerms will dertermine an appropriate value for the priority when the command is ran.

Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time. "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.
LuckPerms uses a format for the relative time similar to the 
SimpleDateFormat used in java. I.e. 1M would be one month while 1m would be one minute.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <유저|그룹> meta settempsuffix [우선순위] <접미사> <우선순위> [temporary modifier] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.settempsuffix or luckperms.group.meta.settempsuffix

  • [priority] - the priority to set the suffix at
  • <suffix> - the actual suffix string
  • <duration> - the duration until the suffix will expire
  • [temporary modifier] - how the temporary permission should be applied
  • [context...] - the contexts to set the suffix in

Sets a suffix to a user/group temporarily. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces. This is different from the addtempsuffix command in that existing suffixes set in the same context are removed when the new suffix is added. Another difference is that the priority argument is optional in the settempsuffix command - LuckPerms will dertermine an appropriate value for the priority when the command is ran.

Duration should either be a time period, or a unix timestamp when the permission will expire. e.g. "3d13h45m" will set the permission to expire in 3 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes time. "1482694200" will set the permission to expire at 7:30PM on 25th December 2016.
LuckPerms uses a format for the relative time similar to the 
SimpleDateFormat used in java. I.e. 1M would be one month while 1m would be one minute.

The "temporary modifier" argument allows you to specify how the permission should be accumulated. You can pick between 3 different options.

Modifier key Description
accumulate the duration of any existing nodes will just be added to the new duration
replace the longest duration will be kept, any others nodes will be forgotten
deny the command will just fail if you try to add a duplicate temporary node

/lp user/group <user|group> meta removetempprefix <priority> [prefix] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.removetempprefix or luckperms.group.meta.removetempprefix

  • <priority> - the priority to remove the prefix at
  • [prefix] - the actual prefix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the prefix in

Removes a tempoary prefix from a user/group. You can wrap the prefix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <user|group> meta removetempsuffix <priority> [suffix] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.removetempsuffix or luckperms.group.meta.removetempsuffix

  • <priority> - the priority to remove the suffix at
  • [suffix] - the actual suffix string
  • [context...] - the contexts to remove the suffix in

Removes a temporary suffix from a user/group. You can wrap the suffix in " " quotes to escape spaces.

/lp user/group <user|group> meta clear [type] [context...]

Permission: luckperms.user.meta.clear or luckperms.group.meta.clear

  • [type] - the type of meta you would like to clear
Type Meaning
any/all/* Default type - clears all meta
chat/chatmeta Clears all prefixes and suffixes
meta Clears non-chat meta (No prefixes/suffixes)
prefix/prefixes Clears prefixes
suffix/suffixes Clears suffixes
  • [context...] - the contexts to filter by

Removes all meta/prefixes/suffixes.


Track Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp track <track> info

Permission: luckperms.track.info
Displays the groups in the track.

/lp track <track> editor

Permission: luckperms.track.editor
Opens a web interface to edit permissions for the specified track. After changes are saved, a command will be given that you need to run for the changes to take effect.

/lp track <track> append <group>

Permission: luckperms.track.append

  • <group> - the group to add

Adds a group onto the end of the track.

/lp track <track> insert <group> <position>

Permission: luckperms.track.insert

  • <group> - the group to insert
  • <position> - the position to insert the group at

Inserts a group into a specific position within this track. A position of 1 would place it at the start of the track.

/lp track <track> remove <group>

Permission: luckperms.track.remove

  • <group> - the group to remove

Removes a group from the track.

/lp track <track> clear

Permission: luckperms.track.clear
Removes all groups from the track.

/lp track <track> rename <new name>

Permission: luckperms.track.rename

  • <new name> - the new name for the track

Changes a track's name.

/lp track <track> clone <new name>

Permission: luckperms.track.clone

  • <new name> - the name of the clone

Makes an exact copy of the track under a different name.


Log Commands

This is a sub-page of the main Command Usage page. Click here to go back.

