티스토리 뷰



일반 링크


명령 목록:(Command List:)

/ms help [명령]

  • 설명: 명령 도움말 또는 기존 명령 리스트를 표시합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.help
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: 모든 사람

/ms reload [플레이어]

  • 설명: MagicSpells 다시 로드합니다. player 지정되면 주문서를 다시 로드합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.reload magicspells.command.reload.spellbookmagicspells.command.reload
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms reloadeffectlib

  • 설명: MagicSpells 내부의 음영 처리된 버전인 EffectLib 다시 로드합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.reload.effectlib
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms resetcd [플레이어/] [맞춤법/]

  • 설명: 주문 또는 모든 주문에 대한 모든 플레이어 또는 플레이어의 재사용 대기시간을 재설정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.resetcd
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/MS mana show

  • 설명: 마나를 표시합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.show
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP
  • 별칭: /mana

/ms mana reset [플레이어]

  • 설명: 자신이나 다른 플레이어의 마나를 재설정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.reset
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms mana setmax [플레이어]

  • 설명: 자신 또는 다른 플레이어의 최대 마나를 설정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.setmax
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms mana add [플레이어]

  • 설명: 자신이나 다른 플레이어에게 마나를 추가합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.add
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms mana set [플레이어]

  • 설명: 자신이나 다른 플레이어의 마나를 값으로 설정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.set
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms mana updaterank [플레이어]

  • 설명: 자신이나 다른 플레이어의 마나 등급을 업데이트합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.mana.updaterank
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms variable show [플레이어]

  • 설명: 변수의 값을 표시합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.variable.show
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms variable modify

  • 설명: 변수의 값을 수정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.variable.modify
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms resetcd [플레이어/] [주문/]

  • 설명: 주문 또는 모든 주문에 대한 모든 플레이어 또는 플레이어의 재사용 대기시간을 재설정합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.resetcd
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms magicitem [금액] [플레이어]

  • 설명: 사용자에게 마법 아이템을 제공합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.magicitem
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms util download

  • 설명: 지정된 URL에서 파일을 다운로드하고 지정된 이름으로 저장합니다. (주문 파일 접두사는 자동으로 추가되지 않습니다.)
  • 권한: magicspells.command.util.download
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms util update

  • 설명: 기존 파일을 덮어쓸 있다는 점을 제외하면 다운로드 명령과 동일하게 동작합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.util.update
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms util saveskin [플레이어]

  • 설명: 플레이어의 현재 스킨 데이터를 읽을 있는 파일에 저장합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.util.saveskin
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms profilereport

  • 설명: 프로필 보고서를 파일에 저장합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.profilereport
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms debug

  • 설명: MagicSpells 디버그 모드를 전환합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.debug
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms magicxp

  • 설명: MagicXP 표시합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.magicxp
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP
  • 별칭: /magicxp

/ms cast self [-p:[power]] [spellArgs]

  • 설명: 주문을 시전합니다. (선택적으로 power 정의할 있습니다: -p:1.0)
  • 권한: magicspells.command.cast.self
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: 모든 사람
  • 별칭: //cast & /c

/ms <player/UUID>(-p:[power]) [spellArgs] 캐스팅됩니다.

  • 설명: 플레이어가 강제로 주문을 시전하도록 합니다. (선택적으로 power 정의할 있습니다: -p:1.0)
  • 허가: magicspells.command.cast.as
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms cast <플레이어/UUID>

  • 설명: 개체에 주문을 시전합니다.
  • 권한: magicspells.command.cast.on
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP

/ms cast at [월드] [피치] []

  • 설명: 특정 위치에 주문을 시전합니다.
  • 허가: magicspells.command.cast.at
  • 기본적으로 부여 대상: OP


power 매개변수에 대한 액세스는 magicspells.command.cast.power 권한을 사용하여 전환할 수 있습니다.

권한(펄미션 노드)

권한 노드

참고: 명령 권한은 페이지에 설명되어 있습니다.!

플레이어가 주문을 배우고 시전할 있는 기능은 아래 나열된 사용 가능한 권한 노드를 사용하여 완전히 구성할 있습니다. Bukkit 내장 시스템을 지원하는 모든 권한 관리 플러그인을 사용할 있습니다.

기본적으로 일반 사용자는 처음 로그인할 도움말 목록 이외의 주문을 알지 못하지만 시전 가능한 주문을 시전하는 방법을 배울 있습니다서버 운영자 [op] 이미 모든 주문을 알고 있으며 /c teach <player> '<spell>' 을 사용하여 다른 플레이어에게 주문을 가르칠 수 있습니다 서버에서 이를 변경하려는 경우 이러한 권한 노드를 사용할 있습니다.


  • spellname이라고 표시되면 구성 파일의 spell 섹션 헤더 이름인 spell 내부 이름을 입력해야 합니다name 구성 옵션과 함께 제공하는 재정의된 이름을 사용하지 말고spell-class 옵션의 아무 것도 사용하지 말고spellname 그대로 두지 마십시오또는 permission-name 옵션을 사용하여 주문에 대한 권한 이름을 변경할 있습니다.
  • 플러그인의 많은 권한은 기본적으로 true 설정되어 있습니다(이전에 사용한 적이 없는 사람들을 위해 플러그인을 쉽게 설정할 있도록). 권한을 완전히 제어하려면 general.yml 파일에서 default-all-perms-false 옵션을 true 설정하여 모든 권한을 기본값을 false 설정할 있습니다.


magicspells.noreagents - 플레이어가 시약을 사용하거나 사용하지 않고 시전할 있습니다(기본 op-only).

magicspells.nocooldown - 플레이어는 주문 재사용 대기시간의 영향을 받지 않습니다(기본 작전 전용).

magicspells.notarget - 플레이어는 어떤 주문의 표적이 없습니다 (기본값: false)

magicspells.silent - 플레이어가 주문을 시전할 시전 메시지(str-cast-self, str-cast-others ) 방송하지 않습니다(기본값 false).




magicspells.learn.spellname 노드를 가진 플레이어는 지정된 주문(티치 스펠, 주문서, 서적 ) 배울 있습니다 권한이 없으면 주문을 배울 없습니다 권한은 그들에게 주문을 주는 것이 아니라 단지 그것을 배우도록 허용합니다기본값은 모든 플레이어에 대해 true입니다magicspells.learn.* 노드는 모든 주문을 배울 있는 권한을 부여합니다magicspells.learn.blink




사용자에게 magicspells.grant.spellname 권한을 부여하여 주문을 배울 필요가 없도록 자동으로 부여할  있습니다  권한을 가진 플레이어는 로그인하는 순간 영구적으로 주문을 배우게 됩니다플레이어가 로그인한 상태에서 권한 노드를 얻으면 자동으로 주문을 부여하지 않습니다 권한 노드를 제거해도 주문이 취소되지 않습니다이렇게 하면 학습 권한이 무효화됩니다(해당 주문에 대한 학습 권한이 없더라도 주문을 제공합니다). 기본값은 모든 플레이어에 대해 false입니다magicspells.grant.* 노드는 모든 주문을 부여합니다magicspells.grant.blink

임시 보조금:



권한 노드는 부여 노드와 거의 동일 하지만 플레이어의 주문 책을 다시 로드하거나 주문을 제거하는 등의 작업을 수행할 필요가 없습니다플레이어가 허가를 받는 주문을 받게 됩니다권한이 제거되면 주문이 없습니다.




플레이어가 주문을 시전하려면 magicspells.cast.spellname 권한이 있어야 합니다 권한은 그들에게 주문을 주는 것이 아니라 단지 주문을 시전할 있도록 허용합니다(이미 가지고 있는 경우). 대부분의 서버에서는 권한 노드를 수정할 필요가 없습니다특정 세계의 특정 주문에 대한 액세스를 거부하려는 경우에 사용할 있습니다기본값은 모든 플레이어에 대해 true입니다magicspells.cast.* 노드는 모든 주문을 시전할 있는 권한을 부여합니다magicspells.cast.blink




플레이어가 다른 플레이어에게 주문을 가르쳐야 하는 경우 magicspells.teach.spellname 권한이 필요합니다이것은 또한 주문서와 (선택적으로) 두루마리를 만드는 영향을 미칩니다플레이어가 권한을 가지고 있더라도 스스로 가르치는 주문을 배우지 않으면 주문을 가르칠 없다는 점을 명심하십시오기본값은 모든 플레이어에 대해 true입니다magicspells.teach.* 노드는 모든 주문을 가르칠 있는 권한을 부여합니다magicspells.teach.blink

마나 랭크:

마나 등급은 magicspells.rank 권한을 사용하여 할당할 있습니다.( 순위)



magicspells.advanced.list - 목록 주문을 사용하여 해당 플레이어의 알려진 주문 목록을 있습니다('/cast list <player>')

magicspells.advanced.forget - 잊어버리기 주문을 사용하여 플레이어가 주문을 잊어버리도록 강제할 있습니다('/cast forget <player>')

magicspells.advanced.scroll - 스크롤 주문을 사용하여 기본 스크롤을 만들 있습니다('/cast scroll -base <spell> [uses]')

magicspells.advanced.imbue - 일정 시간 동안 두루마리에 주문을 주입(바인딩) 있습니다('/cast imbue <spell> [uses]')


Spell List


일반 주문(General Spells)



A spell that fires when a player shoots a bow or crossbow. Options exist for casting a spell on shooting, hitting an entity or hitting a block.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
bindable Whether the bow spell can be bound to an item. false
bow-name When defined, only bows with names that match this value exactly can trigger the bow spell. -
bow-names When defined, only bows with names contained in this list can trigger the bow spell. -
bow-items When defined, only bows that match one of the listed magic items can trigger the spell. The option takes a list of strings, with the strings being magic items. -
can-trigger List of valid entity types that can trigger the bow spell. Can be either a string list or a string with the items separated by a comma. Valid types: self or casterplayer or playersinvisible or invisiblesnonplayer or nonplayersmonster or monstersanimal or animalsentity type. players
cancel-shot-on-fail When true, if the bow spell fails to cast, the bow's arrow shot is cancelled. true
cancel-shot Cancels the bow's arrow shot if the bow spell successfully casts. true
deny-offhand If true, the bow spell will not be cast if the arrow is being shot from a bow in the offhand. false
disallowed-bow-names When defined, any bows with names contained in this list cannot trigger the bow spell. -
disallowed-bow-items When defined, only bows that do not match one of the list magic items can trigger the spell. This option takes precedence over the option bow-items. -
ammo-items When defined, only ammo (items used to fire a projectile) that match one of the listed magic items can trigger the spell. The option takes a list of strings, with the strings being magic items. -
disallowed-ammo-items When defined, only ammo (items used to fire a projectile) that do not match one of the list magic items can trigger the spell. This option takes precedence over the option ammo-items. -
maximum-force Maximum force (how far the bow is pulled back) for the bow spell to trigger. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 1.0
minimum-force Minimum force (how far the bow is pulled back) for the bow spell to trigger. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 0.0
remove-arrow Removes the arrow associated with a bow spell after casting spells from hitting the ground or an entity. false
require-bind Requires bow spell to be bound to be cast. false
spell-on-hit-entity Sub-spell cast when the arrow associated with the bow spell hits an entity. -
spell-on-hit-entity-location Sub-spell cast when the arrow associated with the bow spell hits an entity, firing at the location the arrow hits the entity. For example, if the arrow hits the head of a zombie, the spell provided will be cast at the zombie's head. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. -
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell cast when the arrow associated with the bow spell hits a block. -
spell Sub-spell casted when the bow is initially shot. -
use-bow-force Uses the bow's force when shot as the power for the spells being cast. 0.0 force translates to 0.0 power; 1.0 force translates to 1.0 power. Spells by default have 1.0 power. true


    spell-class: ".BowSpell"
    name: "FrostShot"
    bindable: true
    cancel-shot: false
    require-bind: true
    remove-arrow: true
    cancel-shot-on-fail: false
    spell-on-hit-entity: frost-shot-slow(mode=full)
            position: projectile
            effect: effectlibentity
                class: ParticleEffect
                particle: snowball
                particle_count: 2
                iterations: 50
                period: 2
    spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    type: slowness
    strength: 5
    duration: 100
    targeted: true
    str-cast-self: "Your shot has frozen your enemy!"
    spell-class: ".BowSpell"
        - "Bow Of Volley"
        - "Bow Of Volley2"
    cooldown: 1
    cancel-shot: false
    use-bow-force: true
    cancel-shot-on-fail: false
    str-modifier-failed: "Modifiers failed!"
    minimum-force: 0.5
    spell: EFF_ARROW
    spell-on-hit-ground: ARROW_GROUND
    spell-on-hit-entity: ARROW_ENTITY
        - sneaking required
        - entitytype pig required
        - inblock grass_block required
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
            position: caster
            effect: effectlib
                class: SphereEffect
                particle: REDSTONE
                particleSize: 0.8
                color: ffff00
                iterations: 20
                period: 3
                radius: 1.25
                particles: 40
                visibleRange: 60
    spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
            position: target
            effect: effectlibentity
                class: SphereEffect
                particle: REDSTONE
                particleSize: 0.8
                color: 00ff00
                iterations: 20
                period: 3
                radius: 1.25
                particles: 40
                visibleRange: 60
    spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
            position: target
            effect: effectlib
                class: SphereEffect
                particle: REDSTONE
                particleSize: 0.8
                color: 00ffff
                iterations: 20
                period: 3
                radius: 1.25
                particles: 40
                visibleRange: 60

버프 스펠 구성
Buff Spell

Buff Spell Configuration:

Most buff spells have special events which define when Uses are incremented. Some buffs, like DummySpell, don't. Below, ...-use-... options refer to these Uses. You can use Uses, for example, to make the buff last forever (duration: 0), but end after it depletes its uses.

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
can-cast-with-item Defines if this spell is castable with items. Boolean true
can-cast-by-command Defines if this spell is castable with the /cast (spell) command. Boolean true
targeted Defines if this spell should become a targeted spell (it will accept Targeted Spell Configuration options). For versions below MS 4.0 this option will not be able to target entities other than players. Boolean false
toggle Defines whether the spell can be deactivated while it's still active. It will only apply cooldown when its duration fades. Boolean true
use-cost A string list of reagent costs (check general spell configuration for costs) required for the buff to remain active. The cost will be charged only when the buff spell's Uses is incremented. String List null
use-cost-interval Interval defines after how many Uses the spell can charge use-cost. Integer 0
num-uses Number of Uses before the buff spell expires. Integer 0
duration Buff spell duration specified in seconds before the buff expires. Set to 0 do define an infinite duration. Float 0
power-affects-duration Defines whether Spell Power can affect the duration of the spell. Boolean true
cancel-on-give-damage Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster deals damage to another entity. Boolean false
cancel-on-take-damage Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster receives damage. Boolean false
cancel-on-death Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster dies. Boolean false
cancel-on-teleport Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the server emits a teleport event for the caster. Boolean false
cancel-on-change-world Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster switches worlds. Boolean false
cancel-on-spell-cast Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster casts a spell. Boolean false
cancel-on-logout Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster leaves the game. Boolean false
spell-on-end Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell reaches the end of its duration. String null
spell-on-use-increment Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell Uses have been incremented (depends on the buff spell type). This spell will be casted once even if num-uses is set to 0. String null
spell-on-cost Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell tries to charge cost. String null

더미 스펠


  • These spells have no exclusive configuration options but can be used in a variety of ways because of that.
  • For example, using the instant_dummy spell to change variables.

Variable Example:

    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        - variable +1
  • This is handy because it changes the variable and has no other effects on the player or its surroundings, a nifty way to optimise your spell!

Type Examples:

    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    spell-class: ".buff.DummySpell"
    duration: 20
    toggle: false
    spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"

외부 명령 주문
External Command Spell

Spell executes the specified commands. Can be specified to execute as the caster, targeted player, or as the console. Supports up to 10 custom parameters that can be used in commands.

Source Code

Spell Options

Option Description Default value
command-to-block List of commands to be blocked. Leave out the first forward slash. The command is blocked if it starts with a listed item.  
command-to-execute List of commands to be executed. Leave out the first forward slash. Supports parameters specified here.  
temporary-permissions A list of temporary permission nodes to grant for casting specific commands they won't have permissions to execute. Using temporary-op is easier though.  
command-delay The amount of delay in server ticks to execute the commands in command-to-execute-later. 0
temporary-op Self-explanatory. It's almost instant so you don't have to worry about players using commands they are not supposed to while they are opped. false
block-chat-output Set to true to block chat output of specified commands. If you don't have ProtocolLib it will send str-blocked-output instead even if it's empty. Note: This is broken in 1.19 and will be fixed in the Beta 13 release. false
str-blocked-output A custom message. The option above describes when this message will be sent. Due to a limitation, it has to be sent even if it's an empty line. ""
require-player-target Self-explanatory. false
do-variable-replacement Lets you use %var and %playervar parameters in commands. false
execute-as-target-instead Executes specified commands as the targeted player if require-player-target is set to true. false
command-to-execute-later Works just like command-to-execute but the commands are executed after the delay specified in the command-delay option. For some reason, the %var and %playervar parameters don't work with this option.  
execute-on-console-instead Self explanatory. false
use-target-variables-instead If do-variable-replacement and require-player-target is set to true, it will parse targeted player's variable values for the %var parameter. false
str-cant-use-command String that gets sent when the player doesn't have permissions to execute specified commands. &4You don't have permission to do that.


The commands can use these parameters to fill in certain values inside them. The parameters are ordered in the order they are replaced.

Parameter Description
%arg:(indwx):(defaultValue)% This refers to string arguments passed in the cast command /c (spell) (...args).
%var:(varName):[optionalPrecision]% optionalPrecision refers to decimal precision, and it is optional. Rounda number with 0 precision.
%1%2, ..., %(argsLength - 1) This refers to string arguments passed in the cast command /c (spell) (...args)argsLength refers to number of arguments passed.
%a Username of the caster.
%t If require-player-target is true, it fills out the targeted player's username.


    spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
    execute-on-console-instead: true
    command-to-execute: ["say %a casted an External Command spell!"]
    spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
    temporary-op: true
    command-to-execute: [version MagicSpells]
    command-delay: 20
    command-to-execute-later: [version Effectlib]
    # Set max health to a value with:
    # /c maxhp (number)
    spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
    temporary-op: true
    command-to-execute: ["ms variable modify meta_max_health %a =%1"]
    spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
    incantations: ["/home bed"]
    temporary-op: true
    do-variable-replacement: true
    command-to-execute: ["minecraft:teleport %a %var:meta_bed_location_x:0% %var:meta_bed_location_y:0% %var:meta_bed_location_z:0%"]
    str-cast-self: "Teleported to bed location. If nothing happened, your bed location is not set and you should see an error in console."

인스턴트 스펠
Instant Spell

Instant Spell Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
can-cast-with-item Defines if this spell is castable with items. Boolean true
can-cast-by-command Defines if this spell is castable with the /cast (spell) command. Boolean true

위치 주문


The Location Spell casts another spell at a configured location. Rather than use the caster's position or where they are looking, this spell will always cast at the configured location and cannot be redirected.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
location The location at which the spell will cast, written as worldname,x,y,z,yaw,pitch. world,0,0,0
spell The sub-spell to cast at the configured location.  


  spell-class: ".LocationSpell"
  location: world,0,0,0
  spell: blink

메뉴 스펠
Menu Spell

A spell that opens a GUI with options.


Option Description Default Value
title The title of the menu. Supports variable replacement. "Window Title + (internalName)"
delay Delay the open event by server ticks. You should set this to at least 1 when chaining menu spells. 0
require-entity-target If set to true targets entities to cast the spell on. false
require-location-target If set to true targets locations to cast the spell at. false
target-opens-menu-instead If set to true opens the GUI for the targeted entity if require-entity-target is true. false
bypass-normal-cast If set to false it will check for Reagents/Modifiers/Messages/Cooldowns. true
filler An item to fill slots without items. Uses the Cast Item format. null
stay-open-non-option If set to true, when empty slots or fillers are clicked, the menu will stay open. false
min-rows If set to true, a menu with pre-set size will be created and filled. If false, the menu rows will automatically expand depending on if an item is located inside it or not. false
options It's a section with multiple menu option sections. The key can be named whatever.  

Option configuration:

Option Description
slot The slot to put this item in. If two items have the same slot, the latest will override the previous item. Option modifiers can be used to control this and have a specific item appear based on condition.
slots A list of slots to put the item in. The behaviour is the same as above. If both slot and slots are defined, slot will be ignored.
item Magic item to display. Can be in string format using the Cast Item format or a configuration section using the Magic Item format. Custom name and lore support variable replacement.
items List of magic items, using the Cast Item format, to pick one random item from. If this is defined, it will ignore item.
quantity Quantity of the specified item. This can be a variable name.
modifiers Option modifiers which determine whether the item is displayed in the slot.
spell Sub-spell casted if item is left clicked.
spell-right Sub-spell casted if item is right clicked.
spell-middle Sub-spell casted if item is middle mouse clicked.
spell-sneak-left Sub-spell casted if item is left clicked while sneaking.
spell-sneak-right Sub-spell casted if item is right clicked while sneaking.
power The spell power of the clicked spell.
stay-open Defaults to false. Determines whether the menu should stay open when an item is clicked. Menu is reopened (refreshed) if the item clicked casted a spell which was casted successfully. If it didn't cast successfully, it doesn't close the menu.


    spell-class: ".MenuSpell"
    cooldown: 2
    bypass-normal-cast: false
    options: # You can have more than one defined option
        option1: # The name of the option can be anything
            slot: 0 # The first slot starts from 0 to 53
            item: stone
            quantity: 64
            stay-open: false
            slot: 1
            item: stone
            quantity: 32
            stay-open: true # Leave the menu open if you select this
CoordsMenu: # A simple example yet great way to use variable replacement in a MenuSpell
    spell-class: ".MenuSpell"
    cast-item: compass
    title: "&4This GUI shows your coordinates!"
            slot: 1
            item: # In this case the item option is a configuration section
              type: compass
              name: "&7&lCoordinates"
                - "&9You are now at..."
                - "&cX: &4%var:meta_location_x:0% &cY: &4%var:meta_location_y:0% &cZ: &4%var:meta_location_z:0%"
            stay-open: true
            slot: 7
              type: bed
              name: "&b&lBed Coordinates"
                - "&9You are now at..."
                - "&cX: &4%var:meta_bed_location_x:0% &cY: &4%var:meta_bed_location_y:0% &cZ: &4%var:meta_bed_location_z:0%"
            stay-open: true

멀티 스펠

MultiSpells can be used to combine spells to form new spells, to cast more than one spell at once, or to randomly cast one of several spells.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
cast-random-spell-instead Whether to cast a random spell from the list instead of casting all the spells. false
enable-custom-spell-cast-chance Whether to use custom spell weighting indicated next to a spell (ex: Fireball:2) instead of weighting each spell equally in the random selection. false
enable-individual-chances If this is true, each spell will be handled individually, meaning its random chance will be calculated separately, and it will be possible for each spell to be cast. If this is false, the spells will be handled together, so only one of the spells will be cast. false
spells A list of sub-spells the MultiSpell should cast. By default, spells will all be cast at the same time, but you can use the special “DELAY #” fake spell to add a delay between spell casts (see below). empty


You can add a delay between spells by using the special “DELAY #” fake spell, where # is a number of server ticks to delay (1 second = 20 ticks). Please keep in mind that this simply delays the cast of the spells and does not maintain any state from when the multispell was cast. If the player moves or turns, a delayed spell will target whatever they are looking at when it actually fires, not what they were looking at when they first cast the spell.


Example 1:


    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
        - froghop_leap1
        - DELAY 12 #(wait 0.6 seconds)
        - froghop_leap2
        - DELAY 16 #(wait 0.8 seconds)
        - froghop_leap3
    spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell"
    forward-velocity: 2
    upward-velocity: 2
    spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell"
    forward-velocity: 4
    upward-velocity: 4
    spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell"
    forward-velocity: 6
    upward-velocity: 6

Example 2:

With cast-random-spell-instead:

    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    cast-random-spell-instead: true
        - coinflip_heads(mode=hard)
        - coinflip_tails(mode=hard)
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The coin came up heads!"
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The coin came up tails!"