Key things to remember from the main page:

  • You use /lpb instead of /lp when running the plugin on BungeeCord
  • You use /lpv instead of /lp when running the plugin on Velocity
  • Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g. <required>
  • Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g. [optional]
  • If you want to include spaces in arguments, you must escape the argument with quotes - e.g. " "


/lp log recent [user] [page]

Permission: luckperms.log.recent

  • [user] - the name/uuid of the user to filter by
  • [page] - the page number to view

Shows a list of recent actions.

/lp log search <query> [page]

Permission: luckperms.log.search

  • <query> - the query to search for
  • [page] - the page number to view

Searches for log entries matching the given query.

/lp log notify [on|off]

Permission: luckperms.log.notify

  • [on|off] - whether to enable or disable

Toggles log notifications for the sender executing the command.

/lp log userhistory <user> [page]

Permission: luckperms.log.userhistory

  • <user> - the user to search for
  • [page] - the page number to view

Searches for log entries acting upon the given user.

/lp log grouphistory <group> [page]

Permission: luckperms.log.grouphistory

  • <group> - the group to search for
  • [page] - the page number to view

Searches for log entries acting upon the given group.

/lp log trackhistory <track> [page]

Permission: luckperms.log.trackhistory

  • <track> - the track to search for
  • [page] - the page number to view

Searches for log entries acting upon the given track.



LuckPerms has its own permissions for each command and various other features of the plugin. The permissions are listed under each command in the Command Usage section, however, it may be useful to see the permissions together in a list of their own. You will find the list below.

Note: This list does not include any permissions that are available when argument-based-command-permissions is active. If you need to know any of these permissions, it is best to use Verbose mode.