Example 3:

With enable-custom-spell-cast-chance:

    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    cast-random-spell-instead: true
    enable-custom-spell-cast-chance: true
        - rigged_coinflip_heads(mode=hard):1
        - rigged_coinflip_tails(mode=hard):10
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The coin came up heads!"
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The coin came up tails!"

Example 4:

With enable-individual-chances:

    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    cast-random-spell-instead: true
    enable-individual-chances: true
    str-cast-self: "----------"
        - flower1(mode=hard):75 #(75% chance to be cast, regardless of the other two spells)
        - flower2(mode=hard):50 #(50% chance to be cast, regardless of the other two spells)
        - flower3(mode=hard):25 #(25% chance to be cast, regardless of the other two spells)
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The rose bloomed!"
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The violet bloomed!"
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    str-cast-self: "The morning glory bloomed!"

오프핸드 쿨다운 주문

Offhand Cooldown Spell

Source Code


Displays the cooldown of the configured spell on the item stack in the player's offhand slot.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
item The item placed in the slot and used to display the cooldown. stone
spell The spell to display the cooldown of.  


  spell-class: ".OffhandCooldownSpell"
  item: stone
  spell: prayer

지속 마법
Passive Spell

Source Code


Passive spells are different from the rest of the spells in a way that they cannot be casted by the cast command, by cast items (clicking) or as subspells (by another spell like the Multi spell). Instead, Passive spells are considered as main spells and they are only cast successfully when the listener listed in triggers happens. Only then will the Passive spell process its subspells listed in spells.

Based on the trigger specified the subspells casted are able to target entities that have caused them. For instance, a takedamage trigger fires whenever the caster is attacked. Attaching a pain spell with this trigger will hurt the attacker.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
chance The likelihood that the passive spell will cast its subspells. 100
delay The amount of time in ticks the passive spell will wait before casting spells. -1
can-trigger List of valid entity types that can trigger the passive spell. It can be either a string list or a string with the items separated by a comma. Valid types: self or casterplayer or playersinvisible or invisiblesnonplayer or nonplayersmonster or monstersanimal or animalsentity type. players
ignore-cancelled Even if the trigger was cancelled, for instance through other plugins, the passive spell's sub-spells will still be cast when enabled. true
cast-without-target Permits the passive spell to cast targeted spells even when a target isn't available. false
send-failure-messages If the casting failed, a message along with a reason will be sent to the caster. false
cancel-default-action Cancel the event that activated this passive spell. For example, cancelling a takedamage trigger would negate the damage. false
require-cancelled-event If enabled the trigger must be cancelled for the passive spell to cast its subspells. false
cancel-default-action-when-cast-fails Cancels the event even if the passive spell failed. false
triggers A list of triggers that the passive spell will attach itself to. Empty
spells A list of sub-spells to cast. Empty


TriggerVar references the string after the listener is separated by a space. Some listeners have extra data which can be configured there (e.g. ticks 1).

    - ListenerName TriggerVar
    # No trigger var:
    - startsneak
    # With:
    - ticks 1
Listener Name Description Cancellable
anvil Fires whenever a player puts an item in a slot of an anvil and attempts to repair it. TriggerVar format: (first) (second) (result) where arguments can be any or a magic item. True
blockbreak Fires whenever a player breaks a block. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of block materials. True
blockplace Fires whenever a player places a block. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of block materials. True
buff Ensures the buff spells specified in spells are always active. False
craft Fires whenever a player crafts an item. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
death Fires whenever an entity dies. False
dismount Fires whenever the caster dismounts from an entity. True
dropitem Fires whenever a player drops an item. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
enchant Fires whenever a player enchants an item. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
entitytarget Fires when an entity targets another entity. Has the format entitytarget <targetReasons>, where <targetReasons> is a pipe separated list of target reasons. True
enterbed Fires whenever a player enters a bed. True
equip/unequip Fires whenever a player equips or unequips are their own armor. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of armor-based magic items. False
fataldamage Fires whenever an entity is dealt fatal damage. True
fish Fires whenever a player is fishing. TriggerVar can be a comma separated list of fishing states or entity types. True
foodlevelchange Fires whenever a player's food level changes. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
gamemodechange Fires whenever a player's game mode changes. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of game modes. True
givedamage Fires whenever an entity deals damage to another entity. TriggerVar can be a pipe separated list of magic items and damage causes. True
grindstone Fires whenever a player puts an item in a grindstone slot. TriggerVar format: (upper) (lower) (result) where arguments can be any or a magic item. True
hitarrow Fires whenever an entity hits an arrow shot on another entity. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
hotbardeselect Fires whenever a player deselects an item on their hotbar. TriggerVar can be a pipe separated list of magic items). True
hotbarselect Fires whenever a player selects an item on their hotbar. TriggerVar can be a pipe separated list of magic items). True
inventoryaction Fires whenever a player opens or closes an inventory (excluding opening the player inventory). TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of OPEN or CLOSE. Only the opening action can be cancelled. True
inventoryclick Fires whenever a player performs an inventory action. TriggerVar has the format of <inventory action> <magic item> <magic item><inventory action> can either be null (all inventory actions) or an action as listed here. The first magic item filters the item in the clicked inventory slot (if any), and the second filters the item on the player's cursor (if any). Use null in either case to match any item. True
inventoryclose Fires whenever a player closes an inventory. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of valid inventory names. False
inventoryopen Fires whenever a player opens an inventory (excluding the player's inventory). TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of valid inventory names. True
join Fires whenever a player logs in to the server. False
jump Fires whenever an entity jumps. Cancelling the jump causes the entity to be teleported back to the location it jumped from. Teleport is not visible to players, but if the event is triggered by a player, it will be visible to the jumping player. True
kill Fires whenever a player kills an entity. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of entity types that can activate this passive trigger (should instead the use option can-trigger). True
leavebed Fires whenever a player leaves a bed. True
leftclickblockcoord Fires whenever a player left-clicks a block at a specified location. TriggerVar accepts a semicolon-separated list of locations to listen to, with the format worldname,x,y,z. True
leftclickblocktype Fires whenever a player left-clicks a block. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of block materials. True
leftclickitem Fires whenever a player left clicks. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
magicspellsloaded Fires whenever the plugin finishes loading. False
manachange Fires whenever a player's mana changes. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of mana change reasons True
missarrow Fires whenever an entity misses an arrow shot. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. False
mount Fires whenever the caster mounts an entity. True
offhandswap Fires whenever a player swaps their items between their main hand and offhand. True
pickupitem Fires whenever a player picks up an item. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
playeranimate Fires whenever a player's arm animates due to performing an action. TriggerVar can a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
playermove Fires whenever a player moves. TriggerVar can be a tolerance value that dictates how big a movement has to be in order to activate the passive trigger. True
playermovetoblock Fires whenever a player moves from one block location to another. True
potioneffect Fires whenever the state of an entity's potion effect status changes. TriggerVar is of the format (type) (action) (cause). Each option is a comma separated list. type is a list of potion effect typesaction is a list of actions that caused the change in status of the potion effect and cause is the cause of why the potion effect status changed. Each option can be replaced with a wildcard (*), which matches all types/actions/causes. True
prepareenchant Fires whenever a player puts an item in an enchantment table slot. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
quit Fires whenever a player logs off the server. False
regainhealth Fires whenever an entity regenerates health. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of health regain reasons True
resourcepack Fires whenever a player's resource pack status changes. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of resource pack statuses False
respawn Fires whenever a player respawns. False
rightclickblockcoord Fires whenever a player right-clicks a block at a specified location. TriggerVar accepts a semi-colon-separated list of locations to listen to, with the format worldname,x,y,z. True
rightclickblocktype Fires whenever a player right-clicks a block. TriggerVar can be a comma separated list of block materials to listen to. True
rightclickentity Fires whenever a player right-clicks an entity. TriggerVar can be a comma separated list of entity types to listen to. True
rightclickitem Fires whenever a player right-clicks. TriggerVar can be a pipe-separated list of magic items. True
sheepshear Fires whenever a player shears a sheep. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of dye colors. True
shoot Fires whenever an entity shoots a bow. True
signbook Fires whenever a player edits a book. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of pages. If specified, the trigger will only activate if the book being edited contains a page specified in the TriggerVar. True
smith Fires whenever a player puts an item in a smithing table slot. TriggerVar format: (first) (second) (result) where arguments can be any or a magic item. True
spellcast Fires whenever an entity has started casting a spell. TriggerVar follows the string-based Spell Filter.  
spellcasted Fires whenever an entity has finished casting a spell. TriggerVar follows the string-based Spell Filter.  
spellselect Fires whenever a player has selected a spell on a cast item or bound item. TriggerVar follows the string-based Spell Filter.  
spelltarget Fires whenever an entity has targeted another entity with a spell. TriggerVar follows the string-based Spell Filter.  
spelltargeted Fires whenever an entity has been targeted by another entity with a spell. TriggerVar follows the string-based Spell Filter.  
startfly Fires whenever a player starts flying. True
startglide Fires whenever an entity starts gliding. True
startsneak Fires whenever a player starts sneaking. True
startsprint Fires whenever a player starts sprinting. True
startswim Fires whenever an entity starts swimming. True
stopfly Fires whenever a player stops flying. True
stopglide Fires whenever an entity stops gliding. True
stopsneak Fires whenever a player stops sneaking. True
stopsprint Fires whenever a player stops sprinting. True
stopswim Fires whenever an entity stops swimming. True
takedamage Fires whenever an entity takes damage from another entity. TriggerVar can be a pipe separated list of magic items and damage causes. True
teleport Fires whenever a player teleports. TriggerVar can be a comma separated list of teleport causes. True
ticks Fires on a tick interval defined in TriggerVar. False
worldchange Fires whenever a player teleports to another world. TriggerVar can be a comma-separated list of world names. True

Event Priority:

An event priority can be appended to your TriggerVar. This will let your server know in which order of priority to handle all event listeners (not just PassiveSpells, but events from other sources too). E.g. dismount_highestpriority

Priority Description
highpriority Event call is of high importance.
highestpriority Event call is critical and must have the final say in what happens to the event.
lowpriority Event call is of low importance.
lowestpriority Event call is of very low importance and should be run first, to allow other plugins to customise the outcome further.
monitorpriority Event is listened to purely for monitoring the outcome of an event.
normalpriority Event call is neither important nor unimportant, and maybe run normally.


    spell-class: ".PassiveSpell"
        - ticks 20
        - darkcloak_invis
        - lightlevelbelow 7 required

허가 철자


Source Code


Temporarily grants the caster the configured permission node.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
duration The duration, in ticks, the player will receive the permission for. 0
permission-nodes A list of permission nodes to grant to the caster.  


  spell-class: ".PermissionSpell"
  duration: 100
    - magicspells.grant.*

플레이어 메뉴 스펠

Source Code


This spell opens a menu with player heads of the currently online players. Spells can be casted targeting selected players. Most options are "optional", as in they aren't required. For instance you can specifically use the function of the spell to store the clicked player's name in a variable. You can limit who shows up in the menu using special modifiers or range.

Configuration Options:

Options Description Default Value
title Supports color codes, variable replacement, and replaces %a with caster's username.  
delay Delay in server ticks. 1
radius When set to 0, shows all online players, otherwise all in radius. 0
stay-open When a player is selected in the menu, this defines if the menu should close. false
skull-name Supports color codes, variable replacement, replaces %a with caster's name, and %t with target's name.  
skull-lore String list. Supports the above.  
skull-name-radius Skull name displayed if the player is outside of the radius if radius is used.  
skull-name-offline Supports the above, except %t replacement.  
spell-offline Spell casted if selected player is offline.  
spell-range Sub-spell casted if selected player is out of range.  
spell-on-left Sub-spell casted when skull is left clicked. If they are targeted spells, they will target the selected player. Otherwise, they'll be casted normally.  
spell-on-right Same as above, but for right click.  
spell-on-middle Same as above, but for middle click.  
spell-on-sneak-left Same as above, but for sneak left click.  
spell-on-sneak-right Same as above, but for sneak right click.  
player-modifiers If these modifiers don't pass, the player won't be shown in the menu.  
variable-target Stores the selected player's username in this variable.  


    spell-class: ".PlayerMenuSpell"
    always-granted: true
    title: "L - Smite | R - Teleport"
    # Menu opens for target. We need the caster to open it here.
    target-self: true
    # If false, closes the menu on click.
    stay-open: true
    spell-on-left: lightning
    # Click spells don't have to be specified. If they aren't, that click won't do anything.
    spell-on-right: teleport
    # Conditions are checked against the target. If empty or not specified, they aren't checked.
    player-modifiers: [sneaking deny]
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    damage: 5
          position: target
          effect: lightning
    spell-class: ".targeted.ShadowstepSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    distance: 0
    str-no-landing-spot: "Cannot teleport to that player."
    username: {type: playerstring}
    spell-class: ".PlayerMenuSpell"
    always-granted: true
    target-self: true
    title: "&9Select to teleport"
    add-opener: true
    # ExternalCommandSpell extends Targeted, and we don't want it to be treated so.
    cast-spells-on-target: false
    spell-on-left: teleport
    # The value of the string variable can be used in further spells.
    variable-target: username
    spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    do-variable-replacement: true
    command-to-execute: ["minecraft:tp %a %var:username%"]

랜덤 스펠

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Casts a random spell from the specified options.

Source Code


Option Description Default value
pseudo-random When enabled, the same option won't be picked in sequence. true
spells List of sub-spells to be picked. Must include probability weight (int) greater than 0 separated by a space.  
check-individual-cooldowns   true
check-individual-modifiers   true


Realistic dice with options that can be picked in sequence.

    spell-class: ".RandomSpell"
    pseudo-random: false
      - say1 1
      - say2 1
      - say3 1
      - say4 1
      - say5 1
      - say6 1

Example with pseudo randomness.

    spell-class: ".RandomSpell"
    pseudo-random: true
      - say1 1
      - say2 1
      - say3 1

Despite weight being 10 on one option, this spell will switch between the two options due to pseudo-random being enabled.

    spell-class: ".RandomSpell"
    pseudo-random: true
      - say1 1
      - say2 10

표적 주문 구성
Targeted Spell

Targeted Spell Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
always-activate Defines if the spell's reagents will be charged and the cooldown activated even if the spell fails to find a valid target. Boolean false
play-fizzle-sound Defines if the spell should play the fire extinguish sound if the spell fails to find a valid target. Boolean false
target-self Forces the targeting handler to target the caster instead. Boolean false
spell-on-fail Sub-spell to cast if the spell fails to cast (e.g. if it fails to find a target). String null
str-cast-target String to send to the target if the target is a player. String null
str-no-target String to send to the caster if the target handler failed to find a valid target. String null

표적 멀티 스펠

Source Code

This is a special type of Multi Spell that only works with targeted spells. It works with any spell that can target an entity or the ground. The difference with this spell is that it maintains the initial target, even if the caster moves or looks around, unlike the normal Multi Spell.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
require-entity-target Whether this spell requires the caster to target an entity. false
point-blank Whether the spell should be centered on the player, or if it should be targeted. If this is true, the spell is centered at the casting player. If it's false, it will be centered at the targeted block. false
y-offset Modifies the height of the targeted location 0
cast-random-spell-instead Casts a random spell from the list instead of casting all the spells. false
stop-on-fail If this is true, the spell will stop executing spells if one of them fails. true
spells A list of sub-spells to cast, in order. You can also use the special “DELAY #” fake spell to add a delay between spell casts (see below). empty


You can add a delay between spells by using the special “DELAY #” fake spell, where # is a number of server ticks to delay (1 second = 20 ticks). Please keep in mind that this simply delays the cast of the spells and does not maintain any state when the targeted multispell was cast. If the player moves or turns, the delayed spell will target whatever they are looking at when it fires, not what they were looking at when they first cast the spell.


    spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"
    name: smite
    cooldown: 10
        - mana 5
    str-cost: 5 mana
    stop-on-fail: false
    require-entity-target: false
        - lightning
        - DELAY 10
        - lightning
        - DELAY 10
        - lightning

명령 주문(Command Spells)

아이템 Serialize Spell
Item Serialize Spell


Spell serialises the handheld item into an ItemStack object and saves it in YAML format as a magic item in ./plugins/MagicSpells/items/ (MagicSpells does not load these items, you have to move them to a spell file or general.yml just like any other Magic Item).

Magic Items do support ItemStack objects in this format:

            # ItemStack
        # This is the serializer key
        type: external::spigot


Option Description Variable Type Default Value
serializer-key Best leave this on the default value if you don't know what ti is. String "external::spigot"
indentation This is the indentation the ItemStack YAML object will be generated with. Integer 4


    spell-class: ".command.ItemSerializeSpell"
    always-granted: true
    incantations: ["/serialise","/serialize"]
    indentation: 2
    str-cast-self: "Item serialised."

Extra Links:

즉석 주문(Instant Spells)


Source Code

Instant spell: A ranged mechanic which shoots in a line that travels instantly to its end destination.

General Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
relative-offset Modifies the start location of the beam by the defined vector. 0,0.5,0
target-relative-offset Modifies the entity target location of the beam by the defined vector. 0,0.5,0
hit-radius Radius around the beam that will be collided with. 2
max-distance Max distance it will travel before removal. 30
vertical-hit-radius Radius of the vertical collision. 2
y-offset Starting position of the beam according to caster's location. (Overrides relative-offset) 0
gravity How fast the beam falls, roughly in blocks per traveled distance. 0
interval How often it will play the spell's listed effects in ticks. 1
rotation Rotation of the beam over time and distance to the degree given. 0
beam-vert-offset Starting position vertically. 0
beam-horiz-offset Starting position horizontally. 0
beam-spread Effectively the opposite of accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. 0
beam-vertical-spread Effectively the opposite of vertical accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. (overrides beam-spread) 0
beam-horizontal-spread Effectively the opposite of horizontal accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. (overrides beam-spread) 0
change-pitch Whether to change start location's pitch. true
stop-on-hit-entity Should the beam stop itself when it hits an entity? false
stop-on-hit-ground Should the beam stop itself when it hits ground? false

Spell Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
spell Sub-spell cast on hit. ""
spell-on-end Sub-spell cast on beam's end position. ""
spell-on-travel Sub-spell cast on each block along the beam's length ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell cast when the beam hits ground. ""
spell-on-entity-location Sub-spell to cast when beam hits a target, firing at the location the beam hits the entity. For example, if the beam hits the head of a zombie, the spell provided will be casted at the zombie's head. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. ""


    spell-class: ".instant.BeamSpell"
    name: "&cFire &6Beam&e"
    spell: Fire_Beam_Burn
    y-offset: 0
    max-distance: 15
    interval: 0.5
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0EA2D
            horiz-spread: 0.25
            vert-spread: 0.25           
            count: 20 
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0B52D
            horiz-spread: 0.5
            vert-spread: 0.5
            count: 20 
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0452D
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 20 
            position: caster
            effect: sound
            sound: item.firecharge.use
            volume: 5
            pitch: 1.5
    spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
    fire-ticks: 100
    fire-tick-damage: 1
    prevent-immunity: true
    target-players: true
    check-plugins: true
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: SMOKE_LARGE
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 0.25
            vert-spread: 0.25          
            count: 20 
            speed: 0.1
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: FLAME
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 0.1
            vert-spread: 0.1          
            count: 20 
            speed: 0.1

블록 주문

Source Code

Instant spell: A ranged mechanic which shoots in a line that travels instantly to its end destination, using a block effect.


Option Description Default Value
block-type Type of the block used in the spell stone
relative-offset Modifies the start location of the beam by the defined vector. 0,0.5,0
target-relative-offset Modifies the entity target location of the beam by the defined vector. 0,0.5,0
remove-delay Delay before removing the blocks 40
health Health of each block 2000
hit-radius Radius around the beam that will be collided with. 2
max-distance Max distance it will travel before removal. 30
vertical-hit-radius Radius of the vertical collision. 2
gravity How fast the beam falls, roughly in blocks per travelled distance. 0
y-offset Starting position of the beam according to caster's location. (Overrides relative-offset) 0
interval How often it will play the spell's listed effects in ticks. 1
rotation Rotation of the beam over time and distance to the degree given. 0
rotation-x Rotation of the beam around its x-axis 0
rotation-y Rotation of the beam around its y-axis 0
rotation-z Rotation of the beam around its z-axis 0
beam-vert-offset Starting position vertically. 0
beam-horiz-offset Starting position horizontally. 0
small Whether the blocks should be smaller. false
use-hp-fix Whether to use the hp fix. false
change-pitch Whether to change start location's pitch. true
stop-on-hit-entity Should the beam stop itself when it hits an entity? false
stop-on-hit-ground Should the beam stop itself when it hits the ground? false
spell Sub-spell cast on hit. ""
spell-on-end Sub-spell cast on beam's end position. ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell cast when the beam hits the ground. ""


    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    name: "&2Tree &aBeam"
        - Branch_Beam_1
        - Branch_Beam_2
        - Branch_Beam_3
        - Branch_Beam_4
        - Branch_Beam_5
            position: caster
            effect: sound
            sound: block.grass.break
            volume: 5
            pitch: 0.5
Branch_Beam_1: &Branches
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    spell: Branch_Damage
    spell-on-hit-ground: Tree_Ground_Effect
    block-type: oak_wood
    change-pitch: false 
    stop-on-hit-ground: false 
    stop-on-hit-entity: false 
    health: 100
    use-hp-fix: false 
    target-relative-offset: 0,0,0
    beam-vert-offset: 0
    beam-horiz-offset: 0
    hit-radius: 1
    vertical-hit-radius: 2
    max-distance: 3
    remove-delay: 20
    rotation-x: 0
    rotation-y: 0
    rotation-z: 0
    interval: 0.5
    small: false
    rotation: 15
    gravity: -0.1
    relative-offset: 0,0.5,0
    <<: *Branches
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    rotation: -15
    gravity: -0.1
    beam-horiz-offset: 45
    relative-offset: 2.5,2,-0.5
    <<: *Branches
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    spell-on-end: Leaves_Beam_MULTI
    rotation: -15
    gravity: -0.1
    beam-horiz-offset: 45
    relative-offset: 4.5, 3.5, -2
    <<: *Branches
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    spell-on-end: Leaves_Beam_MULTI
    small: true
    rotation: -15
    gravity: -0.1
    beam-horiz-offset: 90
    relative-offset: 2, 3.5, -5
    <<: *Branches
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    spell-on-end: Leaves_Beam_MULTI
    small: true
    rotation: 15
    gravity: -0.1
    beam-horiz-offset: -90
    relative-offset: -2.5, 4.5, 7
    spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    stop-on-fail: false
    require-entity-target: false
        - Leaves_Beam_1
        - Leaves_Beam_2
        - Leaves_Beam_3
        - Leaves_Beam_4
        - Leaves_Beam_5
        - Leaves_Beam_6
        - Leaves_Beam_7
Leaves_Beam_1: &Leaves 
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    spell: Leaf_Damage
    block-type: oak_leaves
    change-pitch: false
    stop-on-hit-ground: false
    stop-on-hit-entity: false
    health: 100
    use-hp-fix: true 
    target-relative-offset: 0,0,0
    beam-vert-offset: 0
    hit-radius: 1
    vertical-hit-radius: 2
    gravity: 0
    beam-horiz-offset: -90
    interval: 0.5
    remove-delay: 20
    rotation-x: 0
    rotation-y: 0
    rotation-z: 0
    small: false
    max-distance: 6
    rotation: 30
    relative-offset: 0,0.5,0
    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 30
    max-distance: 6
    relative-offset: 0,1,0
    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 30
    max-distance: 6
    relative-offset: 0,0,0

    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 45
    max-distance: 4
    relative-offset: 0,1.4,0.3
    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 45
    max-distance: 4
    relative-offset: 0,-0.4,0.3
    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 90
    max-distance: 2
    relative-offset: 0,1.8,0.5
    <<: *Leaves
    spell-class: ".instant.BlockBeamSpell"
    small: true
    rotation: 90
    max-distance: 2
    relative-offset: 0,-0.8,0.5
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    damage: 4
    check-plugins: true
    ignore-armor: false
    can-target: players,nonplayers
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: BLOCK_CRACK
            material: OAK_WOOD
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 10
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    damage: 2
    check-plugins: true
    ignore-armor: false
    can-target: players,nonplayers
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: BLOCK_CRACK
            material: OAK_LEAVES
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 20
    spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
    helper-spell: true
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: EXPLOSION_NORMAL
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 10
            speed: 0.25

마크 스펠의 캐스트


Source Code

Instant spell. Casts a spell at your mark.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
mark-spell The internal name of the mark spell. ""
spell The internal name of the spell you want to cast at the mark. ""
str-no-mark The message to send when the player doesn't have a mark set. You do not have a mark specified


  spell-class: ".instant.CastAtMarkSpell"
  mark-spell: mark
  spell: explode
  str-no-mark: "You do not have a mark specified"

혼란 주문


Source Code

Instant spell. Causes nearby monsters to attack each other.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
radius The radius of the spell. 10


  spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell"
  description: Cause nearby monsters to attack each other.
  cast-item: stick
  cooldown: 20
  radius: 10
      - mana 30
  str-cost: 30 mana
  str-cast-self: You cause nearby monsters to become confused and attack each other.

주문 불러일으키기


Description: Spell conjures a book formatted by the configuration.

  • Note: Books conjured via the ConjureBookSpell can now make use of the MiniMessage format in regards to their title , author , and pages. Documentation about the MiniMessage format can be found here!

Source Code


Option Description Default Value
pickup-delay If add-to-inventory is set to false, this will determine the pickup delay in server ticks. 0
gravity Defines whether the dropped item should float. true
open-instead Whether the book should be opened when the spell is casted. If this option is set to true , the book will not be added to the caster's inventory or dropped. false
add-to-inventory Defines if the book should be dropped or spawned in the next free slot. true
title Title of the book. "Book"
author Author of the book. "Steve"
pages String list. Supports color codes. null
lore Item lore. Supports color codes. null


    spell-class: ".instant.ConjureBookSpell"
    add-to-inventory: false
    pickup-delay: 100
    title: "Book of Magic"
    author: "nisovin"
    pages: ["&9Looks like...","&9You were fooled &4{{disp}}&9."]
        position: special
        effect: particlecloud
        particle-name: endRod
        radius: 2
        radius-per-tick: 0.01
        duration: 100
        y-offset: 0.2

불꽃놀이 주문 불러일으키기


Description: Spell conjures a firework formatted by the configuration.

Source Code


Option Description Default Value
count Amount of fireworks. 1
flight Flight duration. 2
pickup-delay If add-to-inventory is set to false, this will determine the pickup delay in server ticks. 0
gravity Defines whether the dropped item should float. true
add-to-inventory Defines if the firework should be dropped or spawned in the next free slot. true
firework-name Name of the firework. ""
firework-effects Effects applied to the firework. null


    spell-class: ".instant.ConjureFireworkSpell"
    count: 10
    flight: 2
    gravity: true
    add-to-inventory: false
    pickup-delay: 200
    firework-name: "&2&lFireworks"
        - largeball FF0000,00FF00

마법을 불러일으키다

Qualified Name: com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.instant.ConjureSpell

Parent: InstantSpell

Source Code

Functionality: Spawns items in different ways.


Option Description Default Value
delay The delay between casting the spell and the item(s) being conjured. -1
pickup-delay If add-to-inventory is set to false, this will determine the pickup delay in server ticks. 0
required-slot Forces a conjured item to appear in this slot if "add-to-inventory" is set to true. Works even if other items are in the slot. -1
preferred-slot Forces a conjured item to appear in this slot, if "add-to-inventory" is set to true, and no other items are in the slot. -1
expiration Item expiration. 0
random-velocity If "add-to-inventory" is false and this is greater than 0, the item(s) will spawn with this velocity in a random direction. 0
offhand Whether or not the item should appear in the offhand slot if "add-to-inventory" is set to true. false
auto-equip Whether to attempt to automatically equip armor. This will not replace armor if the player is already wearing something. false
stack-existing If true, conjured item(s) will be placed into existing stacks of the item. true
gravity If "add-to-inventory" is false and this is set to false, the item(s) will be unaffected by gravity. true
add-to-inventory If this is true, conjured items will be added directly to the caster's inventory. If this is false, they will be dropped at the caster's feet. false
add-to-ender-chest Whether or not to add the conjured item(s) to the caster's ender chest. false
ignore-max-stack-size Whether the spell should ignore max stack size for the conjured item. false
power-affects-chance Whether the spell power affects the chance that items will drop. true
drop-if-inventory-full If add-to-inventory is true but the inventory is full, the item will be dropped at the player's feet if this is true. Otherwise, the item will not be conjured. true
power-affects-quantity Whether the spell power affects the number of items dropped. false
force-update-inventory Whether the spell should force an inventory update. true
calculate-drops-individually If this is true, each drop will be handled individually, meaning its random chance will be calculated separately, and it will be possible for everything to drop. If this is false, the drops will be handled together and it will assume that all of the changes add up to 100%, so only one of the items will drop. true
items A list of item(s) that will be spawned. (See below for formatting information) null

Item Formatting:

Each item in the list follows this format:

itemtype quantitymin[-quantitymax] [chance%]

You can also conjure scrolls and tomes using this format:



A few examples:

331 5-7 = Five to seven redstone dust will drop

265 1-2 10% = There is a 10% chance for 1-2 iron bars to drop

351:4 1 10% = There is a 10% chance for 1 lapis to drop

SCROLL:scroll:blink:5 = A scroll with five charges of blink will drop

TOME:tome:leap:1 = A tome that teaches the leap spell will drop


    spell-class: ".instant.ConjureSpell"
    name: conjure
    spell-icon: redstone
    description: Conjure some potion reagents.
    cast-item: book
    cooldown: 600
    power-affects-quantity: false
    power-affects-chance: true
    calculate-drops-individually: true
    auto-equip: false
        - redstone 1-2 25%
        - glistering_melon_slice 1 25%
        - magma_cream 1-2 25%
        - spider_eye 1-2 25%
    add-to-inventory: false
    str-cost: free
    str-cast-self: You have conjured some potion reagents!

주문 제작

Craft Spell

Source Code

Instant spell. Opens a workbench without the need of having one.


  spell-class: ".instant.CraftSpell"
  cooldown: 20
  cast-item: stick

다우스 스펠


Source Code

Instant spell. Finds blocks or entities in a certain radius

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
block-type The block type to find. Overrides entity-type. ""
entity-type The entity type to find ""
str-not-found The message that is displayed when the block is not found. No dowsing target found.
radius The search radius. Affected by Spell Power 4
set-compass Whether to set the compass target to the found block/entity. true
rotate-player Whether to rotate the player to face the found block/entity. true


    spell-class: ".instant.DowseSpell"
    name: dowse
    description: Dowse for iron ore.
    cast-item: book
    cooldown: 60
    block-type: iron_ore
    entity-type: ""
    radius: 4
    rotate-player: true
    set-compass: true
        - mana 35
        - stone 2
    str-cost: 35 mana and 2 stone blocks
    str-cast-self: There is iron ore nearby.
    str-not-found: No iron ore found nearby.
    spell-class: ".instant.DowseSpell"
    name: mobdowse
    description: Checks if there are nearby creepers!.
    cast-item: book
    cooldown: 60
    block-type: ""
    entity-type: "creeper"
    radius: 10
    rotate-player: true
    set-compass: true
        - mana 35
    str-cost: 35 mana
    str-cast-self: There is creeper nearby.
    str-not-found: No creeper found nearby.

마법 부여 주문


This spell allows the caster to enchant an item with the provided enchantments. You can find a list of enchantment names here.

Qualified Name: com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.instant.EnchantSpell

Parent: InstantSpell

Source Code


Option Description Default Value
enchantments Which enchantments to use for the spell, and what level they are. null
safe-enchants Whether to use safe enchants true

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".instant.EnchantSpell"
        - unbreaking 1
        - knockback 1
        - fire_aspect 1


The formatting for the enchantment list is unlike most other spells, which may have you do something like:

     - "DAMAGE_ALL 5"

It even differs from how enchantments are done on predefined items. Because of this, it may end up confusing even skilled users of the plugin, based on their assumptions of how it should work.


엔더 체스트 스펠


Source Code


The EnderChest spell is an instant spell that Opens the enderchest inventory of the caster.

If the caster has the magicspells.advanced.enderchest permission, they can specify a player name to open that player's ender chest instead. Example: /cast enderchest Yu_Tah

Spell Example

    spell-class: ".instant.EnderchestSpell"
    name: Enderchest
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    description: Opens your ender chest inventory.
    cooldown: 60

비행 경로 주문


Source Code

Instant spell. A spell that makes the player mount an entity and travels to the specified location.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
speed The speed you travel at 1.5
x The x position to travel to 0
z The z position to travel to 0
interval Interval between traveling 5
cruising-altitude The height the caster will fly to before flying toward the target position. 150


    spell-class: ".instant.FlightPathSpell"
    name: Flightpath
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 20
    x: 0 
    z: 0
    cruising-altitude: 150 
    speed: 1.5 

음식 스펠

Source Code

Instant spell. Restores Hunger and adds saturation.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
food How much hunger to restore. 4
saturation How much saturation to add before your hunger decays. 2.5
max-saturation Max saturation. 0


  spell-class: ".instant.FoodSpell"
  cast-item: stick
  cooldown: 10
  food: 4
  saturation: 2.5

포스푸시 스펠

Source Code

Instant spell. Pushes away nearby entities from the caster.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
radius Radius of the push. 3
pushback-force Force of the push. 30
additional-vertical-force Additional vertical force of the push. 15
max-vertical-force Max vertical force of the push. 20
add-velocity-instead Whether the spell should add velocity instead of setting it. false


    spell-class: ".instant.ForcepushSpell"
    name: forcepush
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 20
    radius: 8
    pushback-force: 20
    additional-vertical-force: 20
    max-vertical-force: 20
    description: Pushes away nearby enemies.
        - mana 75
        - redstone 5
    str-cost: 75 mana, 5 redstone dust.
    str-cast-self: You push everyone away!

게이트 스펠

Source Code

Instant spell. Teleports you to the existing world and defined coordinates; both world and coordinates are case-sensitive. Use SPAWN instead of coordinates for the highest y-value safe location or EXACTSPAWN for the exact spawn coordinates, including y-value, or CURRENT.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
world Specify which world you would tp to. CURRENT
coordinates Coordinates to teleport to. SPAWN
str-gate-failed What to say when the teleport fails. Unable to teleport.


  spell-class: ".instant.GateSpell"
  name: Gate
  cast-item: book
  cooldown: 50
    - mana 10
  str-cost: "10 mana."
  world: CURRENT
  coordinates: SPAWN
  str-gate-failed: "Unable to teleport."

Another Format for it is this just replace the x,y,z with actual numbers same for yaw and pitch, but they are optional, so you can remove them!.

  spell-class: ".instant.GateSpell"
  name: Gate
  cast-item: book
  cooldown: 50
    - mana 10
  str-cost: "10 mana."
  world: CURRENT
  coordinates: "x,y,z,yaw,pitch"
  str-gate-failed: "Unable to teleport."

아이템: Projectile Spell
Item Projectile Spell

Source Code

Function: A spell throws an item like a projectile for example, throwing a block of ice as a projectile


Option Description Default Value
item Type of the item. Supports Magic Items and Single string magic items iron_sword
spell-delay Delay before casting the spell-on-delay. 40
pickup-delay Delay before entities are able to pick up the item. 100
remove-delay Delay before the item is removed. 100
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes. It will check every X ticks. 1
spell-interval Interval between casting spell-on-tick. 2
item-name-delay Delay before applying the name to the item. 10
special-effect-interval Interval between playing effects. 2
speed Speed the projectile launches at. 1
y-offset From what y coordinate, relative to the caster, the projectile launches from. 0
hit-radius The hit-radius of the projectile. 1
vert-speed How fast upwards the projectile is launched. 0
vertical-hit-radius The vertical-hit-radius of the projectile. 1.5
rotation-offset Turns the start location around a specified angle. 0
stop-on-hit-ground Whether the projectile should stop when it hits ground. true
gravity Whether or not the item eventually falls to the ground. true
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. "0,0,0"
item-name Name of the item. ""
spell-on-tick Sub-spell to cast when the projectile continues flying. ""
spell-on-delay Sub-spell to cast after a delay. ""
spell-on-hit-entity Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits an entity. ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits ground. ""


    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    range: 5
    damage: 6
    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"  
    spell-class: ".instant.ItemProjectileSpell"
    speed: 1
    vert-speed: 0 
    hit-radius: 1
    y-offset: 0
    spell-on-hit-entity: itemprojectilepainspell
    spell-on-hit-ground: itemprojectilefailspell
    item: iron_sword

도약 주문
Source Code

An instant spell that propels the caster in a certain direction depending on the options set. Compare this to to the VelocitySpell.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
rotation Changes the direction of forward-velocity in degrees (Right: 90, left: -90, back: 180, etc.) 0
upward-velocity The speed at which the player is launched upward. Because of friction, you will need at least some upward velocity to properly move forward on the ground. Negative numbers will send you downward. 15
forward-velocity The speed at which the player is launched forward. Negative numbers will send you backward. 40
client-only Whether to use packets or not. false
cancel-damage Whether or not the player should ignore the next instance of fall damage when using this spell. true
add-velocity-instead Whether velocity should be added instead of set. false
land-spell Sub-spell to cast upon landing. (Only works if you take fall damage). ""


    spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell"
    name: leap
    cooldown: 6
    cast-item: stick
        - mana 10
        - feather 1
    str-cost: "10 mana, 1 feather"
    forward-velocity: 40
    upward-velocity: 15
    cancel-damage: true

자석 주문
Magnet Spell

Source Code

Instant spell. A spell that pulls nearby items to you.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
radius Radius of the magnet spell. 5
velocity The velocity the items are being pulled at. 1
teleport-items Whether to teleport the items to you or not (ignores velocity). false
force-pickup Whether to force the pickup of the items or not. false
remove-item-gravity Whether to remove gravity from items or not. false


  spell-class: ".instant.MagnetSpell"
  name: magnet
  cooldown: 2
  cast-item: stick
    - mana 20
    - coal 1
  str-cost: "20 mana, 1 coal"
  radius: 5
  velocity: 1
  teleport-items: false
  force-pickup: false
  remove-item-gravity: false

마나 주문
Mana Spell

Source Code

Instant spell. A spell that restores mana.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
mana How much mana to restore. Negative value takes mana instead. 25


  spell-class: ".instant.ManaSpell"
  name: mana
  cooldown: 30
  cast-item: stick
    - health 2
  str-cost: "2 health"
  mana: 25

마크 스펠


Instant spell. Marks the caster's location, used with other spells.

While not officially a targeted spell, MarkSpell implements "TargetedLocationSpell" and can be cast in other targeted spells.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
permanent-marks Whether the marks are permanent. true
enable-default-marks Whether to enable default marks. false
use-as-respawn-location Whether the mark should be used as a respawn location. false
default-mark Location of the default mark, format: world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch world,0,0,0



    spell-class: ".instant.MarkSpell"

    name: mark

    cast-item: stick

    cooldown: 60

    description: Marks your location.

    permanent-marks: true


        - mana 75

        - redstone 5

    str-cost: 75 mana, 5 redstone dust.

    str-cast-self: You have marked your location.


입자 투사체 주문
Particle Projectile Spell

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Fires a projectile composed of particles.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
start-forward-offset Modifies the start forward offset. (Overrides start-x-offset) Float 1
start-x-offset Modifies the start x offset. Float 1
start-y-offset Modifies the start y offset. Float 0
start-z-offset Modifies the start z offset. Float 0
target-y-offset Modifies the target's y offset. Float 0
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. (Overrides all options above) String "1,1,0"
effect-offset Effect offset applied at the projectile location. String "0,0,0"
projectile-acceleration Increases the projectile's speed over time. Float 0
projectile-acceleration-delay How often should it increase the projectile's speed? (in ticks). Integer 0
projectile-turn Rotates the projectile around this angle each tick it flies (forms a circle) Float 0
projectile-velocity How fast the projectile moves, roughly in blocks per second. Float 10
projectile-vert-offset An offset of the direction the projectile moves vertically in tangent values. Float 0
projectile-horiz-offset An offset of the direction the projectile moves horizontally in degrees. Float 0
projectile-gravity How fast the projectile falls, roughly in blocks per second. Float 0
projectile-vert-gravity How fast the projectile falls, roughly in blocks per second. (overrides projectile-gravity) Float 0
projectile-horiz-gravity Applies gravity affecting its horizontal rotation (forms a spiral) Float 0
projectile-spread Effectively the opposite of accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. Float 0
projectile-vertical-spread Effectively the opposite of vertical accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. (overrides projectile-spread) Float 0
projectile-horizontal-spread Effectively the opposite of horizontal accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. (overrides projectile-spread) Float 0
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes (in ticks) Integer 2
spell-interval Used with the hit-air-during option, casts the spell-on-tick each defined ticks Integer 20
intermediate-effects How often to play the particle effects between travelled locations Integer 0
intermediate-hitboxes How often to check hitboxes between travelled locations Integer 0
special-effect-interval How often to play the particle effects (in ticks) Integer 1
max-distance The maximum distance this particle is allowed to travel. Double 15
max-duration The maximum duration this particle is allowed to exist. Double 0
hit-radius How far from the center of the particle to look for entities to hit. Float 1.5
vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the particle to look for entities to hit. Float 1.5
ground-hit-radius How far from the center of the particle to look for ground blocks. Float 0
ground-vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the particle to look for ground blocks. Float 0
ground-materials A list of block materials, defined ground blocks for the projectile. String List null (pathable blocks by default)
disallowed-ground-materials The ground blocks the projectile should ignore. You can use this to override some blocks in the default pathable list. String List null
tick-spell-limit How many times can the spell-on-tick be casted? Works only if the value is more than 0 Integer 0
max-entities-hit How many targets can it hit before it disappears. Integer 0
height-from-surface If hug-surface is true, this controls how high off the ground the projectile is. Float 0.6
hug-surface Whether this projectile should hug the surface rather than follow an arc. If this is true, the projectile-gravity will be ignored. Boolean false
controllable If set to true, the projectile will follow your cursor's direction Boolean false
change-pitch If set to false, the projectile's start location will set its pitch to 0 Boolean true
hit-self Whether the projectile should hit the caster. Boolean false
hit-ground Whether the projectile should trigger the spell upon running into the ground. Boolean true
hit-players Whether the projectile should hit players. Boolean false
hit-non-players Whether the projectile should hit non-players. Boolean true
hit-air-at-end Whether the projectile should trigger the spell if it reaches max-distance without hitting anything. Boolean false
hit-air-during Whether the projectile should trigger the spell all the way it travels. Boolean false
hit-air-after-duration Whether the projectile should trigger the spell if it reaches max-duration without hitting anything. Boolean false
stop-on-hit-entity Whether the projectile should stop upon hitting an entity. If this is false, it will continue through and could hit multiple targets. Boolean true
stop-on-hit-ground Whether the projectile should stop upon hitting the ground. If this is false, it will pass through the ground and will not stop unless max-distance or max-duration is set Boolean true
stop-on-modifier-fail Whether the projectile should disappear if projectile-modifiers will fail Boolean true
allow-caster-interact Whether the caster can create interactions without other players Boolean true
power-affects-velocity Whether the spell power affects the velocity of the projectile. Boolean true
can-target Target list for the projectile. (overrides hit-selfhit-playershit-non-players) String List null
projectile-modifiers Modifier list for the projectile, if modifier check won't pass, the projectile will stop flying. String List null
interactions Interaction list (- projectileToCollideWith spellOnCollision) String List null
spell The default sub-spell to cast on hit. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. String Empty
spell-on-hit-air Sub-spell to cast when it reaches max distance. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-air-at-end) String Empty
spell-on-hit-self Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits the caster. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-self) String Empty
spell-on-tick Sub-spell to cast when the projectile flies. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-air-during and spell-interval) String Empty
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits the ground. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-ground) String Empty
spell-on-hit-entity Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits a target. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-players or hit-non-players or can-target list) String Empty
spell-on-duration-end Sub-spell to cast when the projectile reaches its max-duration. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-air-after-duration) String Empty
spell-on-modifier-fail Sub-spell to cast when the projectile's modifier list fails. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires projectile-modifiers) String Empty
spell-on-entity-location Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits a target. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. String Empty

·         Example:

·         proj_test:
·             spell-class: ".instant.ParticleProjectileSpell"
·             change-pitch: true
·             controllable: false
·             projectile-velocity: 10
·             tick-interval: 1
·             max-distance: 40
·             special-effect-interval: 1
·             stop-on-hit-entity: false
·             stop-on-hit-ground: true
·             relative-offset: 0,1,0
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: REDSTONE
·                     color: FFFF00
·                     horiz-spread: 0.1
·                     vert-spread: 0.1
·                     size: 1
·                     count: 25

위상 주문

Source Code


Targeted Spell. Phase through blocks.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
phasable-blocks A list of block types that can be phased through. If this option is empty or left out, all blocks can be phased through. (empty)
max-distance The maximum distance the caster can travel through solid matter to reach open air. This includes the distance leading up to the wall (the range). 15
range The maximum distance the caster can be from the wall they are trying to phase through. 5
str-cant-phase The message that appears if the spell fails. Unable to find a place to phase to.

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".instant.PhaseSpell"
    name: phase
    spell-icon: diamond
    description: Phase through solid matter.
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 10
    range: 5
    max-distance: 15
    phasable-blocks: []
        - mana 15
    str-cost: 15 mana
    str-cant-phase: Unable to find place to phase to.

포탈 스펠
Portal Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant Spell that opens a portal to your marked location for a short time, which can be used multiple times and by other players.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
mark-spell Internal name of the mark spell. ""
second-mark-spell Internal name of the second mark spell, if its empty, its going to use the caster's current location ""
teleport-cost Cost of each teleportation (reagent list). empty
duration Duration of the portal (in ticks). 400
min-distance Minimum distance between the marks. 10
max-distance Maximum distance between the marks. 0
effect-interval Interval between playing effects at the portal's location (in ticks). 10
teleport-cooldown Cooldown before each teleportation (in seconds). 5
vert-radius Vertical radius of the portal. 1
horiz-radius Horizontal radius of the portal. 1
allow-return Whether players can return back through the portal. true
teleport-other-players Whether other players can access the portal. true
charge-cost-to-teleporter Whether teleporting other players should charge them with teleport-cost. false
str-no-mark Message displayed when the mark-spell doesn't have a marked location. "You have not marked a location to make a portal to."
str-too-far Message displayed when you are too far from the marked location. "You are too far away from your marked location."
str-too-close Message displayed when you are too close to the marked location. "You are too close to your marked location."
str-teleport-cost-fail Message displayed when you don't have enough reagents to pass through the portal. ""
str-teleport-cooldown-fail Message displayed when your portal is on cooldown and you try to go through it. ""

·         Example:

·         portal:
·             spell-class: ".instant.PortalSpell"
·             mark-spell: "mark"
·             duration: 400
·             teleport-cooldown: 1
·             min-distance: 10
·             max-distance: 0
·             allow-return: true
·             teleport-cost:
·                 - mana 10
·             charge-cost-to-teleporter: false
·             effect-interval: 10  
·             str-no-mark: "You have not marked a location to make a portal to."
·             str-too-close: "You are too close to your marked location."
·             str-too-far: "You are too far away from your marked location."
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     height-offset: 1
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: VILLAGER_HAPPY
·                         color: ffffff
·                         radius: 1
·                         particles: 20
·                         iterations: 1
·                         period: 1
·                         visibleRange: 150

투사체 주문
Projectile Spell

Source Code

Projectile Spell that shoots a normal entity projectile.