Permission node Description
luckperms.sync /lp sync command and /lp networksync command
luckperms.info /lp info command
luckperms.editor /lp editor command
luckperms.applyedits /lp applyedits command
luckperms.verbose /lp verbose command
luckperms.verbose.commandother /lp verbose command <name> <command> command
luckperms.tree /lp tree command
luckperms.search /lp search command
luckperms.import /lp import command
luckperms.export /lp export command
luckperms.reloadconfig /lp reloadconfig command
luckperms.translations /lp translations command
luckperms.creategroup /lp creategroup command
luckperms.deletegroup /lp deletegroup command
luckperms.listgroups /lp listgroups command
luckperms.createtrack /lp createtrack command
luckperms.deletetrack /lp deletetrack command
luckperms.listtracks /lp listtracks command
luckperms.user.info /lp user <user> info command
luckperms.user.editor /lp user <user> editor command
luckperms.user.promote /lp user <user> promote command
luckperms.user.demote /lp user <user> demote command
luckperms.user.showtracks /lp user <user> showtracks command
luckperms.user.clear /lp user <user> clear command
luckperms.user.clone /lp user <user> clone command
luckperms.user.permission.info /lp user <user> permission info command
luckperms.user.permission.set /lp user <user> permission set command
luckperms.user.permission.unset /lp user <user> permission unset command
luckperms.user.permission.settemp /lp user <user> permission settemp command
luckperms.user.permission.unsettemp /lp user <user> permission unsettemp command
luckperms.user.permission.check /lp user <user> permission check command
luckperms.user.permission.clear /lp user <user> permission clear command
luckperms.user.parent.info /lp user <user> parent info command
luckperms.user.parent.set /lp user <user> parent set command
luckperms.user.parent.add /lp user <user> parent add command
luckperms.user.parent.remove /lp user <user> parent remove command
luckperms.user.parent.settrack /lp user <user> parent settrack command
luckperms.user.parent.addtemp /lp user <user> parent addtemp command
luckperms.user.parent.removetemp /lp user <user> parent removetemp command
luckperms.user.parent.clear /lp user <user> parent clear command
luckperms.user.parent.cleartrack /lp user <user> parent cleartrack command
luckperms.user.parent.switchprimarygroup /lp user <user> parent switchprimarygroup command
luckperms.user.meta.info /lp user <user> meta info command
luckperms.user.meta.set /lp user <user> meta set command
luckperms.user.meta.unset /lp user <user> meta unset command
luckperms.user.meta.settemp /lp user <user> meta settemp command
luckperms.user.meta.unsettemp /lp user <user> meta unsettemp command
luckperms.user.meta.addprefix /lp user <user> meta addprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.addsuffix /lp user <user> meta addsuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.setprefix /lp user <user> meta setprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.setsuffix /lp user <user> meta setsuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.removeprefix /lp user <user> meta removeprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.removesuffix /lp user <user> meta removesuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.addtempprefix /lp user <user> meta addtempprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.addtempsuffix /lp user <user> meta addtempsuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.settempprefix /lp user <user> meta settempprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.settempsuffix /lp user <user> meta settempsuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.removetempprefix /lp user <user> meta removetempprefix command
luckperms.user.meta.removetempsuffix /lp user <user> meta removetempsuffix command
luckperms.user.meta.clear /lp user <user> meta clear command
luckperms.group.info /lp group <group> info command
luckperms.group.editor /lp group <group> editor command
luckperms.group.listmembers /lp group <group> listmembers command
luckperms.group.setweight /lp group <group> setweight command
luckperms.group.setdisplayname /lp group <group> setdisplayname command
luckperms.group.showtracks /lp group <group> showtracks command
luckperms.group.clear /lp group <group> clear command
luckperms.group.rename /lp group <group> rename command
luckperms.group.clone /lp group <group> clone command
luckperms.group.permission.info /lp group <group> permission info command
luckperms.group.permission.set /lp group <group> permission set command
luckperms.group.permission.unset /lp group <group> permission unset command
luckperms.group.permission.settemp /lp group <group> permission settemp command
luckperms.group.permission.unsettemp /lp group <group> permission unsettemp command
luckperms.group.permission.check /lp group <group> permission check command
luckperms.group.permission.clear /lp group <group> permission clear command
luckperms.group.parent.info /lp group <group> parent info command
luckperms.group.parent.set /lp group <group> parent set command
luckperms.group.parent.add /lp group <group> parent add command
luckperms.group.parent.remove /lp group <group> parent remove command
luckperms.group.parent.settrack /lp group <group> parent settrack command
luckperms.group.parent.addtemp /lp group <group> parent addtemp command
luckperms.group.parent.removetemp /lp group <group> parent removetemp command
luckperms.group.parent.clear /lp group <group> parent clear command
luckperms.group.parent.cleartrack /lp group <group> parent cleartrack command
luckperms.group.meta.info /lp group <group> meta info command
luckperms.group.meta.set /lp group <group> meta set command
luckperms.group.meta.unset /lp group <group> meta unset command
luckperms.group.meta.settemp /lp group <group> meta settemp command
luckperms.group.meta.unsettemp /lp group <group> meta unsettempcommand
luckperms.group.meta.addprefix /lp group <group> meta addprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.addsuffix /lp group <group> meta addsuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.setprefix /lp group <group> meta setprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.setsuffix /lp group <group> meta setsuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.removeprefix /lp group <group> meta removeprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.removesuffix /lp group <group> meta removesuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.addtempprefix /lp group <group> meta addtempprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.addtempsuffix /lp group <group> meta addtempsuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.settempprefix /lp group <group> meta settempprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.settempsuffix /lp group <group> meta settempsuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.removetempprefix /lp group <group> meta removetempprefix command
luckperms.group.meta.removetempsuffix /lp group <group> meta removetempsuffix command
luckperms.group.meta.clear /lp group <group> meta clear command
luckperms.track.info /lp track <track> info command
luckperms.track.editor /lp track <track> editor command
luckperms.track.append /lp track <track> append command
luckperms.track.insert /lp track <track> insert command
luckperms.track.remove /lp track <track> remove command
luckperms.track.clear /lp track <track> clear command
luckperms.track.rename /lp track <track> rename command
luckperms.track.clone /lp track <track> clone command
luckperms.log.recent /lp log recent command
luckperms.log.search /lp log search command
luckperms.log.notify /lp log notify command
luckperms.log.userhistory /lp log userhistory command
luckperms.log.grouphistory /lp log grouphistory command
luckperms.log.trackhistory /lp log trackhistory command


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