Option Description Default Value
projectile-type The type of projectile. For more information, see below. arrow
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. "0,1.5,0"
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes (in ticks) 1
spell-interval Casts the spell-on-tick each defined ticks 20
special-effect-interval How often to play the particle effects (in ticks) 0
rotation Rotation of the start direction in angles. 0
velocity The velocity of the projectile. 1
hit-radius How far from the center of the particle to look for entities to hit. 2
vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the particle to look for entities to hit. 2
vertical-spread Effectively the opposite of vertical accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. 0
horizontal-spread Effectively the opposite of horizontal accuracy. A higher number means less accurate. 0
gravity Should gravity be applied to the projectile? true
charged Should the wither skull be charged? false
stop-on-modifier-fail Whether the projectile should disappear if projectile-modifiers will fail true
max-duration The maximum duration this projectile is allowed to exist. 10
spell The default sub-spell to cast on hit. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-tick Sub-spell to cast when the projectile flies. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits ground. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-hit-entity-location Sub-spell to cast when the projectile hits an entity, firing at the location the projectile hits the entity. For example, if the projectile hits the head of a zombie, the spell provided will be casted at the zombie's head. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. ""
spell-on-modifier-fail Sub-spell to cast when the projectile's modifier list fails. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires projectile-modifiers) ""
spell-after-duration Sub-spell to cast when the projectile reaches its max-duration. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
projectile-modifiers Modifiers for the projectile, if modifier check wont pass, the projectile will stop flying. null

Projectile Types

  • Arrow
  • Dragonfireball
  • Egg
  • Enderpearl
  • Fireball
  • Fishhook
  • Largefireball
  • Lingeringpotion
  • Llamaspit
  • Shulkerbullet
  • Smallfireball
  • Snowball
  • Spectralarrow
  • Splashpotion
  • Thrownexpbottle
  • Thrownpotion
  • Tippedarrow
  • Trident
  • Witherskull


    spell-class: ".instant.ProjectileSpell"
    name: explosivearrow
    spell-icon: arrow
    description: Cause an explosion where an arrow lands
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 30
    projectile-type: arrow
    velocity: 1
    max-duration: 3
    spell: explode
    spell-on-hit-ground: explode
        - mana 25
        - gunpowder 1
        - arrow 1
    str-cost: 25 mana, 1 gunpowder, and 1 arrow
    str-cast-self: You fire an explosive arrow.

소거 주문
Purge Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant spell that kills all monsters and animals around you.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
radius Radius of the spell. 15
entities Entity list (if null, can target all entities). null

·         Example:

·         purge:
·             spell-class: ".instant.PurgeSpell"
·             name: purge
·             description: Kill all monsters and animals around you.
·             cast-item: bone
·             cooldown: 60
·             radius: 8
·             can-target: monsters,animals
·             cost:
·                 - mana 50
·             str-cost: 50 mana
·             str-cast-self: You purge all life around you.
·             str-cast-others: "%a purges all nearby life."

주문 소환
Recall Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant spell that teleports the caster to the location they marked with the Mark Spell.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
mark-spell The internal name (the config header key name) of the Mark Spell that this spell is associated with. mark
max-range The max range a player can be from their mark to teleport to it. A value of 0 is infinite range. 0
use-bed-location If this is true, the caster will be teleported to their bed location instead of a location marked with the Mark Spell. false
allow-cross-world Whether a player can recall to a mark in a different world than the one they are currently in. true
str-no-mark Message that appears if the caster has no mark to teleport to. You have no mark to recall to.
str-too-far Message that appears if the max-range is greater than 0 and the player is too far away from their mark. Your mark is too far away.
str-other-world Message that appears if allow-cross-world is false and the player is in the wrong world. Your mark is in another world.
str-recall-failed Message that appears if the recall fails (generally if it is blocked by another plugin). Could not recall.

·         Example:

·         recall:
·             spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell"
·             name: recall
·             spell-icon: compass
·             description: Teleports you to your marked location.
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 300
·             mark-spell: mark
·             max-range: -1
·             allow-cross-world: true
·             use-bed-location: false
·             cost:
·                 - mana 75
·             str-cost: 75 mana and 1 iron bar
·             str-cast-self: You teleport to your marked location.
·             str-no-mark: You have not marked a location to recall to.
·             str-other-world: You cannot recall to another world.
·             str-too-far: Your marked location is too far away.
·             str-cast-others: "%a disappears!"

수리 스펠
Repair Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant Spell that repairs durability on items and armor.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
repair-amount How much to repair. 300
to-repair A list of inventory slots to repair. See example for the list of options.  
ignore-items A list of item types to ignore.  
allowed-items A list of item types to repair.  
str-nothing-to-repair The message that appears when there is nothing to repair. Nothing to repair.

·         Example:

·         repair:
·             spell-class: ".instant.RepairSpell"
·             name: repair
·             description: Repairs your gear.
·             cast-item: book
·             cooldown: 120
·             repair-amount: 300
·             to-repair:
·                 - held
·                 - hotbar
·                 - inventory
·                 - helmet
·                 - chestplate
·                 - leggings
·                 - boots
·             ignore-items:
·                 - flint_and_steel
·                 - fishing_rod
·             cost:
·                 - mana 50
·                 - iron_ingot 2
·             str-cost: 50 mana and 2 iron bars
·             str-cast-self: You've repaired your gear!
·             str-nothing-to-repair: You have nothing to repair.

의식 주문
Ritual Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant spell. The ritual spell allows you to create spells that must be cast by more than one person. It works well for spells that might be normally too powerful. A person casts the spell to begin the ritual, then anyone nearby can right click on the caster to join the ritual. Movement by any participant will interrupt the ritual. Once the ritual is complete, if there were enough participants the spell will be activated. This spell does nothing on its own, it just casts another spell upon completion.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
ritual-duration The duration of the ritual, in server ticks. 200
tick-interval How often the ritual updates, in server ticks. This affects how often the experience bar updates and how often it checks for player movement. 5
effect-interval How often to apply spell effects, in server ticks. This should be a multiple of tick-interval to work properly. 20
req-participants The number of ritual participants required for the ritual to be successful. 3
set-cooldown-for-all If this is true, all players who participate in the ritual will have their cooldown set for the ritual spell as well. true
show-progress-on-exp-bar Whether to show the ritual's progress on the experience bar. true
set-cooldown-immediately If this is true, the cooldown for the spell will begin at the beginning of the ritual. If this is false, the cooldown will not start until the end of the ritual, and only if the spell was successful. true
need-spell-to-participate Whether a participant needs to know the spell to participate in the ritual. false
charge-reagents-immediately If this is true, the reagents for the spell will be removed from the caster at the beginning of the ritual. If this is false, they will be removed at the end, and only if the spell was successful. true
spell The internal name of the spell to cast when the ritual is complete. (none)
str-ritual-left Message sent to someone who leaves an already-started ritual. (empty)
str-ritual-joined Message sent to someone who joins an already-started ritual. (empty)
str-ritual-success Message sent to all participants when the ritual is successful. (empty)
str-ritual-interrupted Message sent to all participants when the ritual is interrupted by movement. (empty)
str-ritual-failed Message sent to all participants when the ritual completes but fails (not enough participants). (empty)

·         Example:

·         summon_helper:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell"
·             can-cast-with-item: false
·             can-cast-by-command: false
·             require-exact-name: false
·             require-acceptance: true
·             max-accept-delay: 90
·             accept-command: accept
·             str-usage: |
·                 Usage: /cast summon <playername>, or /cast summon 
·                 while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line.
·             str-no-target: Target player not found.
·             str-summon-pending: You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport.
·             str-summon-accepted: You have been summoned.
·             str-summon-expired: The summon has expired.
·         summon:
·             spell-class: ".instant.RitualSpell"
·             name: summon
·             spell-icon: portal
·             description: Summon another player to your position. This ritual requires 3 participants.
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 300
·             ritual-duration: 200
·             req-participants: 3
·             charge-reagents-immediately: true
·             set-cooldown-immediately: true
·             set-cooldown-for-all: true
·             spell: summon_helper
·             tick-interval: 5
·             effect-interval: 20
·             cost:
·                 - mana 75
·                 - redstone 3
·                 - iron_ingot 3
·             str-cost: 75 mana, 3 redstone, and 3 iron bars
·             str-cast-self: You begin a summoning ritual.
·             str-cast-others: "%a has begun a summoning ritual. Right-click to participate."
·             str-ritual-joined: You have joined the summoning ritual.
·             str-ritual-success: The summoning ritual is a success!
·             str-ritual-interrupted: The summoning ritual has been interrupted.
·             str-ritual-failed: The summoning ritual has failed.

포효 주문
Roar Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant Spell that forces nearby enemies to attack you.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
radius Radius of the spell. 8
str-no-target Message sent to the caster when there are no targets. "No targets found."
cancel-if-no-targets Whether the spell should be cancelled when there are no targets. true

·         Example:

·         roar:
·             spell-class: ".instant.RoarSpell"
·             name: roar
·             description: Forces nearby enemies to attack you.
·             cast-item: book
·             cooldown: 15
·             radius: 8
·             can-target: monsters
·             cost:
·                 - mana 10
·             str-cost: 10 mana
·             str-cast-self: "You roar, causing nearby enemies to attack you."
·             str-cast-others: "%a roars loudly!"

Steed Spell

·         Instant Spell that summons a rideable entity.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
type Type of the entity. horse
gravity Whether gravity should be applied to the entity. true
has-chest Whether mobs with chests should spawn with them. false
jump-strength Jump strength for horses. 1
color Color of the horse. ""
style Style of the horse. ""
armor Armor of the horse. ""
str-already-mounted Message sent to the caster when he tries to use this spell while riding an entity. "You are already mounted!"

·         Example:

·         steed1:

·             spell-class: ".instant.SteedSpell"

·             gravity: true

·             type: mule

·             color: black

·             style: none

·             has-chest: true

·             jump-strength: 0.3


블록 주문 던지기
Throw Block Spell

·         Source Code

·         Instant spell. Throws a block of the given type (anvil by default), which turns into a regular block when it lands.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
block-type The type of block to throw. anvil
velocity The velocity of the thrown block. 1.0
y-offset The y-offset of the start location. 0
vertical-adjustment An adjustment to how high the block flies. 0.5
rotation-offset Which direction to throw the block, in degrees. A value of 0 is forward, 180 is backward, etc. 0
apply-spell-power-to-velocity Whether to apply the Spell Power for this spell to the velocity. false
gravity Whether gravity should be applied to the thrown block. true
drop-item Whether to drop an item if the block is unable to land properly. false
remove-blocks If this is true, the thrown blocks will be removed shortly after they have landed. false
prevent-blocks Completely prevents blocks from spawning. false
call-target-event Whether being hit by a falling block should count as being targeted by this spell. true
check-plugins Whether to attempt to alert other plugins that this damage is actually being caused by the casting player. false
ensure-spell-cast If this is true, the plugin will constantly monitor the thrown block to make sure the spell goes off. This may have a negative effect on performance, so if you don't need this feature you can turn it off. true
sticky-blocks If this is true, it will cause blocks to “stick” to walls, rather than hit them and fall down. false
spell-on-land Sub-spell to cast when the block lands. false

·         Example:

·         anvil:
·             spell-class: ".instant.ThrowBlockSpell"
·             name: anvil
·             cooldown: 10
·             cast-item: blaze_rod
·             description: Throws an anvil.
·             block-type: anvil
·             velocity: 1.0
·             rotation-offset: 0
·             vertical-adjustment: 0.5
·             drop-item: false
·             remove-blocks: false
·             call-target-event: true
·             cost:
·                 - mana 25
·                 - anvil 1
·             str-cost: 25 mana and 1 anvil

시간 스펠

Source Code


Instant spell. This spell changes the time of the world the caster is in.

Spell Power does not affect this spell.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
time-to-set The time to set. This is a number from 0 to 24000. Some approximate values are: 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is dusk, and 18000 is midnight. 0
str-announce The message to send to all players in the world when the time is changed. The sun suddenly appears in the sky.

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".instant.TimeSpell"
    name: Dawn
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    str-announce: The sun is finally rising!
    time-to-set: 22550
    cooldown: 200

마법 해제

·         Qualified Name: com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.instant.UnconjureSpell

·         Parent: InstantSpell

·         Source Code

·         Functionality: Removes specified items from caster's inventory including the hovered item.

·         Configuration:

Option Description
items A list of items that should be unconjured. Quantity can be specified by separating it by a space from the item to make it match against stacks instead.

·         Example:

·         unconjure:
·             spell-class: ".instant.UnconjureSpell"
·             items:
·                 - paper 64

가변 시전 주문

·         Qualified Name: com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.instant.VariableCastSpell

·         Parent: InstantSpell

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Casts a spell saved to the variable's name.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
variable-name Name of the variable. null
str-doesnt-contain-spell Message sent to the caster when the variable-name doesn't contain a valid spell. "You do not have a valid spell in memory"

·         Example:

·         variablecast:
·             spell-class: ".instant.VariableCastSpell"
·             variable-name: spell_variable
·             str-doesnt-contain-spell: "You currently dont have any stored spell."

속도 주문
Velocity Spell

Source Code


Instant spell. A spell that sets your velocity upon the direction you are looking at. Spell power affects this spell.

While not officially a targeted spell, VelocitySpell implements "TargetedEntitySpell" and "TargetedEntityFromLocationSpell", so it can be casted on entities through the use of other targeted spells.


Option Description Variable Type Default Value
speed The speed of the velocity. Float 40
cancel-damage Defines if the velocity change should cause fall damage. Boolean true
add-velocity-instead Whether the velocity should be added instead of set. Boolean false


    spell-class: ".instant.VelocitySpell"
    speed: 40
    cancel-damage: false

Wall Spell

·         Source Code

·         Spell used to create walls.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
wall-types List of block types the wall is made of. null
str-no-target Message sent to the caster when its unable to create a wall. Unable to create a wall.
spell-on-break Sub-spell which is casted at the broken wall block. ""
y-offset Start height location -1
distance Distance of the wall. 3
wall-width How many blocks wide. 5
wall-depth How thick the wall is. 1
wall-height Height of the wall. 3
wall-duration how many ticks wall is activated for. 15
range How far the wall should be placed from where you cast it. 3
check-plugins Whether it should check world related plugins. true
prevent-drops Whether it should prevent block drops from the wall. true
always-on-ground Whether the wall should always be spawned at ground. false
prevent-breaking Whether the wall is unable to break. false
check-plugins-per-block Whether it should check world related plugins. true

·         Example:

·         wall:
·             spell-class: ".instant.WallSpell"
·             name: wall
·             description: Creates a temporary wall to block your enemies.
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 15
·             range: 3
·             wall-width: 5
·             wall-height: 3
·             wall-types:
·                 - stone
·                 - cobblestone
·             wall-duration: 100
·             cost:
·                 - mana 12
·                 - stone 2
·             str-cost: 12 mana and 2 stone
·             str-no-target: Unable to create a wall.

표적 주문(Targeted Spells)


글로우 스펠
Glow Spell

Source Code


ProtocolLib and XGlow are required for this spell to work.

Targeted spell. Causes the entity to glow, depending on the options below.


Option Description Default Value
duration Duration specified in ticks before the glow expires. Set to 0 to define an infinite duration. 0
color Determines the color of the glow. Color names can be found here! white


    spell-class: ".targeted.ext.GlowSpell"
    duration: 0
    color: white  

PlaceholderAPI 데이터 맞춤법
Placeholder API Data Spell

·         Description: Requires PlaceholderAPI plugin. When used it will save the value of any placeholder supported by the PlaceholderAPI plugin to a playerstring type variable. Most up to date list of placeholders.

·         Source Code

·         Options:

Options Description
variable-name Variable of playerstring type to save the placeholder value to.
placeholderapi-template The placeholder to save to the playerstring variable. This supports bracket placeholders and variable replacement. List of placeholders..

·         Examples:

·         # Requires the Server PlaceholderAPI expansion.
·         # Type /tps to use.
·         variables:
·             String:
·                 type: playerstring
·         tps:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ext.PlaceholderAPIDataSpell"
·             incantations: ["/tps"]
·             target-self: true
·             variable-name: String
·             placeholderapi-template: "%server_tps%"
·             str-cast-self: "TPS&f: &b%var:String%"


나이 주문
Age Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell. A spell that sets the age of animals.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
age The age negative values will give you a baby. 0
set-maturity If set to false won't change the state of the animal. true
apply-age-lock If set to true locks the animal at the set age. false


    spell-class: ".targeted.AgeSpell"
    age: 0
    set-maturity: true
    apply-age-lock: false

영역 효과 주문
Source Code


The 'Area of Effect' spell is used for converting or applying, all spells listed in its string to an area, which is defined and limited by its configuration options.


Option Description Type Default Value
spells List of sub-spells to cast. String List null
max-targets Max targets for the AOE. Integer 0
circle-shape Whether the horizontal radius of the AOE should be circular. Boolean false
cone If point-blank is set to true, which it is by default, this will make the AOE a cone instead of it being 360 degrees around the caster. Best way to explain it is that it works like the sweep attack on swords. Value is specified in degrees. Double 0
vertical-radius Vertical hit radius for the AOE. Double 5
horizontal-radius Horizontal hit radius for the AOE. Double 10
use-proximity Defines if the AOE should select targets by proximity. This is only useful if you have defined max-targets. Boolean false
reverse-proximity Defines reverse proximity, if use-proximity is enabled. This makes the AOE look for further away targets instead. Boolean false
point-blank While set to true, when casted the start location of the AOE will be the caster's location. When it's set to false, the AOE center will be the block the caster was pointing at while casting the spell. Boolean true
fail-if-no-targets If set to false, if the AOE fails to find targets, it won't play any effects specified on it. Boolean true
spell-source-in-center If point-blank is set to false and this to true, it will attempt to make the source of all targeted spells the center of the AOE. For example, if the AOE casts a HomingMissileSpell, the missile will spawn in the center of the AOE. Boolean false


    spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
    cast-item: watch
    horizontal-radius: 5
    vertical-radius: 3
    cone: 45
    spells: [pain]
            position: caster
            sound: entity.player.attack.sweep
            position: special
            effect: particles
            forward-offset: 1
            height-offset: 1
            particle-name: SWEEP_ATTACK
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 10
            speed: 0
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    damage: 2
    spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
    cast-item: paper
    horizontal-radius: 10
    vertical-radius: 10
    point-blank: false
    range: 200
    spells: [lightning]
    spell-class: ".targeted.LightningSpell"
    no-damage: true

깜박임 주문
Blink Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell. Warps to targeted block

Configuration Options:

Range option controls how far the caster can blink.

Option Description Default Value
str-cant-blink If the blink fails it will send this message. You can't blink there.
pass-through-ceiling Whether to pass through ceilings or not. false


    spell-class: ".targeted.BlinkSpell"
    range: 20

폭탄 주문

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell. Spawns a block which disappears after a delay, casting a spell at its location.

·         Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
block Material of the block. stone
fuse Delay before the block disappears 100
interval Interval between playing effects 20
spell Sub-spell to cast after the block disappears ""

·         Example:

·         Smoke-Bomb:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.BombSpell"
·             name: "Smoke Bomb"
·             cast-item: bone
·             permission-name: smoke_bomb
·             block: cyan_terracotta
·             fuse: 60
·             interval: 5
·             spell: MULTI_SMOKE_BOMB
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: particles
·                     height-offset: 0.5
·                     particle-name: SMOKE_NORMAL
·                     horiz-spread: 0.5
·                     vert-spread: 0.5
·                     speed: 0.04
·                     count: 25
·                 eff2:
·                     position: delayed
·                     effect: particles
·                     height-offset: 1
·                     particle-name: redstone
·                     horiz-spread: 1
·                     vert-spread: 1
·                     color: FF0000
·                     speed: 0.04
·                     count: 50
·             spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: smoke_bomb
·             require-entity-target: false
·             stop-on-fail: false
·             spells:
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·                 - DELAY 2
·                 - EFF_SMOKE_BOMB
·         EFF_SMOKE_BOMB:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: smoke_bomb
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: target
·                     effect: particles
·                     height-offset: 2
·                     particle-name: REDSTONE
·                     horiz-spread: 2
·                     vert-spread: 2
·                     color: 000000
·                     speed: 0.04
·                     count: 75

빌드 스펠
Build Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted location spell that allows a player to build blocks from a distance, using blocks from a configurable location in their inventory (the first hotbar slot by default).

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
slot The slot to use to build blocks. 0
consume-block Whether to use up the blocks in the defined slot. true
check-plugins Whether to check plugins for block build permissions. true
show-effect Whether to use the block breaking effect as a spell animation. true
allowed-types The block types that can be built with this spell, as a comma-separated list of block materials. [grass_block,stone,dirt]
str-cant-build Message that appears when a player can't build, either because a plugin blocks it or because there is no target. You can't build there.
str-invalid-block Message that appears when a player tries to build a block that isn't in the allowed list. You can't build that block.

·         Example:

·         build:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.BuildSpell"
·             name: build
·             cooldown: 2
·             cast-item: stick
·             description: Build blocks from far away.
·             range: 25
·             slot: 0
·             consume-block: true
·             check-plugins: true
·             allowed-types:
·                 - grass_block
·                 - stone
·                 - dirt
·             cost:
·                 - mana 5
·             str-cost: 5 mana
·             str-invalid-block: You can't build that block.
·             str-cant-build: You can't build there.

포획 스펠
Capture Spell
Source Code

Targeted spell that allows the caster to capture a mob and a Mob Egg is dropped in its place


Option Description Default Value
item-name The name of the spawned item. Use %name% to fill in the entity's name from the entity-names option in general.yml. null
item-lore The lore (tooltip) of the spawned item. Use %name% to fill in the entity's name from the entity-names option in general.yml. null
gravity Whether gravity should be enabled true
add-to-inventory Whether to add the egg to the caster's inventory rather than dropping it on the ground. false
power-affects-quantity Whether the Spell Power can affect the quantity of eggs dropped. true


    spell-class: ".targeted.CaptureSpell"
    range: 100
    item-name: "&6Mob Egg"
    can-target: animals
    add-to-inventory: true


카펫 주문
Source Code


Summon a carpet at the targeted block.


Option Description Default Value
block What the platform is made of. white_carpet
radius Radius of the platform (in blocks). 1
duration Duration of the platform (int ticks). 0
touch-check-interval How often should it check players touching the carpet? (int ticks) 3
circle Whether the carpets should form a circle. false
remove-on-touch Whether the carpets should disappear when someone touches it. true
power-affects-radius Self-explanatory. true
spell-on-touch Sub-spell to cast when someone touches the carpet. ""


    spell-class: ".targeted.CarpetSpell"
    range: 100
    block: white_carpet
    radius: 2
    duration: 200
    touch-check-interval: 20
    remove-on-touch: true
    circle: true

사슬 주문
Chain Spell

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that will bounce from target to target.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
spell Sub-spell to cast on each target. heal
bounces Number of times this spell should bounce. 3
interval The interval between bounces, in server ticks. 10
bounce-range How far to look for a bounce target. 8

·         Example:

·         firechain:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ChainSpell"
·             spell: pain
·             bounces: 5
·             bounce-range: 30
·             interval: 10
·             target-players: false
·             target-non-players: true
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: line
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: REDSTONE
·                     horiz-spread: 0.1
·                     vert-spread: 0.1
·                     color: FF0000
·                     count: 25

정화 주문
Cleanse Spell

Source Code

Description: Targeted spell. Removes debuffs/buffs and Spells like buffs, stuns, etc.


Option Description Default Value
remove List of spells or status effects to remove. "fire", "hunger", "poison", "wither"
  • To remove spells use those prefixes:
  • If you want to remove all spells of a certain type use * instead of the spell name.


    spell-class: ".targeted.CleanseSpell"
    name: cleanse
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 10
    target-self: true
        - fire
        - slowness

인벤토리 주문 닫기
Close Inventory Spell

Source Code

Class: .targeted.CloseInventorySpell

Description: Closes the targets inventory or menu.

Option Description Default value
delay Delay in server ticks after which to close the inventory. 0

충돌 주문

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sets entity collision.

Option Description Default Value
target-state Target state (on/off/toggle). toggle

·         Example:

·         collision:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.CollisionSpell"
·             range: 20
·             target-state: toggle
·             can-target: nonplayers

연소 주문
Combust Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that sets the target on fire.

·         Spell Power affects the fire duration (the fire-ticks option).

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
fire-ticks How long the target should burn. (in ticks) 100
fire-tick-damage How much damage should be dealt each damage tick. 1
prevent-immunity If this is true, the temporary damage immunity given to a player upon taken damage will not be given for this spell. true
check-plugins If this is true, the spell will attempt to check other plugins for pvp restrictions. true
power-affects-fire-ticks Self-explanatory. true
power-affects-fire-tick-damage Self-explanatory. true

·         Example:

·         combust:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
·             name: combust
·             cooldown: 10
·             range: 20
·             fire-ticks: 100
·             fire-tick-damage: 1
·             prevent-immunity: true
·             target-players: true
·             check-plugins: true
·             str-no-target: No target found.

대화 주문

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Opens a chat prompt that can be used to store the target's response in a variable.

·         Configuration:

Option Description
conversation Starts a section with a number of options. Will fail if not defined.

·         Conversation Options:

Option Description Data Type
prefix Accepts a string (in quotes), must be within the conversation section. String
local-echo Whether or not to let the player see their responses in chat. Boolean (True/False)
timeout-seconds The amount of time until the conversation automatically closes. Int
escape-sequence The string (in quotes) the player can send to exit the conversation spell. String
first-prompt Starts a section with a number of options. Will fail if not defined. Prompt Options

·         Prompt Options:

Option Description
prompt-type Accepts the values regex, fixed-set, or enum. More info here.
prompt-text Accepts a string. The message that will be sent to the player upon the spell being cast.
variable-name The variable to save the response to.

·         Example:

·         variables:
·             varMagicUserResponse:
·                 type: playerstring
·         Conversation:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ConversationSpell"
·             target-self: true
·             conversation:
·                 prefix: "§3§l[§bQuest§3§l] §7"
·                 local-echo: true
·                 first-prompt:
·                     prompt-type: fixed-set
·                     prompt-text: |
·                         Are you a magic user? Can you help me?
·                         §3Do you want to accept this quest? §bType your response!
·                         §7- §aYes
·                         §7- §cNo
·                     options:
·                         - "Yes"
·                         - "No"
·                     variable-name: varMagicUserResponse
·                 timeout-seconds: 6
·                 escape-sequence: "Exit"

절름발이 주문
Cripple Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that prevents the target from moving. It's a potion effect spell with fewer lines and specifically for slowness effect

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
effect-strength How fast the projectile travels. 5
effect-duration How fast the projectile travels. 100
portal-cooldown-ticks The number of ticks to set the target entity's portal cooldown to. This will not be used if it is less than the target's existing portal cooldown. 100
use-slowness-effect When set to true, the target will receive a slowness effect. true
apply-portal-cooldown When set to true, this spell will set the portal cooldown field of the target, if the duration of the new cooldown is longer than the existing cooldown. false
power-affects-duration Self-explanatory. true
power-affects-portal-cooldown Self-explanatory. true

·         Example:

·         cripple:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.CrippleSpell"
·             name: cripple
·             description: Slow down a targeted enemy.
·             cast-item: bone
·             cooldown: 15
·             range: 20
·             effect-strength: 5
·             effect-duration: 100
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             cost:
·                 - mana 10
·             str-cost: 10 mana

생물 대상 주문


Source Code

Targeted spell - If the caster is a mob it will cast a spell on the mob's current target.

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.CreatureTargetSpell"
    spell: combust
    spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
    range: 20
    fire-ticks: 100
    fire-tick-damage: 1
    prevent-immunity: true
    target-players: true

사용자 지정 이름 가시성 맞춤법

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sets entity's custom name visibility.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
target-state Target state (on/off/toggle). toggle

·         Example:

·         customname:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.CustomNameVisibilitySpell"
·             range: 20
·             target-state: toggle
·             can-target: nonplayers

데이터 스펠
Data Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell. Fetches a specific data-element and places it in a variable

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
data-element Data elements can be found here DataLivingEntity Or DataEntity. uuid
variable-name Which variable to place the data-element in.  


    type: playerstring
    permanent: true
  spell-class: ".targeted.DataSpell"
  target-self: true
  variable-name: playeruuid
  data-element: uuid
  str-cast-self: "Your UUID is %var:playeruuid%."

주문 파괴
Destroy Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell. This spell causes major destruction at the target location by throwing blocks into the air. If you are concerned about players destroying your world, do NOT use this spell. This spell does NOT obey plugin restrictions such as WorldGuard. Again, this spell is VERY, VERY DESTRUCTIVE. Use at your own risk.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
vert-radius Vertical radius 3
horiz-radius Horizontal radius 3
falling-block-damage The amount of damage caused when a falling block lands on a player. 0
velocity Velocity 0
velocity-type Options: up, random, randomup, down, toward, away, none none
prevent-landing-blocks If this is true, blocks will disappear rather than land on the ground. false
block-types-to-throw A list of block materials to throw. If this is not defined, it will throw all solid blocks except bedrock. null
block-types-to-remove A list of block materials to remove completely. If this is not defined, it will remove all non-solid blocks. null

·         Example:

·         destroy:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DestroySpell"
·             horiz-radius: 3
·             vert-radius: 3
·             velocity: 1
·             velocity-type: randomup

무장 해제 주문
Disarm Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that removes the target's held item.


Option Description Default Value
disarmable-items List option. List every item you want to be disarmable via this spell. Leave blank to disarm all items. null
disarm-duration How long the disarm lasts in ticks. If dont-drop is false, will prevent the item from being picked back up by the target for the duration. 100
dont-drop If true, the item will simply vanish, then reappear in the chosen slot. If false, the item will drop on the ground and have to be picked up again by the target. false
prevent-theft If true, this will prevent anyone but the targeted player from picking up the dropped item. true
str-invalid-item String message, sent to the caster if the target's held item cannot be disarmed. "Your target could not be disarmed."


    spell-class: ".targeted.DisarmSpell"
    cooldown: 15
    disarm-duration: 100
    dont-drop: true
    prevent-theft: true
    range: 10
        - mana 40
    str-cost: 40 mana
    str-no-target: "No target."
    str-invalid-item: "Your target could not be disarmed."
    str-cast-self: "You disarmed %t."
    str-cast-target: "%a disarms you."
        - blaze_rod
        - stick
        - book
        - bone
        - wood_sword
        - wood_pickaxe
        - golden_apple
        - pumpkin_seeds

도트 스펠
Dot Spell

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         A targeted spell that deals damage over time to a specified target.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
delay Defines the delay before the first damage is dealt. Integer 1
interval Defines the interval of each damage dealt, in server ticks. Integer 20
duration Defines the duration of the spell, in server ticks. Integer 200
damage Defines the amount of damage per hit. Float 2
prevent-knockback Defines if the spell should cause knockback. Boolean false
spell-damage-type This is a custom damage type which can be used together with the resist spell. It's very optional. String Empty
damage-type Defines the damage cause of this spell. String ENTITY_ATTACK

·         Example:

·         dot:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DotSpell"
·             damage: 1
·             delay: 10
·             interval: 10
·             duration: 60
·             prevent-knockback: true
·             spell-damage-type: CONTACT

배수 주문
Drainlife Spell

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Spell used to drain resources from the target.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
take-type Valid values: healthmanahungerexperience. String health
give-type What should be given to the caster. String health
spell-damage-type This is a custom damage type which can be used together with the resist spell. It's very optional. String Empty
take-amt Amount to take from the target. Float 2
give-amt The amount to give to the caster. Float 2
animation-speed The speed of the spell effect. A smaller number is faster. Integer 2
instant Defines if the caster should receive the effect instantly or wait until the animation brings them to the caster. Boolean true
ignore-armor Ignores armor. Boolean true
check-plugins Whether to attempt to check other plugins for PvP restrictions. Boolean true
show-spell-effect Whether to show the animated smoke moving from target to caster. Boolean true
avoid-damage-modification Whether the damage of this spell shouldn't be modified by any spells. Boolean true
spell-on-animation Sub-spell to cast when the animation reaches the caster. String Empty
damage-type Defines the damage cause of this spell. String ENTITY_ATTACK

·         Example:

·         drainlife:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DrainlifeSpell"
·             name: drainlife
·             spell-icon: ghast_tear
·             description: Drain life from your enemy and give it to you.
·             cast-item: blaze_rod
·             cooldown: 5
·             range: 15
·             take-type: health
·             take-amt: 2
·             give-type: health
·             give-amt: 2
·             animation-speed: 2
·             ignore-armor: false
·             instant: false
·             can-target: players,monsters
·             check-plugins: true
·             cost:
·                 - mana 10
·             str-cost: 10 mana
·             str-cast-self: You drain life from your enemy.
·             str-no-target: No target found.
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: particles
·                     height-offset: 1
·                     particle-name: redstone
·                     color: FF0000
·                     horiz-spread: 0.25
·                     vert-spread: 0.25
·                     count: 10

엔티티 침묵 주문

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that toggles mob sounds.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
target-state Target state (on/off/toggle). toggle

·         Example:

·         sound:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.EntitySilenceSpell"
·             range: 20
·             target-state: toggle
·             can-target: nonplayers

무덤 주문

Source Code

Targeted Spell. Entombs the target

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
block-type Block used for the tomb. glass
duration Duration of the entomb (in ticks). 20
allow-breaking If the target is allowed to break tomb. true
close-top-and-bottom Determines if the top and bottom of the tomb is open or not. true
block-destroy-message Message to send when someone tries to break the entomb. ""

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".targeted.EntombSpell"
    name: Entomb
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 20
    allow-breaking: false
    block-type: stone
    duration: 120
    str-cast-target: "%a has entombed you."

폭발 주문

Source Code

Targeted Spell. Creates an explosion at the targeted location.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
explosion-size Size of the explosion. 4
backfire-chance Backfire chance. 0
damage-multiplier Damage multiplier. 0
add-fire Whether fire should be added into the explosion. false
simulate-tnt Whether the explosion should simulate tnt. true
ignore-cancelled Whether a cancelled explosion should be ignored. false
prevent-block-damage Whether the explosion should prevent blocks from taking damage. false
prevent-player-damage Whether the explosion should prevent players from taking damage. false
prevent-animal-damage Whether the explosion should prevent animals from taking damage. false

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ExplodeSpell"
    name: explode
    spell-icon: tnt
    description: Create an explosion.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 30
    range: 25
    explosion-size: 4
    backfire-chance: 3
    prevent-block-damage: false
    prevent-player-damage: false
    damage-multiplier: 10
    add-fire: false
    simulate-tnt: true
    ignore-cancelled: false
        - mana 40
        - gunpowder 1
    str-cost: 40 mana and 1 gunpowder
    str-no-target: You cannot create an explosion there.
    str-cast-self: Boom!
    str-cast-others: Boom!

농장 주문

Source Code

Targeted Spell. Make crops grow around the target location.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
crop-type The crop type to grow if the farmland is empty. wheat
radius Radius of the growth. 3
growth Growth value. 1
targeted If set to false, the growth location will be set to player's current location. false
grow-wart Whether the spell should grow warts. false
grow-wheat Whether the spell should grow wheat. true
grow-carrots Whether the spell should grow carrots. true
grow-potatoes Whether the spell should grow potatoes. true
grow-beetroot Whether the spell should grow beetroot. false

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".targeted.FarmSpell"
    name: farm
    spell-icon: wheat_seeds
    cast-item: book
    description: Make crops grow nearby.
    cooldown: 10
    radius: 3
    growth: 1
    targeted: false
        - mana 75
        - wheat_seeds 2
    str-cost: 75 mana and 2 wheat seeds
    str-cast-self: The crops around you grow quickly.
    str-no-target: There are no crops nearby.

불덩어리 주문
Fireball Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that launches a fireball from the player.


Option Description Default Value
explosion-size How large the explosion should be. Typical use won't require a number higher than 3. 0
damage-multiplier How much damage the fireball should do. Not a set number, actual amount of damage scales exponentially with the number. 0
no-explosion-damage How much damage to do if the explosion has been disabled. 5
no-explosion-damage-range The area to deal the damage of the no-explosion-damage option. 3
no-fire Whether the fireball should cause fires where it hits. true
no-explosion Whether the fireball should cause an explosion where it hits. true
check-plugins Whether the spell should check damage related plugins. true
small-fireball If true, will use a blaze fireball instead of a ghast fireball. false
gravity Whether or not to apply gravity to the fireball. false
no-explosion-effect Whether to completely disable the resulting explosion from the fireball. true
require-entity-target Whether or not to require a target. false
do-offset-targeting-corrections Whether to correct the targeting when using offset. true
use-relative-cast-location-offset Whether or not to use relative cast position. false
use-absolute-cast-location-offset Whether or not to use absolute cast position. false
relative-cast-position-offset The offset of the fireball relative to the caster. 0,0,0
absolute-cast-position-offset The offset to use from the caster(?). 0,0,0


    spell-class: ".targeted.FireballSpell"
    name: fireball
    spell-icon: fireball
    description: Throw a fiery ball of destruction.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 5
    range: 30
    require-entity-target: false
    can-target: players,monsters
    check-plugins: true
    damage-multiplier: 3
    small-fireball: true
    no-fire: false
    no-explosion: false
    no-explosion-effect: true
    no-explosion-damage: 5
    no-explosion-damage-range: 3
        - mana 10
    str-cost: 10 mana
    str-no-target: You cannot throw a fireball there.
    str-cast-self: You throw a fiery ball of destruction!
    str-cast-others: "%a throws a fiery ball of destruction!"

플라이 스펠
Source Code

A targeted spell that sets player's flying state.


Option Description Default Value
target-state Target state (on/off/toggle). toggle


    spell-class: ".targeted.FlySpell"
    target-state: toggle
    target-self: true

포스폭탄 주문
Forcebomb Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that causes a knockback effect at the targeted location.


Option Description Default Value
pushback-force The strength of the knockback effect. Can accept negative values which will pull people towards the caster instead. 30
additional-vertical-force The additional knockback to apply vertically, rather than purely horizontal. 15
max-vertical-force The maximum vertical velocity a target can get from this spell. 20
radius The radius of the area to deal knockback in. 3
y-offset The vertical offset to begin the knockback from. 0
call-target-events Whether the spell should call target events. true
add-velocity-instead Change the target's velocity in a similar fashion to how they'd be knocked back, rather than just knocking them away. false


    spell-class: ".targeted.ForcebombSpell"
    name: forcebomb
    description: Push back your enemies.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 8
    range: 15
    radius: 3
    pushback-force: 30
    additional-vertical-force: 15
    max-vertical-force: 20
    can-target: players,nonplayers
        - mana 30
    str-cost: 30 mana
    str-cast-self: An explosion of energy pushes your enemies around.
    str-no-target: No target found.
            position: special
            effect: fireworks
            height-offset: 1
            type: 0
            flight: 0
            trail: false
            flicker: false
            colors: FF0000,0000FF
            fade-colors: 0000FF

포스 토스 스펠

Source Code

Description: Targeted Spell. Throws your opponent.


Option Description Variable Type Default Value
damage Defines the damage. Integer 0
vertical-force Defines the vertical force. Float 10
horizontal-force Defines horizontal force. Float 20
rotation Defines the degrees to rotate the target. Float 0
check-plugins Defines if events should be registered by other plugins. Boolean true
power-affects-force Defines if spell power should affect force. Boolean true
add-velocity-instead Defines if the velocity should be added instead of set. Boolean false
avoid-damage-modification Defines if damage should be modified by, for example, held items. Boolean true


    spell-class: ".targeted.ForcetossSpell"
    name: forcetoss
    description: Magically throw an enemy into the air.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 5
    range: 15
    damage: 0
    horizontal-force: 30
    vertical-force: 15
    can-target: players,monsters
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 10
    str-cost: 10 mana
    str-no-target: No target found.
    str-cast-self: You push back your enemy!
    str-cast-others: "%a pushes back his enemy."

간헐천 주문

Source Code


Targeted spell. Create a block geyser that shoots your enemy into the air.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
geyser-type The block used in the geyser. water
damage Damage dealt by the geyser. 0
velocity Velocity applied to the entity. 10
geyser-height Height of the geyser. 4
animation-speed The animated speed of the geyser. 2
ignore-armor Should the spell's damage ignore armor? false
check-plugins Should the spell check damage related plugins? true
avoid-damage-modification Should the spell avoid damage modification? false

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".targeted.GeyserSpell"
    name: geyser
    spell-icon: water
    description: Create a geyser of water at your enemy's feet.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    range: 20
    damage: 0
    velocity: 10
    animation-speed: 2
    geyser-height: 4
    geyser-type: water
    ignore-armor: false
    can-target: players,monsters
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 10
    str-cost: 10 mana
    str-cast-self: You create a geyser at your enemy's feet.
    str-no-target: No target found.

글라이드 스펠

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sets entity's gliding state.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
target-state Target state (on/off/toggle). toggle

·         Example:

·         glide:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.GlideSpell"
·             range: 20
·             target-state: toggle
·             can-target: nonplayers

그립 스펠

Source Code

Description: Targeted spell. Teleports the targeted entity to your location.


Option Description Default Value
y-offset Height offset of the teleport location. (overrides relative-offset) 0
location-offset Forward offset of the teleport location. (overrides relative-offset) 0
check-ground Defines whether the spell should check ground while gripping the target. true
relative-offset Relative offset of the teleport location. "1,1,0"
str-cant-grip Message sent to the caster when the target cannot be teleported. Empty


    spell-class: ".targeted.GripSpell"
    range: 100
    can-target: players,nonplayers
    relative-offset: 5,1,0
    str-cant-grip: "Cant teleport your target there!"

치유 주문
Heal Spell

Source Code

Description: Targeted Spell that heals the target.


Option Description Default Value
heal-amount Defines the amount of health to heal. 10
heal-percent Defines the percentage of health to heal. 0
check-plugins Defines if the spell should emit events for other plugins to check. true
cancel-if-full Defines if the spell should heal even if full health. true
str-max-health Defines a message to be sent if the target is at max health. %t is already at max health.


    spell-class: ".targeted.HealSpell"
    name: heal
    range: 12
    cooldown: 9
    cast-item: stick
    can-target: players,wolf,cat
    heal-amount: 5
    cancel-if-full: true
    str-cast-self: "You have healed %t."
    str-cast-target: "%a has healed you."
    str-no-target: "No target to heal."
    str-max-health: "%t is already at max health."

오른쪽 주문 유지

Source Code


Targeted spell. The HoldRightSpell allows for the caster to continuously cast a spell at an entity or block location while holding down right click, even despite targeting and line of sight.

Note: For reset-time values under 500, targeting is not maintained and the spell does not continuously cast.


Option Description Type Default Value
spell Sub-spell to cast when holding right click. This spell must implement TargetedEntitySpell or TargetedLocationSpell. String ""
target-entity Whether the spell should target an entity. Boolean true
target-location Whether the spell should target a block location. Boolean false
reset-time Time it takes in milliseconds for the caster to be able to target another entity or location with the spell after releasing right click. Integer 250
max-duration Maximum duration that the spell can target an entity or location in seconds. Float 0
max-distance Maximum distance the caster can be from the target while holding down right click for spell to cast. Float 0


#Strikes targeted entity with lightning for up to 5 seconds while holding down right click
#as long as the caster remains within 10 blocks of the target.
    spell-class: ".targeted.HoldRightSpell"
    right-click-cast-item: golden_sword
    spell: lightning
    target-entity: true
    target-location: false
    reset-time: 1000
    max-duration: 5
    max-distance: 10


유도 미사일 주문
Source Code

Targeted spell that shoots a homing missile made of particles.


Option Description Default Value
homing-modifiers Modifier list for the missile, if modifier check wont pass, the missile will stop flying. null
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. "0,0.6,0"
target-relative-offset Relative offset applied at the target location. "0,0.6,0"
hit-ground Whether the missile should trigger the spell upon running into the ground. false
hit-air-during Whether the missile should trigger the spell all the way it travels. false
stop-on-hit-ground Whether the missile should stop upon hitting the ground. If this is false, it will pass through the ground and will not stop unless max-duration is set. false
stop-on-modifier-fail Whether the missile should disappear if homing-modifiers will fail true
hit-air-after-duration Whether the missile should trigger the spell if it reaches max-duration without hitting anything. false
spell The default sub-spell to cast on hit. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-hit-air Sub-spell to cast during the missile flight duration. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-air-during and spell-interval) ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast when the missile hits ground. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-ground) ""
spell-on-modifier-fail Sub-spell to cast when the missile's modifier list fails. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires homing-modifiers) ""
spell-on-entity-location Sub-spell to cast when the missile hits a target. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. ""
spell-after-duration Sub-spell to cast when the missile reaches its max-duration. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires hit-air-after-duration) ""
max-duration The maximum duration this missile is allowed to exist. (in seconds) 20
y-offset Modifies the start y offset. (overrides relative-offset) 0.6
hit-radius How far from the center of the missile to look for entities to hit. 1.5
vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the missile to look for entities to hit. 1.5
projectile-inertia Missile's inertia. 1.5
projectile-velocity How fast the missile moves, roughly in blocks per second. 5
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes (in ticks) 2
spell-interval Used with the hit-air-during option, casts the spell-on-hit-air each defined ticks 20
special-effect-interval How often to play the particle effects (in ticks) 2
intermediate-special-effect-locations How often to play the particle effects between travelled locations (in ticks) 0


    spell-class: ".targeted.HomingMissileSpell"
    name: "Homing Missile"
    range: 100
    cast-item: bone
    permission-name: homing_missile
    projectile-velocity: 15
    projectile-inertia: 1.5
    max-duration: 5
    tick-interval: 1
    special-effect-interval: 1
    relative-offset: 1,1,0
    target-relative-offset: 0,1,0
    can-target: players,nonplayers
            position: special
            effect: effectlib
                class: SphereEffect
                particle: REDSTONE
                color: FF00FF
                radius: 0.35
                particles: 20
                iterations: 1
                period: 1
                visibleRange: 100
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    permission-name: homing_missile
    damage: 4
    ignore-armor: true
    check-plugins: true
    can-target: players,nonplayers



유도 발사체 주문

Source Code

Targeted spell that shoots a homing missile made of a projectile.


Option Description Default Value
projectile-type The type of projectile. For more information, see below. arrow
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. "0.5,0.5,0"
target-relative-offset Relative offset applied at the target location. "0.5,0.5,0"
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes (in ticks) 1
spell-interval Used with the hit-air-during option, casts the spell-on-hit-air each defined ticks 20
special-effect-interval How often to play the particle effects (in ticks) 0
intermediate-special-effect-locations How often to play the particle effects between travelled locations (in ticks) 0
velocity The velocity of the missile. 1
hit-radius How far from the center of the missile to look for entities to hit. 2
vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the missile to look for entities to hit. 2
stop-on-modifier-fail Whether the missile should disappear if homing-modifiers will fail true
max-duration The maximum duration this missile is allowed to exist. (in seconds) 20
spell The default sub-spell to cast on hit. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-hit-air Sub-spell to cast when it reaches max distance. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground or an entity, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires spell-interval) ""
projectile-name Name of the projectile ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast when the missile hits ground. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
spell-on-modifier-fail Sub-spell to cast when the missile's modifier list fails. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. (requires homing-modifiers) ""
spell-after-duration Sub-spell to cast when the missile reaches its max-duration. Must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground, depending on how the options above are set up. ""
homing-modifiers Modifier list for the missile, if modifier check wont pass, the missile will stop flying. null

Projectile Types

  • Arrow
  • Dragonfireball
  • Egg
  • Enderpearl
  • Fireball
  • Fishhook
  • Largefireball
  • Lingeringpotion
  • Llamaspit
  • Shulkerbullet
  • Smallfireball
  • Snowball
  • Spectralarrow
  • Splashpotion
  • Thrownexpbottle
  • Thrownpotion
  • Tippedarrow
  • Trident
  • Witherskull


    spell-class: ".targeted.HomingProjectileSpell"
    name: "Homing Projectile"
    range: 100
    cooldown: 10
    cast-item: bone
    permission-name: homing_missile
    projectile-type: enderpearl
    projectile-name: "&e&lEnderPearl"
    velocity: 0.75
    max-duration: 10
    hit-radius: 2
    vertical-hit-radius: 2
    tick-interval: 1
    special-effect-interval: 1
    relative-offset: 1,1,0
    target-relative-offset: 0,1,0
    can-target: players,nonplayers
            position: target
            effect: particles
            height-offset: 1
            particle-name: explosion_large
            horiz-spread: 0.25
            vert-spread: 0.25
            speed: 0
            count: 5
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: 000000
            horiz-spread: 0.1
            vert-spread: 0.1
            count: 10
    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    permission-name: homing_missile
    damage: 4
    ignore-armor: true
    check-plugins: true
    can-target: players,nonplayers

공중에 있는 주문
Levitate Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that levitates the targeted player, following your mouse movements. Can be set to pull the target in as well.


Option Description Default Value
tick-rate How often to pull the target towards the player's mouse. Lower numbers can cause lag, but are more accurate and steady, while higher numbers can cause the target to be thrown around somewhat. 5
duration Time in ticks that the spell will last. 10
y-offset Modifies the y-offset of the location. 0
min-distance The minimum distance the target can be. Mostly used to counterbalance distance-change. 1
max-distance The maximum distance the target can be. 200
distance-change How many blocks to pull the target towards the caster. 0
cancel-on-item-switch Whether to cancel the levitation if you switch items. true
cancel-on-take-damage Whether to cancel the levitation if you take damage. true
cancel-on-spell-cast Whether to cancel the levitation if you cast another spell (see below). false
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".targeted.LevitateSpell"
    tick-rate: 5
    duration: 200
    distance-change: 20
    range: 25
    min-distance: 5
    cancel-on-item-switch: true
    cancel-on-spell-cast: false
    cancel-on-take-damage: true

번개 주문
Lightning Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that casts a lightning strike on the targeted block or player.


Option Description Default Value
additional-damage The amount of damage to deal on the secondary hit that comes with vanilla lightning strikes. 0
zap-pigs Whether the bolt should be able to turn pigs into zombie pigmen. true
no-damage Whether the initial strike should deal damage or not. false
check-plugins Whether the spell should check damage related plugins. true
charge-creepers Whether the bolt should be able to charge creepers. true
require-entity-target Whether to require a target to strike the lightning bolt on, or to target the ground. false


    spell-class: ".targeted.LightningSpell"
    name: lightning
    description: Call down lightning.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 15
    range: 20
    additional-damage: 0
    no-damage: false
    require-entity-target: false
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 15
    str-cost: 15 mana
    str-cast-self: You call down lightning.
    str-cast-others: "%a calls down lightning."
    str-no-target: No target found.

루프 스펠

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Targeted spell. The LoopSpell allows for the caster to repeatedly cast spells at either a target, target's location, or their own location for some duration of time and a certain amount of iterations. The LoopSpell can also be used without a target or location if the targeted option is set to false.

·         Configuration Options:

Option Description Type Default Value
delay How long, in ticks, before the loop starts. Long 0
duration How long, in ticks, the loop will last. If less than or equal to 0, the loop will last indefinitely unless iterations is specified. Long 0
interval How long, in ticks, the interval between casting the spells. Long 20
iterations How many total iterations the loop will do. If less than or equal to 0, the loop will last indefinitely unless duration is specified. Integer 0
y-offset Vertical offset when casting at a location Double 0
targeted If true, depending on require-entity-target and point-blank, the loop will target an entity or location. If false, spells will be casted without an entity or location target. Boolean true
point-blank If true and require-entity-target, the loop will target the initial location of the caster. Boolean false
stop-on-fail If true, if a spell fails to cast, the loop will stop. Boolean false
pass-targeting If true, the spell's can-target list will be passed down to targeted entity spells in spells when casting. Boolean true
cancel-on-death If true, dying will cancel the loop. Will always cancel if targeting a non-player entity. Boolean false
require-entity-target If true, targets an entity for the loop. Boolean false
cast-random-spell-instead If true, loop will instead randomly cast one spell in spells each iteration. Boolean false
skip-first If true, skips loop-modifiersvariable-mods-looploop-target-modifiersloop-location-modifiers and variable-mods-target-loop on the first iteration of the loop. Boolean false
skip-first-loop-modifiers If true, skip loop-modifiers on the first iteration of the loop. Uses the value of skip-first as its default. Boolean skipFirst
skip-first-variable-mods-loop If true, skip variable-mods-loop on the first iteration of the loop. Uses the value of skip-first as its default. Boolean skipFirst
skip-first-loop-target-modifiers If true, skip loop-target-modifiers on the first iteration of the loop. Uses the value of skip-first as its default. Boolean skipFirst
skip-first-loop-location-modifiers If true, skip loop-location-modifiers on the first iteration of the loop. Uses the value of skip-first as its default. Boolean skipFirst
skip-first-variable-mods-target-loop If true, skip variable-mods-target-loop on the first iteration of the loop. Uses the value of skip-first as its default. Boolean skipFirst
str-fade-self Message sent to the caster when the loop ends. String ""
str-fade-target Message sent to the target when the loop ends. String ""
spell-on-end Sub-spell casted when the loop ends. String null
spells List of sub-spells casted on each iteration of the loop. String List null
variable-mods-loop List of variable modifications performed on the caster on each iteration of the loop. Performed before loop-modifiers and loop-target-modifiers are checked. String List null
variable-mods-target-loop List of variable modifications performed on the target on each iteration of the loop. Performed before loop-modifiers and loop-target-modifiers are checked. String List null
loop-modifiers List of modifiers checked at the beginning of each iteration of the loop. Checked after variable-mods-loop and variable-mods-target-loop are performed. String List null
loop-target-modifiers List of target modifiers checked at the beginning of each iteration of the loop. Checked after variable-mods-loop and variable-mods-target-loop are performed. String List null
loop-location-modifiers List of location modifiers checked at the beginning of each iteration of the loop. Checked after variable-mods-loop and variable-mods-target-loop are performed. String List null

·         Example:

·         #Strikes targeted entity with lightning for up to 200 ticks (10 seconds)
·         #If the entity dies before the duration of the LoopSpell ends, the loop will cancel.
·         PerpetualLightning:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.LoopSpell"
·             delay: 10
·             duration: 200
·             require-entity-target: true
·             cancel-on-death: true
·             str-fade-self: "The foe has been slain, thus the lightning strikes cease."
·             spells: 
·                 - lightning

·         Variable Example:

·         #Increments a variable by 1 each time a loop occurs.
·         #When the variable reaches its maximum value, the loop ends.
·         variables:
·             increasingvar:
·                   type: player
·                   permanent: false
·                   default: 0
·                   min: 0
·                   max: 10
·         IncreasingVariableLoop:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.LoopSpell"
·             require-entity-target: false
·             variable-mods-loop: 
·                 - increasingvar +1
·             str-fade-self: "The variable has reached its maximum value of %var:increasingvar%"
·             spells:
·                 - IncreasingVarDummy(mode=full)
·             loop-modifiers:
·                 - variable increasingvar=10 denied
·         IncreasingVarDummy:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
·             target-self: true
·             str-cast-self: "The current value of the variable is %var:increasingvar%"
·             helper-spell: true

마법 유대 주문
MagicBondSpell Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell, creates a bond between the caster and targeted player which makes the target cast the same spells the caster does.


Option Description Default Value
duration Duration of the spell (in ticks). 200
str-duration Message sent to the caster and targeted player when the bond is over. ""
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".targeted.MagicBondSpell"
    duration: 200
            position: line
            distance-between: 0.25
            height-offset: 0.5
            effect: particles
            particle-name: end_rod
            horiz-spread: 0.1
            vert-spread: 0.1
            speed: 0.04
            count: 2

주문의 구체화
Materialize Spell

Source Code

Materialize a block or pattern of blocks.


Option Description Default Value
block-type The type of block to materialize. stone
reset-delay How long to wait before removing the materialized block. Set to 0 for permanent placement. 0
falling Whether to make the materialized block falling (apply sand physics). false
apply-physics Whether to make the summoned block use normal physics. (Sand and gravel would fall, sugar cane would require sand/grass and water, etc.) true
check-plugins Whether the spell should check block related plugins. true
play-break-effect Play the block break effect of the materialized block. true
str-failed Message sent to the caster when the spell fails. ""
use-pattern Enables the use of patterns. false
patterns Define a list of blocks to be used per row. If there are more rows than pattern lists, it will repeat. It will go through until the pattern lists are all used up. null
restart-pattern-each-row Explanation listed below the config option boxes, as it's too long to fit in here. false
randomize-pattern Literally randomize a row's pattern. false
stretch-pattern Generates 1 floor, then stretches that result until the height is reached. false
area Define an area of blocks to materialize. 1x1
height Define the area's height to materialize. 1
fall-height Change how high falling blocks fall from. 0.5
remove-blocks Whether the blocks should be removed. true


Normally, the pattern continues through if it has been reset. gold_block,iron_block pattern will continue within a 3x3 becoming...


This options makes it...



    spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell"
    name: water
    spell-icon: water_bucket
    description: Summons a water spring into existence.
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 120
    range: 8
    block-type: water
    reset-delay: 200
    apply-physics: true
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 10
    str-cost: 10 mana
    str-no-target: No target found.
    str-failed: ""

재사용 대기시간 주문 수정
Modify Cooldown Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that changes the cooldown of specified spells.


Option Description Default Value
seconds Amount of seconds to remove from cooldowns. Applies before the multiplier is used. 1
multiplier A number to multiply the cooldown by. Accepts decimal inputs. Applied after the seconds have been removed from the cooldown. 0
  This spell depends on the Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".targeted.ModifyCooldownSpell"
    seconds: 5
    multiplier: 0.3
        - Silence
        - Disarm
        - Cleanse

마운트 스펠
Mount Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that makes you ride your target.


Option Description Default Value
duration Duration of the spell (in ticks). 0
reverse Should the target ride you instead? false


    spell-class: ".targeted.MountSpell"
    duration: 200

노바 스펠

·         Source Code

·         Creates an expanding block nova, which casts spells on its path.

·         Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
type Block type and its block data. Format: quartz_stairs[waterlogged=true]  
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the start location. 0,0,0
spell-on-end Spell to cast when all block waves disappear. (requires remove-previous-blocks set to false) ""
spell Sub-spell to cast at each block, when a new wave forms. ""
spell-on-wave-remove Sub-spell to cast when the previous wave is removed. (requires remove-previous-blocks set to true) ""
radius Radius of the nova. 3
start-radius Start radius of the nova. 0
height-per-tick Height per new wave. 0
expand-interval Interval between forming a new wave. 5
expanding-radius-change How big should each wave be, in blocks. 1
visible-range Visible range of the nova. 20
point-blank If set to true, the start location will be set to the caster's current location. true
circle-shape If set to true, nova will form a circle, if set to false, a square. false
remove-previous-blocks Whether it should remove the previous wave of blocks. true

·         Example:

·         Fire-Nova:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.NovaSpell"
·             name: "Fire Nova"
·             cast-item: bone
·             cooldown: 10
·             cost:
·                 - mana 15
·             str-cost: 15 mana
·             str-cast-self: "You summon an expanding ring of fire."
·             str-cast-others: "%a summons an expanding ring of fire."
·             permission-name: fire_nova
·             type: fire
·             radius: 5
·             expand-interval: 5
·             visible-range: 50
·             point-blank: true
·             circle-shape: true
·             spell: AOE_FIRE_NOVA
·         AOE_FIRE_NOVA:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: fire_nova
·             horizontal-radius: 1
·             vertical-radius: 1
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             point-blank: false
·             fail-if-no-targets: false
·             spell-source-in-center: true
·             spells:
·                 - COMBUST_FIRE_NOVA
·             spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: fire_nova
·             fire-ticks: 100
·             fire-tick-damage: 1
·             prevent-immunity: true
·             check-plugins: true
·             can-target: players,nonplayers

오프셋 위치 스펠(Offset Location Spell)
Offset Location Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that casts other targeted spells at an offset.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
relative-offset The offset to use relative to the player. 0,0,0
absolute-offset A hard offset related to the player's coordinates, not where they're looking. 0,0,0
spell Sub-spell to cast at an offset. ""

·         Example:

·         Meteor:
·             spell-class: ".TargetedMultiSpell"
·             require-entity-target: false
·             spells:
·                 - OffsetLocation
·         OffsetLocation:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.OffsetLocationSpell"
·             relative-offset: 0,10,0
·             spell: MaterializeMagma
·         MaterializeMagma:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell"
·             block-type: magma_block
·             falling: true
·             apply-physics: true
·             play-break-effect: true

궤도 주문

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that creates an orbit rotating around the target.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
can-hit Target list. null
max-duration Max duration of the orbit (in seconds). 20
tick-interval How often to play the particle effect and check hitboxes (in ticks) 2
vert-expand-delay How often to expand the orbit vertically. (in ticks) (requires vert-expand-radius) 0
horiz-expand-delay How often to expand the orbit horizontally. (in ticks) (requires horiz-expand-radius) 0
y-offset Modifies the start height location. 0.6
hit-radius How far from the center of the orbit to look for entities to hit. 1
vertical-hit-radius How far vertically from the center of the orbit to look for entities to hit. 1
orbit-radius How far from the center of the start location should the orbit be? 1
start-horiz-offset Modifies the start location by rotating it around the defined angle. 0
vert-expand-radius How much to expand the orbit radius vertically?. (requires vert-expand-delay) 0
horiz-expand-radius How much to expand the orbit radius horizontally?. (requires horiz-expand-delay) 0
seconds-per-revolution How many seconds does the orbit need to make a full circle? 3
stop-on-hit-entity Should the orbit disappear when it hits an entity? false
stop-on-hit-ground Should the orbit disappear when it hits the ground? false
counter-clockwise Should the orbit rotate in a reverse way? false
require-entity-target Should the orbit rotate around an entity target? true
spell Sub-spell to cast at the orbit location. ""
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell to cast at the orbit location when it hits the ground. ""
spell-on-hit-entity Sub-spell to cast at the entity target. ""

·         Examples:

·         Example 1:

·         Astral-Spheres:
·             spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
·             name: "Astral Spheres"
·             cast-item: bone
·             cooldown: 20
·             cost:
·                 - mana 25
·             str-cost: "25 Mana"
·             permission-name: astral_spheres
·             spells:
·                 - ORBIT_ASTRAL_SPHERES_1
·                 - ORBIT_ASTRAL_SPHERES_2
·                 - ORBIT_ASTRAL_SPHERES_3
·         ORBIT_ASTRAL_SPHERES_1: &astralSphere
·             spell-class: ".targeted.OrbitSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: astral_spheres
·             target-self: true
·             horiz-expand-delay: 2
·             horiz-expand-radius: 0.025
·             vert-expand-delay: 2
·             vert-expand-radius: 0.01
·             start-horiz-offset: 0
·             hit-radius: 1.25
·             vertical-hit-radius: 1.25
·             seconds-per-revolution: 3
·             orbit-radius: 2
·             tick-interval: 1
·             max-duration: 10
·             y-offset: 0.25
·             stop-on-hit-entity: true
·             stop-on-hit-ground: true
·             can-hit:
·                 - players
·                 - nonplayers
·             spell: FORCEBOMB_ASTRAL_SPHERES
·             spell-on-hit-entity: DMG_ASTRAL_SPHERES
·             spell-on-hit-ground: EFF_ASTRAL_SPHERES_GROUND
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: FF00FF
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.25
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·                 eff2:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: 9400D3
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.5
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·             <<: *astralSphere
·             start-horiz-offset: 120
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: FF00FF
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.25
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·                 eff2:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: 9400D3
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.5
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·             <<: *astralSphere
·             start-horiz-offset: 240
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: FF00FF
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.25
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·                 eff2:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: SphereEffect
·                         particle: REDSTONE
·                         color: 9400D3
·                         iterations: 1
·                         radius: 0.5
·                         particles: 15
·                         period: 0
·                         visibleRange: 100
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ForcebombSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: astral_spheres
·             radius: 3
·             pushback-force: -5
·             additional-vertical-force: 2
·             max-vertical-force: 2
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: astral_spheres
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: target
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: explosion_large
·                     horiz-spread: 0.5
·                     vert-spread: 0.5
·                     count: 5
·                     speed: 0
·             spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: astral_spheres
·             damage: 3
·             check-plugins: true
·             ignore-armor: false
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: target
·                     height-offset: 0.75
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: explosion_large
·                     horiz-spread: 0.3
·                     vert-spread: 0.3
·                     count: 2
·                     speed: 0

·         Example 2:

·         GrandSaviorOrbit1:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.OrbitSpell"
·             target-self: true
·             hit-radius: 1
·             seconds-per-revolution: 5
·             orbit-radius: 2
·             tick-interval: 1
·             max-duration: 10
·             y-offset: 0.25
·             stop-on-hit-entity: false
·             stop-on-hit-ground: false
·             start-horiz-offset: 0
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: projectile
·                     effect: armorstand
·                     armorstand:
·                         mainhand: golden_sword
·                         right-arm-angle: 1.4,-0.2,0
·                         visible: false
·                         gravity: false

통증 주문
Pain Spell

Source Code

Description: Damage spell that deals direct damage to the target.


Option Description Variable Type Default Value
spell-damage-type This is a custom damage type which can be used together with the resist spell. It's very optional. String Empty
damage-type Defines the damage cause of this spell. String ENTITY_ATTACK
damage How much damage should be dealt to. Float 4
ignore-armor Whether or not the spell should ignore armor that the target is wearing, ignores resistance as well. Boolean false
check-plugins Checks if plugins are enabled for certain things. Boolean true
avoid-damage-modification Defines if the spell should avoid damage modification. Boolean true
try-avoiding-anticheat-plugins Bypasses Anti-Cheat if necessary. Boolean false


    spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell"
    name: pain
    spell-icon: bone
    description: Cause your enemy pain.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 5
    damage: 4
    range: 15
    ignore-armor: false
    can-target: players,monsters
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 10
        - health 1
    str-cost: 10 mana and a half heart
    str-no-target: No target found.

구문 분석 주문
Description: This spell is used to edit a string variable.

Source Code

Configuration options:

Option Description Default Value
operation Valid operations: translate (normal), differenceappend, and regex (regexp) "normal"
parse-to-variable Variable to store the result in after the operation is complete.  


Description: This mode changes the variable value to a new value if the expected-value matches the current value of variable-to-parse.

Option Description
variable-to-parse Variable to check.
expected-value A string, but "any" can be used as a wildcard.


Description: This mode checks the difference between two variables and stores the result.

Option Description
first-variable First variable to check against.
second-variable Second.


Description: This mode first checks if the expected-value matches the current value of variable-to-parse. If it does, it appends parse-to onto the value of variable-to-parse, and stores this new value string.

Option Description
expected-value A string, but "any" can be used as a wildcard.
variable-to-parse Variable to check.
parse-to The value to append.


Description: This mode can store returned matched text or do text replacement.

Option Description
variable-to-parse Variable value to match or perform replacements on.
expected-value A regex object (in string format). Use this for help: https://regexr.com/
parse-to If this value is specified, it will be used as the replacement text for the first thing that is matched. If it's empty, the result will instead be all the matched text.

Example of the "normal" operation:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ParseSpell"
    target-self: true
    # operation - normal (default)
    variable-to-parse: Greeting
    expected-value:  Hello
    parse-to-variable: Greeting
    parse-to: Goodbye

입자 구름 주문

Source Code

Targeted Spell that creates a particle cloud at the target location applying potion effects.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
custom-name Name that displays above the cloud. null
particle-name Particle used to make the cloud. EXPLOSION_NORMAL
material Material of the particle. ""
size Redstone size. 1
dust-color Redstone color. FF0000
color Potion color. 0xFF0000
wait-time-ticks Wait time ticks. 10
duration-ticks Duration ticks. 60
duration-ticks-on-use Duration ticks on use. 0
reapplication-delay-ticks Reapplication delay ticks. 60
radius Radius of the cloud. 5
radius-on-use Radius on use. 0
radius-per-tick Radius per tick. 0
use-gravity Should the cloud use gravity? false
can-target-entities Should the cloud target entities? true
can-target-location Should the cloud target location? true
potion-effects List of potion effects, check the format below null

Format for the potion-effects:

  • PotionType(string) durationInTicks(int) amplifier(int) ambient(boolean) particles(boolean) icon(boolean)

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ParticleCloudSpell"
    particle-name: explosion_normal
    wait-time-ticks: 10
    duration-ticks: 100
    duration-ticks-on-use: 0
    reapplication-delay-ticks: 10
    radius: 3
    radius-on-use: 0
    radius-per-tick: 0.01
        - slowness 40 1 true true true

주문 붙여넣기

Source Code

Targeted Spell that pastes a WorldEdit schematic at the target location.

Create a .schem file with WorldEdit and put it into MagicSpells/schematics folder.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
schematic Name of the schematic file. "none"
y-offset Modifies the start height location. 0
undo-delay Delay before removing the schematic. 0
paste-air Should the schematic paste air? false
remove-paste Should the schematic be removed on server stop/reload? true
paste-at-caster Should the schematic be pasted at the caster's location? false

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.PasteSpell"
    schematic: schematicName.schem
    y-offset: 1
    undo-delay: 100
    paste-air: false
    remove-paste: true
    paste-at-caster: false

물약 효과 주문
Potion Effect Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that applies a potion effect to a target or the caster.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
type The type of potion to use. List of potion effects can be found here speed
duration How long, in ticks, to apply the potion effect for. 0
strength The level of potion to apply. This starts at 0, meaning strength: 0 will give a level 1 potion effect. strength: 1 will apply level 2, and so on. 0
hidden Makes the potion swirls invisible if turned on. false
ambient Makes the potion swirls more translucent if turned on. false
targeted By default this spell targets the caster. Set to true to make it target the targeted entity. false
override Override existing effect type. false
spell-power-affects-duration Whether spell power should affect the duration. true
spell-power-affects-strength Whether spell power should affect the potion strength. true

·         Example:

·         Potion:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
·             type: speed
·             duration: 80
·             strength: 1
·             can-target: caster
·             ambient: false
·             hidden: true

·         Different formats for the potion effects.

·         test:
·           spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
·           potion-effects:
·             # <effect> <duration> <strength> <ambient> <hidden> <icon>
·             - speed 100 4 false false true
·             # Flow style section
·             - {type: speed, duration: 100, strength: 4, ambient: false, hidden: false, icon: true}
·             # Block style section
·             - type: speed
·               duration: 100
·               strength: 4
·               ambient: false
·               hidden: false
·               icon: true

발사체 주문 수정

·         Source Code

·         ProjectileModifySpell modifies all nearby ParticleProjectiles.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Type Default Value
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.    
cone If point-blank is set to true, which it is by default, this will make the AOE a cone instead of it being 360 degrees around the caster. Best way to explain it is that it works like the sweep attack on swords. Value is specified in degrees. Double 0
vertical-radius Vertical hit radius for the spell. Double 5
horizontal-radius Horizontal hit radius for the spell. Double 10
max-targets Max targets for the spell. Integer 0
point-blank While set to true, when cast the start location of the spell will be the caster's location. When it's set to false, the spell center will be the block the caster was pointing at while casting the spell. Boolean true
claim-projectiles Should only the projectiles owned by the caster be used? Boolean false
projectile-velocity Modifies the velocity (its current velocity is multiplied by the set amount). Float 1
projectile-acceleration Modifies projectile-acceleration. Integer 0
projectile-acceleration-delay Modifies projectile-acceleration-delay. Float 0
projectile-turn Modifies projectile-turn. Float 0
projectile-vert-gravity Modifies projectile-vert-gravity. Float 0
projectile-horiz-gravity Modifies projectile-horiz-gravity. Float 0
tick-interval Modifies tick-interval. Integer 2
spell-interval Modifies spell-interval. Integer 20
intermediate-effects Modifies intermediate-effects. Integer 0
special-effect-interval Modifies special-effect-interval. Integer 1
max-distance Modifies max-distance. Double 15
max-duration Modifies max-duration. Double 0
intermediate-hitboxes Modifies intermediate-hitboxes. Integer 0
tick-spell-limit Modifies tick-spell-limit. 0  
max-entities-hit Modifies max-entities-hit. Integer 0
hit-radius Modifies hit-radius. Float 1.5
vertical-hit-radius Modifies vertical-hit-radius. Float 1.5
ground-hit-radius Modifies ground-hit-radius. Integer 1
ground-vertical-hit-radius Modifies ground-vertical-hit-radius. Integer 1
hug-surface Modifies hug-surface. Boolean false
height-from-surface Modifies height-from-surface. Float 0.6
controllable Modifies controllable. Boolean false
hit-ground Modifies hit-ground. Boolean true
hit-air-at-end Modifies hit-air-at-end. Boolean false
hit-air-during Modifies hit-air-during. Boolean false
hit-air-after-duration Modifies hit-air-after-duration. Boolean false
stop-on-hit-ground Modifies stop-on-hit-ground. Boolean true
stop-on-modifier-fail Modifies stop-on-modifier-fail. Boolean true
spell-on-hit-air Modifies spell-on-hit-air. String ""
spell-on-hit-self Modifies spell-on-hit-self. String ""
spell-on-tick Modifies spell-on-tick. String ""
spell-on-hit-ground Modifies spell-on-hit-ground. String ""
spell-on-hit-entity Modifies spell-on-hit-entity. String ""
spell-on-duration-end Modifies spell-on-duration-end. String ""
spell-on-modifier-fail Modifies spell-on-modifier-fail. String ""
spell-on-entity-location Modifies spell-on-entity-location. String ""
projectile-modifiers Modifies projectile-modifiers. String List ""

·         Examples:

·         Slow-Motion:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ProjectileModifySpell"
·             horizontal-radius: 20
·             vertical-radius: 20
·             point-blank: true
·             projectile-velocity: 0.25
·             spells:
·                 - PROJ_TEST1

펄서 스펠
Pulser Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that creates a block at the targeted location, which then casts spells.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
block-type The type of block the pulser will be. diamond_block
y-offset The vertical offset to place the pulser block. 0
interval The time in ticks between each spellcast the pulser makes. 30
total-pulses How many times the pulser should attempt to cast its spells before expiring. 5
cap-per-player How many pulsers each player can have at once. 10
max-distance The maximum amount of blocks the player can be from their pulser block before it vanishes. 30
unbreakable Should the pulser block be unbreakable? false
only-count-on-success If true, only successfully casted spells (requiring targets, as an example) will count towards total-pulses. Useful in making trap-style spells. false
spell-on-break Sub-spell the pulser should cast if it is broken. ""
spells The sub-spells the pulser should cast. Must be able to target a radius or the ground. null
str-at-cap String message for if the player has the maximum amount of pulsers out already. "You have too many effects at once."

·         Example:

·         HunterTrap:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.PulserSpell"
·             cooldown: 12
·             range: 3
·             total-pulses: 2
·             interval: 5
·             max-distance: 500
·             block-type: gray_carpet
·             only-count-on-success: true
·             str-modifier-failed: "The trap can only be placed below your feet!"
·             str-at-cap: "You can only control 2 traps at once!"
·             cap-per-player: 2
·             modifiers:
·                 - pitchabove 70 required
·             spells:
·                 - trapAoe
·         trapAoe:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
·             horizontal-radius: 2
·             vertical-radius: 1
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             spells:
·                 - trapEntomb
·         trapEntomb:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.EntombSpell"
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             block-type: cobweb
·             duration: 30

주문 다시 자라기

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that regrows sheep's wool.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
wool-color Color of the wool. ""
force-wool-color Should it force the wool's color? false
random-wool-color Should it make the wool color random? false

·         Example:

·         RegrowSpell:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.RegrowSpell"
·             force-wool-color: true
·             wool-color: white

마크 철자 제거

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that removes marks near a targeted location.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
radius Radius of the spell. 10
point-blank Should the spell search for marks at the caster's location? false
mark-spell Internal name of the mark spell. ""

·         Example:

·         removemarks:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.RemoveMarksSpell"
·             radius: 20
·             point-blank: true
·             mark-spell: "mark"

맞춤법 바꾸기

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell - replaces the targeted block.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
y-offset Modifies the start height location. 0
radius-up Radius of the spell up. 1
radius-down Radius of the spell down. 1
radius-horiz Horizontal radius of the spell. 1
duration Duration of the block replacement. 0
point-blank Should it target blocks at the caster's location? false
check-plugins Let plugins recognise the modification of this block by the player. true
replace-random Should it replace blocks with random blocks from replace-with? true
power-affects-radius Should spell power affect radius? false
replace-blocks List of blocks which can be replaced by other blocks. List all to allow all blocks. null
replace-blacklist List of blocks which are irreplaceable. null
replace-with List of blocks which should replace blocks from the replace-blocks list. null

·         Example:

·         replace:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ReplaceSpell"
·             point-blank: true
·             duration: 60
·             replace-blocks: 
·                 - grass_block
·             replace-with:
·                 - stone

리소스 주문

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sends a resourcepack request to the player.

Option Description Default Value
url Url of the resourcepack. null
hash Hash of the resourcepack. null
required Whether or not the resource pack should be required to join the server. If true, the client will be disconnected from the server when it declines to use the resource pack. false
prompt The optional custom prompt message to be shown to client. ""

되감기 주문

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that rewinds the targeted entity in time after a set delay.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
tick-interval Interval between saving location (in ticks). 4
start-duration Duration of saving the locations (in ticks). 200
rewind-interval Interval between rewinding to the locations (in ticks). 2
special-effect-interval Interval between playing special effects. 5
delayed-effect-interval Interval between playing delayed effects. 5
rewind-mana Should the spell rewind mana? false
rewind-health Should the spell rewind health? true
allow-force-rewind Is the caster allowed to rewind himself faster? true
spell-on-rewind Sub-spell to cast once the rewind begins. ""

·         Example:

·         rewind:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.RewindSpell"
·             target-self: true
·             tick-interval: 4
·             start-duration: 200
·             rewind-interval: 2
·             special-effect-interval: 4
·             delayed-effect-interval: 4
·             effects:
·                 eff1:
·                     position: special
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: REDSTONE
·                     color: FFFF00
·                     horiz-spread: 0.1
·                     vert-spread: 0.1
·                     size: 1
·                     count: 5
·                 eff2:
·                     position: delayed
·                     effect: particles
·                     particle-name: REDSTONE
·                     color: FF00FF
·                     horiz-spread: 0.1
·                     vert-spread: 0.1
·                     size: 1
·                     count: 5

립타이드 스펠
Riptide Spell

Source Code


Targeted spell. Causes the entity to play the Riptide animation for a specified duration of time.


Option Description Default Value
duration Duration specified in ticks before the Riptide animation ends. Set to 0 to define an infinite duration. 40 (Integer)


    spell-class: ".targeted.RiptideSpell"
    duration: 40

주문 회전

Source Code


Targeted Spell. Rotates the target's yaw or pitch by a specified amount. Other options allow the caster to make the target face them and vice versa.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
rotation-yaw Amount of degrees the target's yaw rotates in. 10
rotation-pitch Amount of degrees the target's pitch rotates in. 0
affect-pitch Enables the use of rotation-pitch. false
face Controls the relation between the target and the caster - where they face. Valid values: "caster" (target faces caster), "target" (caster faces their target), "away-from-caster" and "away-from-target". ""
random The target rotates with a random amount of degrees. false
mimic-direction Causes the caster/target to face in the same direction as the target/caster. This changes depending on whether you have face-target or face-caster enabled. false

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".targeted.RotateSpell"
    name: Rotate
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 15
    random: true

Charm Spell Example:

        type: player
        min: 0
        max: 60
        default: 0
        permanent: false
    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    name: Charm
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 10
        - Charm_Loop
    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
        - Charm
        - DELAY 1
        - Charm_Loop
        - variableequals Charm_Counter:60 denied
        - Charm_Counter +1
    spell-class: ".targeted.RotateSpell"
    face-caster: true

섀도우스텝 스펠

Source Code


Targeted Spell. Teleports the caster to the target.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
yaw Modifies yaw of the location by the set value. 0
pitch Modifies pitch of the location by the set value. 0
distance Distance from the target. (overrides relative-offset) -1
relative-offset Relative offset applied at the target's location. -1,0,0
str-no-landing-spot Message sent to the caster when there isn't a safe spot to teleport. "Cannot shadowstep there."

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ShadowstepSpell"
    name: Shadowstep
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 15
    relative-offset: -1,0,0
    can-target: players,nonplayers

전단 주문

Source Code


Targeted Spell. Shears the targeted sheep.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
wool-color Color of the wool. ""
min-wool-drop Minimal amount of wool to drop. 1
max-wool-drop Maximum amount of wool to drop 3
drop-offset Offset of the drop 1
force-wool-color Should wool's color be forced? false
random-wool-color Should the wool's color be random false

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.ShearSpell"
    cooldown: 15
    wool-color: white

침묵 주문
Silence Spell

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         A targeted spell that takes away the target's ability to cast spells.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
prevent-cast Whether to stop the target from casting spells. Boolean true
prevent-chat Whether to stop the target from using chat. Boolean false
prevent-commands Whether to stop the target from using commands. Boolean false
spell-on-denied-cast Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's spell was silenced. String null
spell-on-denied-chat Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's chat was silenced. String null
spell-on-denied-command Sub-spell to cast whenever the target's command was silenced. String null
duration How long, in ticks, the silence spell lasts. Integer 200
str-silenced String message sent to any player who is silenced. String "You are silenced!
  This spell depends on the Spell Filter options.    

·         Example:

·         Silence:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SilenceSpell"
·             range: 12
·             prevent-cast: true
·             prevent-chat: false
·             prevent-commands: false
·             duration: 30
·             cooldown: 16
·             allowed-spells:
·                 - list
·                 - help
·             cost:
·                 - mana 35
·             str-cost: 35 mana
·             str-no-target: No target.
·             str-cast-self: "You silence %t."
·             str-cast-target: "%a silences you."
·             str-silenced: "You are silenced."

스킨 스펠

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sets the player's skin.

·         Use this website to generate the skin data. Options (strings): texture & signature

·         ##Configuration Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
texture The value of the texture. String ""
signature The signature of the texture. String ""

·         Example:

·         SkinReset:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SkinSpell"
·             texture: ""
·             signature: ""
·             target-self: true  
·         PigMan:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SkinSpell"
·             texture: "ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTY4MjQzNTA2NTUyNCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICI3MDQ0ZDlkY2I5OGI0YzgzYWFjNjIzNjFlYTY5YmNmOSIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJfV2F0cnlzaGthXyIsCiAgInNpZ25hdHVyZVJlcXVpcmVkIiA6IHRydWUsCiAgInRleHR1cmVzIiA6IHsKICAgICJTS0lOIiA6IHsKICAgICAgInVybCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS85Zjc0NDM3NzUwOTExYmY5NzdiYTA3NzMxYjljYzVkZTljNWM3OGFmZGVhM2Q2Y2FmY2U4OTQ5OTQ1NTE5N2UiCiAgICB9CiAgfQp9"
·             signature: "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"
·             target-self: true   

슬라임 크기 주문

Source Code


Targeted Spell. Sets slime's size.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
size Sets the slime's size by this value. =5
min-size Minimum size. 0
max-size Maximum size 20

Spell Example:

    spell-class: ".targeted.SlimeSizeSpell"
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 15
    size: =2

슬롯 선택 주문
Slot Select Spell

Source Code


This is a targeted spell that forces the target to select the slot configured by the options below.

Configuration Options:

Options Description
slot This property can be a pure integer of the slot, or it can be a string - a variable name. If it's a variable, the spell will set the selected slot to the target's value of the variable.
ignore-slot-bounds This spell will send errors in the console if the bounds of slots are not respected. This property can be set to true for the error to be ignored.

개체 스폰 주문

·         Source Code

·         Description:

·         Targeted Spell. Spawns an entity at the targeted location.

·         Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
entity Entity Data config section. -
main-hand Item in main hand. air
off-hand Item in off hand. air
helmet Helmet. air
chestplate Chestplate. air
leggings Leggings. air
boots Boots. air
main-hand-drop-chance Chance of dropping item in main hand. 0
off-hand-drop-chance Chance of dropping item in off hand. 0
helmet-drop-chance Chance of dropping helmet. 0
chestplate-drop-chance Chance of dropping chestplate. 0
leggings-drop-chance Chance of dropping leggings. 0
boots-drop-chance Chance of dropping boots. 0
y-offset Modifies mob's spawn height location 0.1
duration Duration of the mob (in ticks). 0
fire-ticks Amount of fire ticks applied to the mob 0
target-interval Interval between targeting. -1
target-range Target range. 20
retarget-range Retarget range. 50
location Location where the mob should be spawned (focus, target, caster, random, casteroffset:y), random will spawn the mob in randomly in a radius (radius determined by spell power) target
nameplate-text Name above the mob ""
no-ai Should the mob spawn with no ai? false
gravity Should the mob use gravity? true
remove-ai Should the mob's ai be removed on spawn? false
remove-mob Removes some of the mob's mechanic when it dies (set it to true if you don't know what you're doing) true
use-caster-name Should the mob use caster's name? false
add-look-at-player-ai Should the mob look at players? false
allow-spawn-in-midair Can the mob spawn in midair? false
nameplate-formatting Allow nameplate formatting? false
attack-spell Sub-spell which is casted when the mob attacks. ""
attributes Attribute list for the mob. null
potion-effects Potion effect list for the mob null

·         Example:

·         Summon-Wolf:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SpawnEntitySpell"
·             name: Summon-Wolf
·             cooldown: 60
·             location: caster
·             entity:
·                 entity: wolf
·                 tamed: true
·                 color: blue

Tnt 주문 생성

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that spawns TNT at the target location.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
fuse Fuse time (in ticks). 20
velocity Velocity of the tnt. 0
up-velocity Up velocity of the tnt. 0
cancel-gravity Should the tnt cancel gravity? false
cancel-explosion Should the tnt cancel its explosion? false
prevent-block-damage Prevent block damage? false
spell Sub-spell to cast at the TNT's explode location. ""

·         Example:

·         tnt:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SpawnTntSpell"
·             range: 20
·             fuse: 40
·             velocity: 0
·             preven-block-damage: true

기절 주문

Source Code

Description: A targeted spell that stuns the target both from moving and looking around.


Option Description Variable Type Default Value
duration Duration of the stun defined in server ticks. Integer 200
interval Sets the interval of applying the stun, defined in server ticks. Integer 5
stun-monitor Defines if the stun spell should stun the target's monitor movement. Boolean true
stun-body Defines if the stun spell should stun the target's body movement. Boolean true
use-target-location Defines whether the target should be teleported to the location they were at when they were targeted (true) or if the location they moved from (false). Boolean true


    spell-class: ".targeted.StunSpell"
    cast-item: stick
    duration: 120
    interval: 5
    str-cast-target: "%a has stunned you."
    str-cast-self: "You have stunned %t."

주문 소환

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that summons a player to your location.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
max-accept-delay Max accept delay (in ticks). 90
require-exact-name Does the spell require the exact player name? false
require-acceptance Does the spell require the player's acceptance? true
str-usage Message sent to the caster when he uses the spell in a wrong way "Usage: /cast summon , or /cast summon while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line."
accept-command Accept command. accept
str-summon-pending Message sent to the caster. "You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport."
str-summon-expired Message sent when the summon expires. "The summon has expired."
str-summon-accepted Message sent when the target accepts the summon. "You have been summoned."

·         Example:

·         summon_helper:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell"
·             require-exact-name: false
·             require-acceptance: true
·             max-accept-delay: 90
·             accept-command: accept
·             str-usage: |
·                 Usage: /cast summon <playername>, or /cast summon 
·                 while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line.
·             str-no-target: Target player not found.
·             str-summon-pending: You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport.
·             str-summon-accepted: You have been summoned.
·             str-summon-expired: The summon has expired.

체력 주문 전환
Switch Health Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that allows you to switch health with an enemy.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
require-greater-health-percent Whether to require that the caster have a higher health percentage than the target. false
require-lesser-health-percent Whether to require that the caster have a lower health percentage than the target. false

·         Example:

·         switchhealth:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.SwitchHealthSpell"
·             range: 10
·             can-target: players,nonplayers

주문 전환

Source Code

Targeted spell that switches you with your target.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
switch-back Defines should caster swaps back with target after some time. Defines in ticks. 0


    spell-class: ".targeted.SwitchSpell"
    switch-back: 0

엔터티 철자 태그 지정
Tag Entity Spell

·         Description: Manages scoreboard tags of the targeted entity.

·         Source Code

·         Configuration:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
tag Defines the tag name. Supports variable replacement (of caster's variables). String ""
operation Valid operations: add (or insert), remove (or take), and clear. String add

염력 주문

·         Source Code

·         Targeted spell that allows you to manipulate levers, pressure plates and buttons.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
check-plugins Check block related plugins? true

·         Example:

·         telekinesis:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.TelekinesisSpell"
·             name: telekinesis
·             spell-icon: lever
·             description: Manipulate switches and buttons remotely.
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 15
·             range: 20
·             cost:
·                 - mana 5
·             str-cost: 5 mana
·             str-no-target: You must target a switch or button.

텔레포트 주문
Teleport Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that teleports the caster to the location they're looking at.


Option Description Default Value
relative-offset This offset will move the player relative to the location they're targeting with the teleport spell. By default, it moves the player up a tenth of a block to prevent falling through blocks. 0,0.1,0
pitch The pitch to set the caster to when teleporting. Does nothing if set to 0. 0
yaw The yaw to set the caster to when teleporting. Does nothing if set to 0. 0
str-cant-teleport String message sent if the targeted block cannot be teleported to for some reason. ""


    spell-class: ".targeted.TeleportSpell"
    range: 30
        - mana 50
    str-cant-teleport: "You can't teleport there!"

토템 주문

·         (Source Code)

·         Description:

·         Totem spell spawns an armor stand which can pulse spells.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
helmet   air
chestplate   air
leggings   air
boots   air
off-hand (Offhand) air
main-hand   air
y-offset   0
interval The time in ticks between each spellcast the totem makes. 30
total-pulses How many times the totem should attempt to cast its spells before expiring. 5
cap-per-player How many totems each player can have at once. 10
max-distance The maximum amount of blocks the player can be from their totem before it vanishes. 30
allow-caster-target Whether the caster should be able to target the totem with his spells. false
marker When marker is set to true the armorstand's hitbox is set to 0 and the interaction with it is disabled. false
gravity Should gravity be applied to the armor stand? false
visible Should the armor stand be visible? true
targetable Should the armor stand be targetable? true
totem-name-visible This toggles the visibility of the custom name - in case the totem is named for targeting purposes (modifiers). true
only-count-on-success If true, only successfully casted spells (requiring targets, as an example) will count towards total-pulses. Useful in making trap-style spells. false
str-at-cap String message for if the player has the maximum amount of totems out already. "You have too many effects at once."
totem-name The entity's custom name. Supports variable replacement ""
spells Sub-spell list to pulse through. Empty
spell-on-break Sub-spell the totem should cast if it is broken. null

·         Example:

·         Totem:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.TotemSpell"
·             range: 3
·             cooldown: 12
·             permission-name: totem
·             total-pulses: 2
·             interval: 5
·             max-distance: 500
·             helmet: GLASS
·             totem-name: "&6Totem of Pain"
·             only-count-on-success: true
·             str-at-cap: "You can only control 2 totems at once!"
·             cap-per-player: 2
·             spells:
·                 - AOE_TOTEM
·         AOE_TOTEM:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: totem
·             horizontal-radius: 10
·             vertical-radius: 10
·             can-target: players,nonplayers
·             spells:
·                 - DOT_TOTEM
·         DOT_TOTEM:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DotSpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: totem
·             delay: 5
·             interval: 20
·             duration: 200
·             damage: 1
·             prevent-knockback: true 
·             can-target: players,nonplayers

주문 변환

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that sets the targeted block to another material.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
transmute-type What block should it change to? gold_block
transmutable-types List of blocks which this spell can target. null

·         Example:

·         transmute:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.TransmuteSpell"
·             transmutable-types:
·                 - GRASS_BLOCK
·             transmute-type: GOLD_BLOCK

나무 주문

Source Code

A targeted spell that makes a tree grow at the targeted location.


Option Description Default Value
tree-type Type of the tree. (see below) tree
animation-speed Speed of the tree grow animation. 20

Tree types:

  • tree
  • big_tree
  • redwood
  • tall_redwood
  • birch
  • jungle
  • small_jungle
  • cocoa_tree
  • jungle_bush
  • red_mushroom
  • brown_mushroom
  • swamp
  • acacia
  • dark_oak
  • mega_redwood
  • tall_birch
  • chorus_plant


    spell-class: ".targeted.TreeSpell"
    tree-type: redwood

덩굴 주문

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that makes vines grow on the targeted block.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
up How far to spread the vines up. 3
down How far to spread the vines down. 1
width How far to spread the vines horizontally. 1
animate-interval Interval between spawning vines. 0

·         Example:

·         vines:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.VinesSpell"
·             up: 3
·             down: 3
·             width: 0
·             animate-interval: 5

발리 스펠
Volley Spell

Source Code

Targeted spell that shoots a large number of arrows at a targeted block.


Option Description Default Value
fire How long to set the targets on fire. 0
speed The velocity to apply to the arrows shot. 20
arrows The amount of arrows to shoot in total. 10
spread How wide a spray the arrows should cover. 150
remove-delay How long to wait before erasing the arrows that land in the ground. 0
shoot-interval Time between arrows firing, in ticks. 0
knockback-strength Strength of the knockback. 0
damage Damage dealt by arrows. 4
y-offset Start height offset of the location. 3
gravity Whether to apply gravity to the arrows or not. true
critical Should the arrow have a critical effect? false
no-target Whether to require a target for the spell. false
power-affects-speed Whether power should affect the speed the arrows fly at. false
power-affects-arrow-count Whether power should affect how many arrows get fired. true


    spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell"
    name: volley
    spell-icon: bow
    description: Send a volley of arrows at your targeted location.
    cast-item: blaze_rod
    cooldown: 45
    range: 30
    arrows: 10
    speed: 20
    spread: 150
    shoot-interval: 0
        - mana 20
        - arrow 2
    str-cost: 20 mana and 2 arrows
    str-cast-self: You fire a volley of magic arrows.
    str-cast-others: "%a fires a volley of arrows."
    str-no-target: No target found.

Zap Spell

·         Source Code

·         A targeted spell that instantly breaks the block the caster is looking at.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
allowed-block-types A list of allowed block types to break. null
disallowed-block-types A list of block types not allowed to be broken. "bedrock, lava, water"
str-cant-zap Message to send when the caster is unable to zap the targeted block. ""
drop-block Whether to drop the block or not. false
drop-normal Whether to drop the normal type of that block. true
check-plugins Check block-related plugins? true
play-break-effect Whether to play the block break effect when cast. true

·         Example:

·         zap:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.ZapSpell"
·             name: zap
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 1
·             allowed-block-types: []
·             disallowed-block-types: [air, bedrock]
·             drop-block: false
·             drop-normal: true
·             check-plugins: true
·             range: 15
·             cost:
·                 - mana 5
·             str-cost: 5 mana
·             str-cast-self: You zapped a block.
·             str-cant-zap: You can't zap that.
·             str-no-target: No target found.

버프 주문(Buff Spells)

모든 버프 주문
Buff Spell
Buff Spell Configuration:

Most buff spells have special events which define when Uses are incremented. Some buffs, like DummySpell, don't. Below, ...-use-... options refer to these Uses. You can use Uses, for example, to make the buff last forever (duration: 0), but end after it depletes its uses.

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
can-cast-with-item Defines if this spell is castable with items. Boolean true
can-cast-by-command Defines if this spell is castable with the /cast (spell) command. Boolean true
targeted Defines if this spell should become a targeted spell (it will accept Targeted Spell Configuration options). For versions below MS 4.0 this option will not be able to target entities other than players. Boolean false
toggle Defines whether the spell can be deactivated while it's still active. It will only apply cooldown when its duration fades. Boolean true
use-cost A string list of reagent costs (check general spell configuration for costs) required for the buff to remain active. The cost will be charged only when the buff spell's Uses is incremented. String List null
use-cost-interval Interval defines after how many Uses the spell can charge use-cost. Integer 0
num-uses Number of Uses before the buff spell expires. Integer 0
duration Buff spell duration specified in seconds before the buff expires. Set to 0 do define an infinite duration. Float 0
power-affects-duration Defines whether Spell Power can affect the duration of the spell. Boolean true
cancel-on-give-damage Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster deals damage to another entity. Boolean false
cancel-on-take-damage Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster receives damage. Boolean false
cancel-on-death Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster dies. Boolean false
cancel-on-teleport Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the server emits a teleport event for the caster. Boolean false
cancel-on-change-world Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster switches worlds. Boolean false
cancel-on-spell-cast Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster casts a spell. Boolean false
cancel-on-logout Defines whether the buff spell will cancel if the caster leaves the game. Boolean false
spell-on-end Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell reaches the end of its duration. String null
spell-on-use-increment Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell Uses have been incremented (depends on the buff spell type). This spell will be casted once even if num-uses is set to 0. String null
spell-on-cost Sub-spell that will be casted whenever the buff spell tries to charge cost. String null


변장 주문
Disguise Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


This spell disguises the entity disguise as another entity. LibsDisguises is required for this spell!


Buff spell doesn't have Uses.


Option Description Default Value
player-name player name if the disguise entity is a player ""
skin-name skin name if the disguise entity is a player player-name
data data used for disguises 0
burning Should the disguised entity burn? false
glowing Should the disguised entity glow? false
disguise EntityData config section, learn more about EntityData -


    spell-class: ".buff.ext.DisguiseSpell"
    name: "Disguise"
    toggle: true
        entity: tropical_fish
        type: clayfish
        color: red
        pattern-color: blue


아머 스펠
Armor Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that summons armor for the entity.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity receives damage while wearing the armor buff.


Option Description Default Value
permanent Whether the armor is permanent, or temporary. If permanent, it will be removable, and if temporary, it will not be able to be taken off for the duration. false
replace Whether the conjured armor should replace any armor the caster currently has on. If this is not enabled, and there is ANY armor currently equipped, the spell will not be able to be cast. false
helmet The helmet to conjure to the player. Supports Magic Items and Single string magic items. ""
chestplate The chestplate to conjure to the player. ""
leggings The leggings to conjure to the player. ""
boots The boots to conjure to the player. ""
str-has-armor String message to send if the caster already has armor on and replace is not set to true. "You cannot cast this spell if you are wearing armor."


    spell-class: ".buff.ArmorSpell"
    toggle: false
    replace: true
    permanent: false
    duration: 30
    helmet: leather_helmet{name:"&4Bloody Helmet", color:FF0000, enchants:{ blast_protection:2 }}
    chestplate: leather_chestplate{name:"&4Bloody Chestplate", color:FF0000, enchants:{ blast_protection:2 }}
    leggings: leather_leggings{name:"&4Bloody Leggings", color:FF0000, enchants:{ blast_protection:2 }}
    boots: leather_boots{name:"&4Bloody Boots", color:FF0000, enchants:{ blast_protection:2 }}

카펫의 주문
Buff Carpet Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         Summon a carpet at the entity's feet. It will follow the entity as it moves. If it jumps, it will move up. If the entity is a player, they can sneak to make it move downwards.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the carpet moves.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
platform-block What material the platform is made of. glass
size   2

·         Example:

·         carpet:
·             spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell"
·             size: 2
·             platform-block: glass
·             duration: 10

명쾌한 주문
Clarity Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that modifies the reagent cost of spells casted while it's active.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever a spell is cast with the buff active.


Option Description Default Value
multiplier A number to multiply spell costs by. If you want to reduce spell costs, this number should be less than 1. 0.5
power-affects-multiplier Self-explanatory. true
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".buff.ClaritySpell"
    multiplier: 0.5
    duration: 60

데미지 파워 스펠
Damage Empower Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that modifies the damage of spells.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever a damage spell is cast with the buff active.


Option Description Default Value
damage-multiplier A number to multiply spell damage by. If you want to reduce spell damage, this number should be less than 1. 1.5
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".buff.DamageEmpowerSpell"
    damage-multiplier: 1.5
    duration: 60

닷지 스펠

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         Buff spell that makes the entity dodge incoming ParticleProjectile spells.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity dodges a projectile.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
distance Distance away from the projectile where the player will be teleported. 2
spell-before-dodge Sub-spell to be casted at the caster location before the dodge. ""
spell-after-dodge Sub-spell to be casted at the caster location after the dodge. ""
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  

·         Example:

·         dodge:
·             spell-class: ".buff.DodgeSpell"
·             toggle: true
·             duration: 20
·             distance: 2
·             spells:
·                 - particleProjectileSpellName

맞춤법 강화
Empower Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that increases spell power of spells casted while it's active by a multiplier.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever a spell's power is modified.


Option Description Default Value
power-multiplier The amount to multiply spell power by. 1 means the spell power stays the same. 1.5
max-power-multiplier The maximum you can multiply your spell power to. Useful to prevent stacking. 1.5
power-affects-multiplier Self-explanatory. true
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


    spell-class: ".buff.EmpowerSpell"
    power-multiplier: 2.0
    max-power-multiplier: 4.0
    duration: 10
    str-cast-self: "You feel empowered."
    str-cast-others: "%a powers up!"

화염산책의 주문
Flamewalk Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         Buff spell that lights nearby targets on fire.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment on tick-interval.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
radius The area of effect to light things on fire from. 8
fire-ticks How long the fire should last, in ticks. 80
tick-interval How often to set new fires. 100
check-plugins Self-explanatory. true
power-affects-fire-ticks Self-explanatory. true

·         Example:

·         Flamewalk:
·             spell-class: ".buff.FlamewalkSpell"
·             radius: 8
·             fire-ticks: 80
·             tick-interval: 100

프로스트워크 주문
Frostwalk spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that turns water source blocks beneath the entity into ice, similar to frost walker enchant, only customizable size.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity moves.


Option Description Default Value
size The size of the circle that freezes. 2
leave-frozen Whether to make the ice the caster creates permanent. false


    spell-class: ".buff.FrostwalkSpell"
    size: 2
    leave-frozen: true
    duration: 5

아가미의 주문
Gills Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         A buff spell that allows the entity to breathe underwater.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment on tick-interval.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
head-effect Should the player get a block placed on their head true
head-block Material name of the head block glass
refill-air-bar Should the player's air bar be refilled? true

·         Example:

·         gills:
·             spell-class: ".buff.GillsSpell"
·             name: gills
·             description: Allows you to breathe underwater.
·             cast-item: book
·             head-effect: true
·             cooldown: 60
·             duration: 300
·             num-uses: 5
·             cost:
·                 - mana 50
·                 - sugar_cane 1
·             use-cost:
·                 - sugar_cane 1
·             use-cost-interval: 1
·             str-cost: 50 mana and 1 sugar cane, plus 1 sugar cane few seconds
·             str-cast-self: You form gills on your neck!
·             str-fade: Your gills disappear.

러시 스펠
Haste Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be casted by/on players.


Buff spell that heavily increases the player's sprint speed.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player activates sprint.


Option Description Default Value
effect-strength How strong the speed granted is. 3
boost-duration The maximum amount of time the speed effect lasts before it expires (in ticks), even if the player is still sprinting. 300
acceleration-amount Amount of accelerations. 0
acceleration-delay Start delay before the first acceleration. 0
acceleration-increase Speed increase per acceleration. 0
acceleration-interval Interval before each acceleration. 0
hidden Toggles particle visibility. false
power-affects-strength Self explanatory. true


    spell-class: ".buff.HasteSpell"
    effect-strength: 3
    boost-duration: 300
    duration: 60
        - 331 3
    str-cost: 3 redstone
    str-cast-self: You gain unnatural speed!
    str-cast-others: "%a gains unnatural speed!"
    str-fade: You lose your unnatural speed.

영향 기록 철자
Impact Record Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


While active, the spell saves the internal spell name of spells that the entity gets targeted by in a string variable.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity is targeted.


Option Description Default Value
variable-name Name of the variable ""
record-cancelled Whether the record should be cancelled false
  This spell supports Spell Filter options defined under a filter configuration section.  
        type: playerstring
    spell-class: ".buff.ImpactRecordSpell"
    duration: 100
    variable-name: recordedSpell
            - NotRecordable

투명 마법
Invisibility Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be casted by/on players.


Buff spell that makes the player completely invisible to all entities.


Buff spell doesn't have Uses.


Option Description Default Value
prevent-pickups Stop the caster from picking up any items while vanished. true
mob-radius If any creature is within the radius and targets you, its target is set to null true


    spell-class: ".buff.InvisibilitySpell"
    permission-name: assassin
    cooldown: 12
        - mana 25
        - mana 5
    use-cost-interval: 1
    str-cost: 25 mana, plus 5 mana per second
    toggle: true
    prevent-pickups: true
    cancel-on-give-damage: true
    cancel-on-take-damage: true
    cancel-on-logout: true
    cancel-on-spell-cast: true
    str-cast-self: "You vanish!"
    str-cast-others: "%a vanishes!"
    str-fade: "&7You are visible again."

무적의 주문
Invulnerability Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that makes the entity invincible against the specified damage types.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity receives damage.


Option Description
damage-causes A list of damage causes to make the caster invulnerable to. If left blank, all damage causes will be blocked.
spell-damage-causes A list of custom spell damage types caused by damage spells to make the caster invulnerable to. (Add * to block all spell damage)


    spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
    description: Makes you invulnerable to environmental damage.
    toggle: false
        - block explosion
        - contact
        - drowning
        - fall
        - fire
        - lava
        - lightning
        - suffocation
    duration: 60
    cooldown: 300
        - mana 30
        - mana 15
    use-cost-interval: 5
    str-cost: 30 mana, plus 15 mana when taking damage
    spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell"
    description: Makes you invulnerable to everything.
    toggle: false
    duration: 5
    cooldown: 20
        - mana 80
    str-cost: 80 mana

라이프워크의 주문
Lifewalk Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that causes flowers and shrubbery to grow where you walk.


Buff spell Uses increment on tick-interval.


Option Description Default Value
tick-interval How often, in ticks, the spell should update the caster's position to attempt to place more flowers and shrubs. 15
blocks material list with its chance to spawn null


    spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell"
    name: lifewalk
    description: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
    cast-item: book
    tick-interval: 15
        - dandelion 25
        - poppy 50
        - mana 25
        - poppy 1
        - dandelion 1
        - dandelion 1
    use-cost-interval: 25
    str-cost: 25 mana, 1 poppy, 1 dandelion, plus 1 flower every so often
    str-cast-self: Flowers grow in your footsteps!
    str-cast-others: Flowers grow in %a's footsteps!
    str-fade: Flowers no longer grow in your footsteps.

라이트워크의 주문
Lightwalk Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can only be cast by/on players.

·         Description:

·         A buff spell that lights up the player's path.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player moves.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
block-type Block used as the light source. light
allowed-types Material list to allow the light block to spawn. Due to default block changes, the only option is air. null
y-offset Offset of the light block along the y-axis. 0

·         Example:

·         glowstone-walk:
·             spell-class: ".buff.LightwalkSpell"
·             cast-item: golden_boots
·             description: Light your path.
·             block-type: glowstone
·             y-offset: -1
·             allowed-types:
·                 - grass_block
·             cost:
·                 - mana 25
·                 - torch 3
·             use-cost:
·                 - torch 1
·             use-cost-interval: 25
·             str-cost: 25 mana and 3 torches, plus 1 torch occasionally
·             str-cast-self: Light appears at your feet.
·             str-fade: The light at your feet goes out.
·         light-walk:
·             spell-class: ".buff.LightwalkSpell"
·             block-type: light[level=15]
·             y-offset: 0
·             allowed-types: [air]

릴리워크 주문
Lilywalk Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         This spell allows the entity to walk across water by spawning lily pads beneath their feet. Spell Power does not affect this spell.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity moves.

·         Configuration:

·         This buff spell has no individual options.

·         Example:

·         lilywalk:
·             spell-class: ".buff.LilywalkSpell"
·             name: lilywalk
·             spell-icon: lily_pad
·             description: Lets you walk on water on lily pads.
·             cast-item: book
·             cooldown: 30
·             cost:
·                 - mana 40
·                 - lily_pad 1
·             use-cost:
·                 - lily_pad 1
·             use-cost-interval: 25
·             str-cost: 40 mana and 1 lilypad, plus 1 lilypad every 50 blocks
·             str-cast-self: You can now walk on water!
·             str-cast-others: "%a can now walk on water!"
·             str-fade: You can no longer walk on water.

마력 재생 마법
Mana Regen Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be casted by/on players.


Buff spell that increases the player's mana regen rate.


Buff spell Uses increment on mana regen event.


Option Description Default Value
regen-mod-amt The amount of additional mana to receive each mana regen "tick". 3


    spell-class: ".buff.ManaRegenSpell"
    description: Increase mana regeneration for a time.
    cooldown: 300
    duration: 60
    regen-mod-amt: 3
    str-cast-self: Your thoughts race and flow with ease!
    str-fade: Your mind returns to normal.

미니언 스펠
Minion Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can only be casted by/on players.

·         Description:

·         Buff spell that summons a minion bound to the player.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the minion changes targets or deals damage.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
mob-chances A list of the possible types of mobs this minion spell should summon. Can include a percentage chance. See example below. null
potion-effects A list of potion effects to apply to the summoned minion. null
attributes A list of attributes to apply to the summoned minion. See example below for formatting. null
main-hand The item to be held in the minion's main hand. ""
off-hand The item to be held in the minion's off hand. ""
helmet The armor piece to show up in the helmet slot. ""
chestplate The armor piece to show up in the chestplate slot. ""
leggings The armor piece to show up in the leggings slot. ""
boots The armor piece to show up in the boots slot. ""
minion-targets A list of things the minion should be able to target. Similar to can-target option. null
main-hand-drop-chance The chance to drop the item in the minion's main hand. 0
off-hand-drop-chance The chance to drop the item in the minion's off hand. 0
helmet-drop-chance The chance to drop the minion's helmet. 0
chestplate-drop-chance The chance to drop the minion's chestplate. 0
leggings-drop-chance The chance to drop the minion's leggings. 0
boots-drop-chance The chance to drop the minion's boots. 0
spell-on-spawn Sub-spell to cast when the minion spawns. This is achieved, code-wise, by having the caster cast a spell at the minion's location. The minion itself is not the one casting the spell. Must be able to target location or the mob itself. ""
spell-on-attack Sub-spell to cast when the minion lands a hit. This is achieved, code-wise, by having the caster cast a spell at the minion's target. The minion itself is not the one casting the spell. ""
spell-on-death Sub-spell to cast when the minion dies. This is achieved, code-wise, by having the caster cast a spell at the minion's location. The minion itself is not the one casting the spell. Must be able to target location. ""
spawn-offset The offset to use when spawning a minion. 1,0,0
follow-range The distance the minion should try to be from the caster. 1.5
follow-speed The speed at which the minion will run to the caster when it reaches max-distance. 1
max-distance The maximum distance the minion can be from the caster before running to them. 30
power-affects-health Whether to let spell power influence the health option. false
power-health-factor The factor of which to change the mob's health based on spell power. 1
max-health The maximum health the minion is able to have. 20
health The beginning health of the mob on spawning. 20
minion-name The name of the minion. If defined, the nameplate will always display above the mobs head. ""
gravity Whether the minion should follow gravity. true
baby Whether the minion should be a baby version of the mob being summoned. false
prevent-sun-burn Whether to prevent the minions from taking burn damage in the sun. true

·         Example:

·         HellKnight:
·             spell-class: ".buff.MinionSpell"
·             permission-name: necromancer
·             duration: 60
·             mob-chances:
·                 - Wither_Skeleton 100
·             minion-name: "&a%c's &cHell Knight"
·             prevent-sun-burn: true
·             follow-range: 25
·             follow-speed: 1
·             spell-on-spawn: MinionSpawnEffect
·             max-health: 40
·             health: 40
·             max-distance: 25
·             main-hand: stone_axe
·             off-hand: shield
·             helmet: diamond_helmet#000000;durability--100|&0Sacrificial__Helmet
·             chestplate: diamond_chestplate#000000;durability--100|&0Sacrificial__Plate
·             leggings: diamond_leggings#000000;durability--100|&0Sacrificial__Leggings
·             boots: diamond_boots#000000;durability--100|&0Sacrificial__Boots
·             toggle: false
·             minion-targets:
·                 - players
·                 - nonplayers
·             attributes:
·                 - "knockback_resistance 5 addnumber"
·                 - "armor 4 addnumber"
·             potion-effects:
·                 - 2 1200 1
·         MinionSpawnEffect:
·             spell-class: ".targeted.DummySpell"
·             helper-spell: true
·             permission-name: necromancer
·             effects:
·                    1:
·                     position: target
·                     effect: effectlib
·                     effectlib:
·                         class: AnimatedBallEffect
·                         particle: EXPLOSION_LARGE
·                         particles: 10
·                         particlesPerIteration: 10
·                         size: 1
·                         yOffset: 1
·                         xFactor: 1
·                         yFactor: 1.25
·                         zFactor: 1
·                         period: 0
·                         iterations: 1
·                         visibleRange: 100
·                    2:
·                     position: target
·                     effect: lightning

리치 스펠
Reach Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can only be cast by/on players.

·         Description:

·         A buff spell that lets the player place and (instantly) destroy blocks.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player right clicks or left clicks.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
range The range, in blocks, which the caster can now place and break. 15
consume-blocks Whether to use blocks in the player's inventory as a cost for placement. true
drop-blocks Whether broken blocks should drop as items. true
disallowed-break-blocks A list of blocks that are not allowed to be broken by this spell. null
disallowed-place-blocks A list of blocks that are not allowed to be placed by this spell. null

·         Example:

·         reach:
·             spell-class: ".buff.ReachSpell"
·             name: reach
·             spell-icon: dispenser
·             description: Place and destroy blocks from far away.
·             cast-item: stick
·             cooldown: 120
·             duration: 60
·             range: 15
·             consume-blocks: true
·             drop-blocks: true
·             disallowed-break-blocks:
·                 - air
·                 - bedrock
·             disallowed-place-blocks:
·                 - air
·                 - bedrock
·             cost:
·                 - mana 50
·             str-cost: 50 mana
·             str-cast-self: You gain the ability to manipulate the world around you.
·             str-fade: You can no longer manipulate the world around you.

주문 반영
Reflect Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         A buff spell that allows the entity to reflect spells.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity is targeted by a spell.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
shield-breakers List of spells which ignore the spell null
delayed-reflection-spells List of spells null
reflected-spell-power-multiplier Power multiplier for the reflected spell 1
spell-power-affects-reflected-power Whether spell power should affect reflected spell power false
delayed-reflection-spells-use-payload-shield-breaker   true

·         Example:

·         reflect:
·             spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell"
·             name: reflect
·             spell-icon: glass_pane
·             description: Reflect spells cast at you.
·             cooldown: 30
·             num-uses: 3
·             cost:
·                 - mana 30
·             use-cost:
·                 - mana 20
·             use-cost-interval: 1
·             str-cost: 30 mana, plus 20 mana per spell reflected
·             str-cast-self: You feel a magical barrier surround you.
·             str-cast-others: A magical barrier surrounds %a.
·             str-fade: Your magical barrier fades.

Resist Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that reduces the amount of damage taken from specified sources.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity resists a spell.


Option Description Default Value
multiplier How much to reduce the damage taken. Accepts decimal values; use a number below 1 to make it reduce damage. 0.5, for example, will reduce incoming damage by 50%. 0.5
power-affects-multiplier Self-explanatory. true
spell-damage-types A list of the types of damage to reduce, specifically from spells. null
normal-damage-types A general list of damage types to reduce globally. List of damage types here. null


    spell-class: ".buff.ResistSpell"
    duration: 6
    toggle: false
    str-cast-self: "**Pavise**"
    str-fade: "&7**Pavise Over**"
    multiplier: 0.5

체력 주문 보기
See Health Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be casted by/on players.


Buff spell that allows players to see their target's health bar.


  • Buff spell doesn't have Uses.


Option Description Default Value
bar-size Size of the health bar 20
update-interval The interval between the bar update 5
symbol Symbol used to create the bar "="


    spell-class: ".buff.SeeHealthSpell"
    cooldown: 300
    duration: 60
    symbol: "="
    bar-size: 20
    update-interval: 5
    str-fade: You cant see health bars anymore.

주문 서두르기 주문
Spell Haste Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that changes cooldown and cast times.


  • Buff spell doesn't have Uses.


Options Description Default Value
cast-time-mod-amt The amount to change the cast time by, as a percentage. A negative number reduces the cast time, while a positive number will increase it. -25
cooldown-mod-amt The amount to change the cooldown by, as a percentage. A negative number reduces the cooldown, while a positive number will increase it. -25
  This spell supports Spell Filter options.  


      spell-class: ".buff.SpellHasteSpell"
      cooldown: 60
      duration: 15
      cast-time-mod-amt: -50
      cooldown-mod-amt: -50
        - 331 3
      str-cost: 3 redstone dust
      str-cast-self: Your mind quickens, allowing you to cast faster!
      str-fade: Your mind slows again.

스텔스 스펠
Stealth Spell

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


Buff spell that makes the entity unable to be targeted by other entities. This is referring to aggressive entities, not spell targeting.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the entity is targeted by an aggressive entity.


This buff spell has no individual options.


    spell-class: ".buff.StealthSpell"
    name: stealth
    description: Become invisible to monsters.
    cast-item: bone
    cooldown: 60
    duration: 20
        - mana 15
    str-cost: 15 mana
    str-cast-self: You become invisble to monsters.
    str-fade: You are no longer invisible to monsters.

스톤 비전의 주문
Stonevision Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be cast by/on players.


Buff spell that turns nearby blocks into any other block, client-side only.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player moves.


Option Description Default Value
radius The radius that blocks get turned into glass. 4
unobfuscate If you are running a plugin that obfuscates ore, you will need to set this to true if you want the player to see the real ores when using this spell. If you don't use such a plugin, you should leave this false to save system resources. false
transparent-types A list of blocks to turn into a new block. null
material Block to show the transparent-types as. barrier


    spell-class: ".buff.StonevisionSpell"
    name: stonevision
    spell-icon: stone
    description: See through stone.
    cast-item: book
    range: 4
        - stone
    unobfuscate: false
    material: barrier
    cooldown: 60
    duration: 30
        - mana 50
        - stone 2
        - glass 2
    str-cost: 50 mana, 2 stone, and 2 glass
    str-cast-self: You can see through stone!
    str-fade: You can no longer see through stone.

산책 주문
Walkway spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be cast by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         Creates a magical walkway of blocks that always stays ahead of the entity. This spell can be glitchy - use the Windwalk Spell as an alternative.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment whenever the player moves.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
platform-type What block should the platform be made of oak_wood
size How big the platform is 6

·         Example:

·         walkway:
·             spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell"
·             name: walkway
·             description: Summon a moving magical walkway to take you places.
·             cast-item: book
·             cooldown: 60
·             platform-type: oak_wood
·             size: 6
·             cancel-on-logout: true
·             cancel-on-teleport: true
·             cost:
·                 - mana 50
·                 - oak_wood 1
·             use-cost:
·                 - mana 15
·                 - oak_wood 1
·             use-cost-interval: 15
·             str-cost: 50 mana, plus 15 mana and 1 oak wood every 15 blocks
·             str-cast-self: You summon a magical walkway.
·             str-fade: Your magical walkway disappears.

워터 워크의 주문
Waterwalk Spell

Source Code


This spell can only be casted by/on players.


Buff spell that causes the player to hover above the water. It actually activates flying for the player, but prevents them from flying up above the water, and deactivates it if they move over land.


Buff spell Uses increment whenever every 20 ticks - hardcoded.


Option Description Default Value
speed The speed at which the player walks on water. 0.05


    spell-class: ".buff.WaterwalkSpell"
    speed: 0.05
    duration: 60
    cancel-on-logout: true
        - mana 25
        - boat 1
        - water_lily 1
    use-cost-interval: 50
    str-cost: 25 mana and 1 boat, plus 1 water lily every 50 blocks moved
    str-cast-self: You can now walk on water!
    str-fade: You can no longer walk on water.

윈드 글라이드 스펠
WindGlide Spell

·         Source Code

·         Targeting:

·         This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.

·         Description:

·         Elytra flight without visible elytra.

·         Uses:

·         Buff spell Uses increment on interval.

·         Configuration:

Option Description Default Value
spell Sub-spell to be casted null
collision-spell Sub-spell to be casted when the caster collides with a block null
block-collision-dmg Should damage on block collision be disabled? true
cancel-on-collision Should the spell be cancelled on block collision? false
velocity How fast the player moves 20.0
height Whether or not the player sinks or rises 0.0
interval How many ticks until the spell and velocity is executed 4

·         Example:

·         Windglide:
·             spell-class: ".buff.WindglideSpell"
·             duration: 20
·             block-collision-dmg: true
·             cancel-on-collision: true
·             velocity: 10
·             height: 0
·             #spell: targetedspell1
·             #collision-spell: targetedspell2

바람의 산책 주문

Source Code


This spell can be casted by/on all living entities.


This spell lets the caster fly through the air, which works the same as creative mode flying.


Buff spell Uses increment every 20 ticks - hardcoded.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
fly-speed The speed the player flies. 0.1
launch-speed If this is greater than zero, the caster will be thrown into the air upon casting the spell (and won't fall because they'll be flying). The bigger the number, the higher they'll go. 1
max-y The maximum height y-value a player can fly. 260
max-altitude The maximum altitude (blocks above ground) the player can fly. 100
cancel-on-land Whether the windwalk effect is canceled upon landing on the ground. true

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".buff.WindwalkSpell"
    name: Windwalk
    enabled: true
    cast-item: stick
    fly-speed: 0.1
    launch-speed: 1
    cancel-on-land: false
    cancel-on-logout: true
    cancel-on-teleport: true
    duration: 10


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